The Amazing Race 14: Ep. 10 - Discussion

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The Amazing Race 14: Ep. 10 - Discussion
[CENTER][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=2]The final four teams continue to race in China, where the duos receive painful foot massages[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]and swim 400 meters in Beijing. [/SIZE][SIZE=2]One racer's fear of water threatens to end her journey.[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [CENTER][URL=""]YouTube - The Amazing Race 14: Next time on TAR (Episode 10 preview)[/URL][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Additional Resources[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][URL=""][COLOR=#000000]The Amazing Race Forum[/COLOR][/URL] [URL=""][COLOR=#000000]The Amazing Race 14 Thread[/COLOR][/URL] [URL=""][COLOR=#000000]The Amazing Race 14 Trailer[/COLOR][/URL] [URL=""][COLOR=#000000]The Amazing Race 14 Elimination Station[/COLOR][/URL] [URL=""][B][COLOR=#000000]Tammy&Victor[/COLOR][/B][/URL][B] - [/B][URL=""][B][COLOR=#000000]Mel&Mike[/COLOR][/B][/URL][B] - [/B][URL=""][B][COLOR=#000000]Mark&Michael[/COLOR][/B][/URL][B] -[/B] [B][URL=""][B][COLOR=#000000]Christie&Jodi[/COLOR][/B][/URL] - [URL=""][B][COLOR=#000000]Cara&Jaime[/COLOR][/B][/URL][B] - [/B][URL=""][B][COLOR=#000000]Brad&Victoria[/COLOR][/B][/URL][B] - [/B][URL=""][B][COLOR=#000000]Amanda&Kris[/COLOR][/B][/URL] -[/B] [URL=""][B][COLOR=#000000]Margie&Luke[/COLOR][/B][/URL] [B]-[/B] [URL=""][B][COLOR=#000000]Linda&Steve[/COLOR][/B][/URL][B] - [/B][URL=""][B][COLOR=#000000]LaKisha&Jennifer[/COLOR][/B][/URL][B] - [/B][URL=""][B][COLOR=#000000]Jennifer&Preston[/COLOR][/B][/URL][/CENTER]
I will watch this tonight. Just not sure what time. :D
Can't believe it is already down to final 4! Do we think it will be a non-elimination leg? I think they have only had one so far... Water tasks always seem to hold someone up, should make it interesting.
I think something BIG happens tonight you guys! My Dad tweeted (yes my parents are on Twitter, haha) "WWWWOOOOOOWWWWW!" in response to the ending of TAR tonight. I told him not to spoil me, but now I am really excited!
Oy Vey! I can't take this!
Hahaha...offfffffff course. Nobody can hang with Phelps! He's a freak of nature (who I have some GREAT stories about)
[quote=molds13;63874]Hahaha...offfffffff course. Nobody can hang with Phelps! He's a freak of nature (who I have some GREAT stories about)[/quote] Are you of coursing about the end? because I don't want to spoil it if you are not. Do tell about the stories!
[QUOTE=tatertots;63886]Are you of coursing about the end? because I don't want to spoil it if you are not. Do tell about the stories![/QUOTE] Let's just say it involved an intense game of beer of the best I've ever been involved in. Overtimes. Sudden death. Comeback of the century. Blood. Sweat. Tears. Screaming. Oh, and I won. And yes, I was of coursing about the end.
[quote=molds13;63897]Let's just say it involved an intense game of beer of the best I've ever been involved in. Overtimes. Sudden death. Comeback of the century. Blood. Sweat. Tears. Screaming. Oh, and I won. And yes, I was of coursing about the end.[/quote] Haha nice! I think I love your edit description the best! I hate endings like that! So unsatisfying.
[QUOTE=tatertots;63904]Haha nice! I think I love your edit description the best! I hate endings like that! So unsatisfying.[/QUOTE] Maybe it wasn't THE best moment ever, but it's top 5 for sure. You know how athletes scream when they get really excited? That was me. It was the only time I've seen him dejected. I'm totally gonna brag about it to my grandkids. I was kinda disappointed with the first I thought he was gonna say they got a penalty for something.
A penalty would have been awesome! Jaime was so annoying again with her whining about how they never come in first even when they leave first, blah blah blah. Then her almost breakdown on the mat waiting for Phil to tell them their fate, ugh. I am so sick of her. You should brag about that! I would. I stink at beer pong, or beirut as we east coasters call it. Flip cup I can win, beirut is just never pretty for me.
I also think that Luke's grudge is a bit childish now. It's water under the bridge! Let it go, because it'll just hold you back in the end.
Someone should like Jamie and Cara. Might as well be me.
[QUOTE=V1man;63933]Someone should like Jamie and Cara. Might as well be me.[/QUOTE] Hey! I said I liked them! I have since the beginning! I'm actually fairly shocked that 3 of the teams left were my 1st episode favorites.
See I like Cara, just not Jaime. Unfortunately we can't split the pairs up and rework the teams to help eliminate the people we don't like, so Cara gets the whole guilty by association tag with me.
[QUOTE=tatertots;63940]See I like Cara, just not Jaime. Unfortunately we can't split the pairs up and rework the teams to help eliminate the people we don't like, so Cara gets the whole guilty by association tag with me.[/QUOTE] Yeah, if I had my way, Jamie and Victor wouldve been gone a long time ago...
Overall, this was a great episode! I was not a huge fan of Keisha and Jen coming into tonight, but felt for the phobia Keisha had of the water and didn't want her to give up. I was glad to see that in the end she was able to push through and complete the task. Throughout the entire hour I was sure that they were going home, but the end surprise was awesome! Not so much that Keisha and Jen were saved, but rather for the priceless look on Jaime and Cara's face when Phil said keep racing! Normally I am not a fan of extended legs, but this one seemed well worth it and well placed. [quote=V1man;63933]Someone should like Jamie and Cara. Might as well be me.[/quote] I have a feeling their likability is going to plunge next week (from the previews.) Looks like Jaime goes back on a "Why don't these Chinese people in China speak English" rant...
I like Tammy and Victor and would be happy to see them win but 3 China episodes in a row gives them too much of an advantage, IMO
[quote=ssseeeaaann;63979]I like Tammy and Victor and would be happy to see them win but 3 China episodes in a row gives them too much of an advantage, IMO[/quote] I'm pulling for them. I agree that they do have a huge advantage, but it seems like they need every bit of it just to stay alive!
That look on Jaime and Cara's face was priceless!! Then it cut right to To Be Continued... after Phil handed them their next clue, haha. I didn't like Keisha and Jen that much, but I felt so bad because I know how debilitating a fear of water/drowning/swimming can be. I was so happy she pushed through I am sure it will give them an extra burst when they get to Phil and find out their efforts were worth it all. It's amazing how much smoother of a race they run when Tammy and Victor communicate well and encourage each other! Margie is like a bionic woman or something! She can do it all!
I somehow knew something was going to happen at the end. Either a non elimination leg or an extended leg. It was obvious towards the middle-end of the episode when it didn't show Jamie and Cara get to the mat, while Jen was crying at the road block. They usually have one team run to the mat, while another team is still at the task. I felt really bad for Jen. I know about fears and how debilitating they can be, plus she had the added pressure of the race. The synch task was 10x harder than the swimming one. I dont think people understand how difficult it is to be in synch with someone else (no boy band reference please :) Jamie and Cara's face were priceless. Like I continue to say I like them!