Thank you!!
Anyway, I heard Darlen was contacted for this season and it sucks she didn't do it. I know Aimee from BGC1 wants to do one. I know BGC1 didn't have good ratings and was before BGC became popular, but she is one of the funniest people and I think she would actually bring a lot of drama. I wish they'd give some of the older people a chance, too.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;371147]Thank you!!
Anyway, I heard Darlen was contacted for this season and it sucks she didn't do it. I know Aimee from BGC1 wants to do one. I know BGC1 didn't have good ratings and was before BGC became popular, but she is one of the funniest people and I think she would actually bring a lot of drama. I wish they'd give some of the older people a chance, too.[/QUOTE]
No Prob.
Let me tell you something about Queen Darlen lol , She has been contacted for all 4 season of Love Games and both All-Star Battles , I have no clue why they don't use her for the ASB but rumor has it for LG she failed the pysch test on Season 1 of LG and Season 4 they found out she had a BF lol. Darlen,Hannah,Kate and Lea are among some of the girls always called contacted by production
[QUOTE=Npresh24;371155]No Prob.
Let me tell you something about Queen Darlen lol , She has been contacted for all 4 season of Love Games and both All-Star Battles , I have no clue why they don't use her for the ASB but rumor has it for LG she failed the pysch test on Season 1 of LG and Season 4 they found out she had a BF lol. Darlen,Hannah,Kate and Lea are among some of the girls always called contacted by production[/QUOTE]
Hanna from BGC2?
And UGH Queen Darlen please come back!! I love her so much lol. What about Jennavecia? She's disappeared basically. I'm surprised she hasn't been back.
Yes, Rocky is on this season...Rocky/Camila/Sarah have someone running their twitters.
This fan took pictures with some of the members of the mission winning team, while they were clubbing:
[Spoiler]Mehgan told this girl that met her at the club and took picture with them. Probably, they are playing individual and not in teams no more. This pictures were taken 4 days ago.[/Spoiler]
Thanks, that's awesome. I didn't think she'd return based on why she left last season. They must've offered her some serious money. I like that Camila and Sarah are there too and possibly on the same team.
[QUOTE=ViewRam90;371726]If that is the final 4 I am fine with any of them winning, funny how there is a girl from each of the last 4 seasons representing season 8-11.[/QUOTE]
The girl that posted those pictures wrote that there were other girls, but she just took pictures with the ones she liked.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;371171]Hanna from BGC2?
And UGH Queen Darlen please come back!! I love her so much lol. What about Jennavecia? She's disappeared basically. I'm surprised she hasn't been back.[/QUOTE]
Jennavecia was on VH1's Tool Academy back in the day. She was the Tool. The only female Tool. I miss her.
And Darlen.... And Neveen for that matter. And the Real Bad Girls Club. After Miami this show got stupid.
[QUOTE=Klounsnax2.0;371739]Jennavecia was on VH1's Tool Academy back in the day. She was the Tool. The only female Tool. I miss her.
And Darlen.... And Neveen for that matter. And the Real Bad Girls Club. After Miami this show got stupid.[/QUOTE]
Right, I'd love to see Neveen back too.
This cast to me is basic as hell (season 2) and the cast increase is not needed
but I do hope Nancy and Valentina have a redemption arc and make the top 4 , I refuse to acknolodge the mess that is S11 , Paula is really not needed again but I'm rooting for Shelly for Top 4 as well with maybe Mehgan in there , yeah Mehgan/Nancy/Shelly and Valentina for Top 4!
Mehgan to me is an awful human being. She's worse than Nia, who seems incredibly vilified on this site. (for what it's worth, I actually tolerate Nia, but can't stand Mehgan).
How is Mehgan awful?
Some of the cast is just eh like Paula and Stephanie. And no need for one of the twins to return too. Rocky because how she left the first season and I knew she was a competition beast.
[QUOTE=ViewRam90;372635]How is Mehgan awful?
Some of the cast is just eh like Paula and Stephanie. And no need for one of the twins to return too. Rocky because how she left the first season and I knew she was a competition beast.[/QUOTE]
She goes out of her way to do evil things. Fighting with natalie, trying to get natalie at the start of the show, fighting with security/body guards. She has a college degree, for god's sake, act like it.
After her season aired (Mehgan) a friend and I tried to book her for a party through her manager the manager told us it would be like 1500 when we talked to her on twitter she was nice to answer us and told us a lower price. She even told me happy birthday.
Interesting fact is that Natalie and Mehgan now follow each other on Twitter. I hope they've talked and Natalie has given Mehgan some advice on how to be entertaining without having to constantly fight.
[QUOTE=WittyWrath;372782]Interesting fact is that Natalie and Mehgan now follow each other on Twitter. I hope they've talked and Natalie has given Mehgan some advice on how to be entertaining without having to constantly fight.[/QUOTE]
Did not see that one coming at all.
[QUOTE=TeamLandon;390323]So ready for tonight!!! I think this season is gonna be much better than last season.[/QUOTE]
I cannot wait for it to air tonight and tomorrow the return of AHS AND RW EXplosion.
