The Amazing Race 19: We Love Your Country Already; It Is Very Spacious

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How often do cabs break down or need gas in third world countries when racers jump in them? It seems to be a fair percentage of time. Not a lot, but a little more than you'd expect!
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;285128]Poor Amani/Marcus, I like them a lot![/QUOTE] They are growing on me. There isn't a team this season that I'm all for. I do like the snowboarders and Amani/Marcus, but they aren't as great as previous racing teams in my opinion. I'm finding this cast as a whole pretty boring and lackluster for some reason.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;285130]How often do cabs break down or need gas in third world countries when racers jump in them? It seems to be a fair percentage of time. Not a lot, but a little more than you'd expect![/QUOTE] There's always at least one per season. How else would they get their close eliminations and let you have the "edge of your seat" viewing experience?
[QUOTE=fabulous788;285131]They are growing on me. There isn't a team this season that I'm all for. I do like the snowboarders and Amani/Marcus, but they aren't as great as previous racing teams in my opinion. I'm finding this cast as a whole pretty boring and lackluster for some reason.[/QUOTE] That's how I was on the 1 or 2 other seasons I've seen before this one. But this time I like a lot of the teams. I knew about Zac before the show cause of his travels, so I was sold when I found out he was on, and Jeremy/Sandy have grown on me. They seem like good ppl, who I'd befriend in real life.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;285125]Boys... *eye roll*[/QUOTE] I'm busy killing moose to feed Zeus. When would I have time to learn to sew! :wink2: His mouse appetizers, as much as he thinks they could take care of us, just don't cut it. That said, I guess I need to learn how to sew a button on, or something like that.
Yet another 1st place win for the snowboarders? I wonder who's going to win this season?
Wow, Uverse Info didn't even see that comin! Lol sorry Justin! And is this 4 technicality 1st place win for Andy/Tommy? Lol wow, all three teans I dislike are having bad luck. I'm floored that Cathi didn't want to pay
How embarrassing, in a poor country to cheap out on the truck driver.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;285135]Yet another 1st place win for the snowboarders? I wonder who's going to win this season?[/QUOTE] Unless something changes, this is hippies v2 (season 9) as I have stated from the beginning.
Dying of laughter because the bed fell over on Cindy. Best part of the entire episode.
******* up Sandy!!!!
[QUOTE=Bacchus;285138]Unless something changes, this is hippies v2 (season 9) as I have stated from the beginning.[/QUOTE] Definitely. I wonder if they'll surprise us like the original hippies and be able to speak Japanese or some other random language.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;285139]Dying of laughter because the bed fell over on Cindy. Best part of the entire episode.[/QUOTE] Lol!!! Yeah that's what I was talking about when I mentioned bad luck... That made me sooo happy And the host is trolling by waiting so long to tell Bill/Cathi they must go back
Amani/Marcus could clutch out a win! Nevermind Nevermind again!! Yes!
How many NEL are they going to have this season? Ugh. Get rid of them (not the team, the NEL's)...
[QUOTE=fabulous788;285144]How many NEL are they going to have this season? Ugh. Get rid of them (not the team, the NEL's)...[/QUOTE] They were tightly packed, so it is annoying. I think it is a good team to be saved, but if they are going to do a 3rd NEL this season - I'm going to be disappointed.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;285145]They were tightly packed, so it is annoying. I think it is a good team to be saved, but if they are going to do a 3rd NEL this season - I'm going to be disappointed.[/QUOTE] Wasn't this technically the 3rd, since no one was eliminated on the first leg and it turned into a double elimination?
Yeah this season has been crawling with NEL not that I'm upset, cause I like who was saved, but I was legit shocked they've had another so soon
[QUOTE=fabulous788;285146]Wasn't this technically the 3rd, since no one was eliminated on the first leg and it turned into a double elimination?[/QUOTE] You are correct. Technically. Although they did get rid of two teams at the next check in. That first one was there to reconcile the fact that no one was eliminated on the first episode. In any event, NEL's grow old fast, especially being we can assume that we will see another this series. One NEL. Awesome. Two, not so cool. More than that, you are ruining a series I love. The reality is, the leg before is worthless if they use an airport equalizer to dismiss the previous leg. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens.
I like the Wikipedia articles on TAR because whoever does them also updates with how many road blocks each person has done. They are all fairly even except Jeremy/Sandy and Bill/Cathi, who are both at 5/2. Since they have to be even, there's a possibility that Sandy and Cathi will have to do RBs that their partners would be better suited for and will struggle in upcoming episodes. I'm not a huge fan of NEL legs and I've always wondered how they deem which legs to be NEL. The last two made sense as they stayed in Thailand and appear to be staying in Malawi next week. I'm not a huge fan of how the first leg has started becoming a NEL (or more of an extension leg) but I guess it gives every team an opportunity to get their feet wet. Either way, I like Amani and Marcus and hope they can step it up next week. The speed bumps haven't appeared to be too difficult this least they haven't had to sit on ice.
