Amazing Race 16: Dan & Jordan Pious

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Amazing Race 16: Dan & Jordan Pious
[url=][img][/img][/url] [B]Brothers[/B] [B]Daniel Pious[/B] [B]Age[/B]: 24 [B]Hometown[/B]: Barrington, R.I. [B]Connection to your teammate[/B]: Brother [B]Current Occupation[/B]: Financial Advisor [B]Pet peeve about your teammate[/B]: He is very intense [B]Favorite hobbies[/B]: Watching and playing sports [B]Achievements[/B]: Being at the Winter Classic when the Bruins won in overtime [B]Lifelong to do list[/B]: Get a job with a major Boston sports team, get married, have kids and make them huge Boston sports fans [B]If I could switch places with someone[/B]: Theo Epstein (GM of the Red Sox) [B]Role Model/Hero[/B]: My dad and my grandfather [B]What are you passionate about? [/B]Boston sports [B]What would you do if you won the million dollars?[/B] I’d save and invest it. [B]People would be surprised to learn[/B]: That I really dislike traveling and it will probably be the most difficult part of the race for me [B]Favorite place you have ever visited[/B]: Fenway Park [B]Biggest challenge you and your teammate will face on the Race together[/B]: Staying under the radar and not rubbing the other teams the wrong way, and finding food that I like [B]What do you hope to accomplish by running the Race (other than winning one million bucks)?[/B] Jordan always wanted to be on the Race because it was his #1 dream in life. All I really want is to make it far enough so Jordan feels as if his dream is achieved [B]Jordan Pious[/B] [B]Age[/B]: 22 [B]Hometown[/B]: Barrington, R.I. [B]Connection to your teammate[/B]: Brother [B]Current Occupation[/B]: Strategic Consultant [B]Pet peeve about your teammate[/B]: He hates to travel [B]Favorite hobbies[/B]: Tennis, New England Patriots, dancing to my own beat [B]Achievements[/B]: Graduating from Emory University’s Goizueta Business School with High Distinction in May 2009 [B]Lifelong to do list[/B]: Travel the world, meet Tom Brady and start my own company. [B]If I could switch places with someone[/B]: I wouldn’t [B]Role Model/Hero[/B]: My parents. Their love for each other and our family, their work ethic, and the way they have supported me have really shaped who I am today. Also, Karen Rein, my best friend and life partner. She is what life is all about, love, happiness, and laughter [B]What are you passionate about?[/B] Tackling life challenges and chasing after new ones and Boston sports [B]What would you do if you won the million dollars[/B]: Save the money and use it to pay for my MBA [B]People would be surprised to learn[/B]: I was considerably overweight during a decent portion of my teenage years. I weighed 200 lbs and was only 5'1". [B]Favorite place you have ever visited[/B]: Israel [B]Biggest challenge you and your teammate will face on the Race together[/B]: Focusing our intensity and competitive spirits on the Race itself rather than on each other [B]What do you hope to accomplish by running the Race (other than winning one million bucks)?[/B] I want to create memories with my best friend and show my brother that there is more to our world than what we see at home [url=][img][/img][/url]
[QUOTE][B]Achievements[/B]: Being at the Winter Classic when the Bruins won in overtime[/QUOTE] Huh, that's interesting because it just happened a few weeks ago. So were these written/answered after they were on the show since they were back from filming by then?
[QUOTE=tatertots;151915]Huh, that's interesting because it just happened a few weeks ago. So were these written/answered after they were on the show since they were back from filming by then?[/QUOTE] Always a chance their answers could've changed. They probably gave them a different sheet to fill out for the website.