Amazing Race 15: Episode 11 - Discussion

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I loved this episode. It was a smart move on Dan's part not to give Big Easy the answer, low, but smart. I really like Erika and Brian and I am happy to see them in the final 3. I want to say I would have come up with "FRANZ" right away (I am very good with unscranbling letters), but when you are in a time sensitive game and under pressure, it's very hard, so I don't know how I would do, But F should have been a huge help. I am happy to see the Globe Trotter's leave!
Speculation going around is that the Trotters took the 4 hour penalty because they didn't care; they were only on the show to increase awareness of the Harlem Globetrotters. That's why they rolled over and died so easily at the roadblock...they made final 4, which was their goal.
[QUOTE=molds13;141012]Speculation going around is that the Trotters took the 4 hour penalty because they didn't care; they were only on the show to increase awareness of the Harlem Globetrotters. That's why they rolled over and died so easily at the roadblock...they made final 4, which was their goal.[/QUOTE] That's really what it seemed like, like they just rolled over. I mean anyone who was there to win would have never taken the 4 hr penalty unless they were way ahead of the other teams. Just sitting there for 4 hours would have KILLED me. Flight Time didn't even seem to question the move. I think that's why I like having "regular" people on these shows instead of Globetrotters or people who were already on another reality show or well off poker players. I want people who are there to fight it out not just quit when they get bored or tired.
There's an article on aol right now about reality show villians we love to hate. Sam and Dan were on there and I was shocked as I didn't know anyone considered them villians or disliked them enough to say they hated them. [url=|main|dl2|link4|]Most Evil Reality Show Villains on TV Right Now - Inside TV[/url]