I have wanted to see season 6 girls on All star. Anyways Lauren "Kentucky" and Nikki from season 6 were in a MTV show "The Hook Up". Nikki is looking georgeous :
[url=]The Hook Up | Ep. 16 | MTV[/url]
Jade from season 6 was in another episode:
[url=]The Hook Up | Ep. 17 | MTV[/url]
[QUOTE=PinkRose;391280]I have wanted to see season 6 girls on All star. Anyways Lauren "Kentucky" and Nikki from season 6 were in a MTV show "The Hook Up". Nikki is looking georgeous :
[URL=""]The Hook Up | Ep. 16 | MTV[/URL]
Jade from season 6 was in another episode:
[URL=""]The Hook Up | Ep. 17 | MTV[/URL][/QUOTE]
Holy cow yeah Nikki's looking hot as hell. It's weird I thought the S6 girls were done with Reality TV and here they are on this show not even mentioning BGC.
Jade, still dry, meh.
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;391284]Holy cow yeah Nikki's looking hot as hell. It's weird I thought the S6 girls were done with Reality TV and here they are on this show not even mentioning BGC.
Jade, still dry, meh.[/QUOTE]
Nikki would be a beast on all star I don't know why she keeps declining.
I would love to see a mini season 6 reunion just like they're doing with Atlanta. Also it would be nice to see Kori bonding with BGC11's Sarah. I mean they are the Botox Barbies.
OMG don't forget to add Wilma too! I can see producers trying to stir up some unfinished drama between her and Nikki.
[QUOTE=ishot_JT;391296]I would love to see a mini season 6 reunion just like they're doing with Atlanta. Also it would be nice to see Kori bonding with BGC11's Sarah. I mean they are the Botox Barbies.
OMG don't forget to add Wilma too! I can see producers trying to stir up some unfinished drama between her and Nikki.[/QUOTE]
I loved the season 6 cast
Jessica for some reason was my favorite I don't know i just felt like she was the realist.
Kori I loved her personality too bad she was up in char's *** most of the season.
Lauren she stood her ground and was loyal to the end. She would be a tough competitor on all star battle.
Nikki the trouble maker she would be a beast competition wise.
Ashley k she was beautiful just her attitude was a turn off.
Sydney was a let down during her season and was more of a let down on love games I don't think she would do well on all star Battle pressure would get to her.
Wilma she's a favorite of that season I still remember her beating Nikki topless and when she tried to hit her with a lamp damn. I'm sure her strength will be nice on all star battle.
Char I don't think she would ever do an all star Battle if she does she would be targeted quick.
Jennifer the loud mouth maybe on a screaming competition but heck at Least she's more interesting than Stephanie.
Jade eh forgettable.
[QUOTE=ishot_JT;391296]I would love to see a mini season 6 reunion just like they're doing with Atlanta. Also it would be nice to see Kori bonding with BGC11's Sarah. I mean they are the Botox Barbies.
OMG don't forget to add Wilma too! I can see producers trying to stir up some unfinished drama between her and Nikki.[/QUOTE]
Kori is married and have a kid now...She said she is over reality TV.
Nikki is friends with Wilma and Jenn now.
I'm coming back to this thread because I remembered the conversation about season 6, and I just finished watching it for the first time. Anyone know why these girls were never on ASB? Did they just not contact any of them, or did they all decline or what?
I know for Season 1 Sydney , Ashley and Jessica were asked Sydney said yes the other 2 declined for Season 2 Nikki Lauren and Sydney were asked all declined. The producers don't like kori cause she lied on LG , Char cause she didn't renew her contract and Lauren/Wilma for leaking spoilers.
[QUOTE=Npresh24;398659]I know for Season 1 Sydney , Ashley and Jessica were asked Sydney said yes the other 2 declined for Season 2 Nikki Lauren and Sydney were asked all declined. The producers don't like kori cause she lied on LG , Char cause she didn't renew her contract and Lauren/Wilma for leaking spoilers.[/QUOTE]
It would've been nice to see any of them on the show. Surprised that Sydney, Ashley, and Jessica were all asked before Nikki and Lauren. The latter two were definitely more central characters to the season.
Also, for what it's worth, I like Wilma, but I was expecting to like her more than I actually ended up. Everyone always talks about how they love and she's their favorite, and I did enjoy watching her, but... I didn't LOVE her. She didn't really have a storyline besides beating Nikki up like 3 times, which granted, Nikki did deserve it, but we didn't really get to see her interact with other people too much. Her best addition to the show IMO was her amazing accent hahaha. I loved listening to her talk.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;398661]It would've been nice to see any of them on the show. Surprised that Sydney, Ashley, and Jessica were all asked before Nikki and Lauren. The latter two were definitely more central characters to the season.
Also, for what it's worth, I like Wilma, but I was expecting to like her more than I actually ended up. Everyone always talks about how they love and she's their favorite, and I did enjoy watching her, but... I didn't LOVE her. She didn't really have a storyline besides beating Nikki up like 3 times, which granted, Nikki did deserve it, but we didn't really get to see her interact with other people too much. Her best addition to the show IMO was her amazing accent hahaha. I loved listening to her talk.[/QUOTE]
You would think Jessica and Nikki would be good at the all star battle since they were more athletic than the others. Bummed we didn't get anyone from that season.