The 19th season begins with 11 two-member teams, including former "Survivor" winners Ethan Zohn and Jenna Morasca, being introduced to a new Hazard penalty before departing Southern California for Taipei, Taiwan.
Do the showgirls not understand what "last place" means?
Being in last place means none of the other teams would have picked up your passport because they would have been ahead of you.
Didn't they say they were smart?
I'm gonna make the effort to watch this season all the way through! This will only be my second one!
I'm impressed that the grandparents got the riddle so quickly, or at least the edit made it seem like they did...
[QUOTE=Dash_Vegas!;280058]I'm gonna make the effort to watch this season all the way through! This will only be my second one!
I'm impressed that the grandparents got the riddle so quickly, or at least the edit made it seem like they did...[/QUOTE]
The spoilers at Reality Fan Forum said that the last team (the grandparents) to arrive was 4-5 hours behind the second to last team to arrive (the twins).
I'm going with edit.
It was a fun start. The shows girls sure got a bit of "luck."
The pass on the first leg doesn't bother me as I think it is good to get to know the teams a bit more before the first elimination and one hour is not enough time.
Don't have a favorite, but there are a few contenders.
The passport debacle was insane! Good thing for twitter. It just shows how much society uses social networking! I didn't like the fact the first leg was a non-elimination leg and I don't like the fact that next week is a double elimination.
This was a fun first episode and I really liked the Bungee Jump in the mall. I like when they have extreme missions.
I like the father son team. I think it's because the father has a proper English accent!
The first leg is awesome. Kind of lol when they couldn't recite the passage and the blasted the word WRONG! Haha. Felt bad for the grandparents though because they were so behind but glad they were safe. Double elimination will be interesting next week.