Bad Girls All-Star Battle II

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It isn't really predictable if I didn't know spoilers I wouldn't know that Paula would go home. and why the would the red team dress pink jackets, Oxygen cant afford a damn red jacket wow...
[QUOTE=Lola88;390936]This show is pretty good, but I wish their eliminations were like the challenge. It would give the girls that aren't in political power the ability to challenge the mob. Also it would ensure the baddest girl actually won, instead of the weak surviving because they vote out the strong. I loved Andrea and felt bad for her. Amy is my favorite so far. [B]Rocky is hella rude and looks like a transvestite [/B] Valentina/Alicia/Nancy are ratchet. Everyone else is just ok at this point.[/QUOTE] Lola, you're reaching now. LOL.
Is there any sneak peaks for episode 3?
Wait so Camila might go home on the next episode? Damn, that'd suck. She's my favorite with Rocky and Janelle right now. Just watched the first two episodes and even though, there's no Natalie, still enjoyed it.
It's too early to see who's running the game but it will appear like Rocky's alliance is dominating the game (Shelly, Sarah, Tiana, and Steph)I hope Camilla doesn't go home.
I felt really bad for Elease the way Camilla approached her was wrong and the fact that she tried to throw the challenge Is sad. I was a big fan of Camilla but I think I like Elease more now, the way she handled the situation inspired and at this point I think they're beef is all jealousy. Overall very good episode as usual and this season is going from good to very good to excellent to perfection... lol
Camila and Nancy are annoying #TeamElease...Sh eis to good for Bad Girls Club, she actually make money outside the show. I don't know why she keep doing these knowing that this other girls can be wild animals. [video=youtube;E1Nz4i3zEZQ][/video]
I too felt bad for Elease. There wasn't much she could have done to throw the challenge. The fact that they didn't even talk to her first gets me mad. I didn't like Camilla before and I still don't like her now.
[QUOTE=melm3;391379]I too felt bad for Elease. There wasn't much she could have done to throw the challenge. The fact that they didn't even talk to her first gets me mad. I didn't like Camilla before and I still don't like her now.[/QUOTE] Plus, Elease was trying to throw it...It's not her fault that the Gold team sucks enough to still lose.
[QUOTE=PinkRose;391381]Plus, Elease was trying to throw it...It's not her fault that the Gold team sucks enough to still lose.[/QUOTE] Yea! Camilla pretty much ****** both her and Elease's chances at winning this competition by putting their alliance on blast. If they don't win Captain's Challenge, there's a good chance they will be eliminated.
First of all, what the heck was Mehgan wearing at the elimination ceremony?! And Amy contradicted herself in her plea speech and her elimination speech. In her plea speech, she got all mad because people were "voting for themselves" and playing the game for themselves and not thinking of the team... then in her elimination speech, she goes, "I just think people need to start voting for themselves and thinking of themselves". Um, what? I don't respect Elease for trying to throw the challenge. I think that was definitely wrong of her. However, the way she handled everything besides that was actually very admirable. I'm rooting for her. I really don't like Camilla. Can she be, like, arrested or sued for destruction of property or something? What she did to Elease was messed up in so many ways. It's not even like that was a challenge that Elease COULD throw. You were all the way on the other side with your team; how could you have known whether or not Elease was giving it her all?! She is immature, rude, unstable, and fake, and I love that everyone is against her now.
[video=youtube;nwINasvv6Lo][/video] [video=youtube;Oiq-sh6pRNw][/video] [video=youtube;gVlxmVn3tB4][/video] [video=youtube;QU_hlcl7ixg][/video]
First off , This is not BGC Re-Do can we please get a more cohesive cast next time. 2 , More than half this cast os irrelavant. and Camilla is so jealous she can't even hide it , smh trying to steal Elease purse "where they do that at" Mehgan,Valentina,Elease,Shelly and Nancy I'm really digging everyone else is meh.
[QUOTE=Npresh24;391499]First off , This is not BGC Re-Do can we please get a more cohesive cast next time. 2 , More than half this cast os irrelavant. and Camilla is so jealous she can't even hide it , smh trying to steal Elease purse "where they do that at" Mehgan,Valentina,Elease,Shelly and Nancy I'm really digging everyone else is meh.[/QUOTE] Why Shelly ? If anyone Is irrelevant It's her
I felt bad for Elease, which was kind of shocking lol. Still love Camila. This season is so much better than the first one.
It's so dumb how the red team blames Elease for the loss, when she wasn't the only one to lose their match up.If they really wanted to see if she would have thrown the challenge, they should have paired her up with someone easier. We've seen enough Camilla vs Elease to know that Camilla will most likely win every time no matter how hard Elease went. The red team should have put up Rocky(even though I like her). She is basically useless now and even if she gets better, by that time, there will be no more teams and it'll be an individual competition. Stephanie pretty much got ****** over.
I'm so frustrated at this episode. First of all, Stephanie and Elease were my two favorites in the competition so of course I was disappointed to see them both nominated. I'm just really sad that Stephanie went home. She had a great character and you could tell she gave her all in every challenge. Even though I like Elease, I did lose respect for her when she tried to throw that team challenge. Red team was all sorts of messed up in their nominations this round. First of all, did you think that gold team would have ever gotten rid of Elease? Let me get this logic straight: Red team thinks Elease is working with gold team, so they're going to put a good competitor up with Elease to try and get Elease out? It just doesn't make sense. Second of all, of all people, why would they nominate Stephanie? Shelly was safe, and Sarah did win her heat against Mehgan (props to her on that). That leaves Rocky, Tiana, and Stephanie. Rocky can't even compete cause of her busted knee! Tiana lost her heat! Stephanie WON her heat! Why are they saying Stephanie is the weakest and needs to be nominated? There was literally zero chance of Elease going home when they nominated Stephanie. Also I'm sick and tired of Tiana and Rocky. Rocky thinks she gets a free pass even though she CAN'T EVEN COMPETE just because she's normally a good competitor. NEWSFLASH... YOU CAN'T COMPETE CAUSE YOUR KNEE IS BUSTED! Second, in the deliberation, Tiana goes "Well, I don't think I should be nominated because I think I'm a good competitor." Okay, and so? Just because you THINK you're a good competitor doesn't mean you actually are. Stephanie thought she was a good competitor, and at the end of the day, Stephanie outperformed Tiana in the team challenge. I'm just so upset that Stephanie went home, really. She was my favorite. Also, I'm surprised at how well Shelly is doing. I thought she would be a poor competitor and an outcast, but she is actually doing very well in both the social aspect AND the competition aspect. Good for you, Shelly!
So next episode is still a team challenge, when are the individual challenges begin? I like those better because its every bad girl from herself.
[QUOTE=ViewRam90;391840]So next episode is still a team challenge, when are the individual challenges begin? I like those better because its every bad girl from herself.[/QUOTE] I think next week is the last team elimination... Anyways, I am Team Elease and actually liked Stephanie.
[QUOTE=PinkRose;391844]I think next week is the last team elimination... Anyways, I am Team Elease and actually liked Stephanie.[/QUOTE] Yes can't wait now we are going to see the true alliances can't wait.
Wasn't Stephanie the asian girl who was straight then turned gay on her season. I could care less about the rest of the season. More Chicago please.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;391963]Wasn't Stephanie the asian girl who was straight then turned gay on her season. I could care less about the rest of the season. More Chicago please.[/QUOTE] No she was ******** during her season.
And she's Black & El Salvadoran
[QUOTE=Clarke;391973]And she's Black & El Salvadoran[/QUOTE] She is?
[QUOTE=ViewRam90;391996]She is?[/QUOTE] It's surprising, but true. I always thought she had some Asian in her as well, but it says in the bio on her website that she's black/Haitian and El Salvadorian. [url=]Stephanie George » SG Bio[/url]
[QUOTE=ViewRam90;391972]No she was ******** during her season.[/QUOTE] oKAY same thing...let's not be reaching.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;392031]oKAY same thing...let's not be reaching.[/QUOTE] Bisexuality is not the same thing as being gay/lesbian. It's comments like these that contribute to bisexuality invisibility. It is a legitimate sexual orientation.
[video=youtube;CXVfgxNFIpM][/video] [video=youtube;0PfH0ymTljM][/video] [video=youtube;3SDJLkkgUBY][/video]
[QUOTE=Youssarian;392051]Bisexuality is not the same thing as being gay/lesbian. It's comments like these that contribute to bisexuality invisibility. It is a legitimate sexual orientation.[/QUOTE] okay whatever.
[QUOTE=PinkRose;392053][video=youtube;CXVfgxNFIpM][/video] [video=youtube;0PfH0ymTljM][/video] [video=youtube;3SDJLkkgUBY][/video][/QUOTE] Those guys are fineeee, the girls were probably very happy.
