Here is the complete cast for the 13th season of the Amazing Race! (Which premieres Sunday, September 28th, 8:00 eastern time)
[SIZE=5]Terence and Sarah[/SIZE]
Terence and Sarah have been dating for almost a year, but they couldn't be more different.
Sarah has an MBA from Wharton and is often the only woman in meetings during her long days working on Wall Street, while Terence sells real estate to pay the bills and satisfies his true passion by coaching runners.
Sarah claims that the biggest difference between the two is that she is lower maintenance and Terence is more emotional. However, she believes they share a competitive spirit and they’re smart, energetic, adventurous as well as fearless.
Terence describes himself as witty, sensitive and driven. One of his proudest accomplishments is finishing the last two New York City Marathons in under three hours.
This Team is determined to prove to themselves whether they belong together while on the Race. They hope that being well-traveled, physically fit, and highly competitive will help them win the $1 million. They think their biggest weakness could be the tendency to become too intense, fighting amongst themselves, or their dietary restrictions. Regardless of whether they win or not, this adventure will definitely be a journey that could make or break.
[SIZE=5]Marisa and Brooke[/SIZE]
These charming southern belles are best friends and are up for any challenge. They want to prove to the world that they’re not just cute blondes and that they can be athletic, cut-throat competitors.
Marisa is currently a broadcast journalism student at the University of South Carolina. She describes herself as ambitious, witty and spontaneous. Her extensive dance training has taught her to be focused and determined, skills that could help her to do well on the race.
Brooke is fascinated with other cultures and can’t wait to try out some of the Spanish she learned while living in Spain. She works as a graphic designer and enjoys traveling, painting and being outdoors. She believes that her take-charge attitude will be enough to get them through the rigors of the Race.
She and her best friend are certain this adventure will make them even better friends. And if they have to do a little flirting along the way, they’re not opposed to that either – whatever it takes to cross the finish line in first place.
[SIZE=5]Andrew and Dan[/SIZE]
Life couldn’t be any better for these fraternity brothers. Andrew and Dan met while attending Arizona State University and the last four years have been filled with good times. Some of the Teams refer to Andrew and Dan as “Team Superbad.”
Now they are ready for a life-altering experience. Andrew, a senior, is studying urban planning. He is hoping to make the most of their last year in college before they part ways. His laid-back appearance can be deceiving so count on him to be assertive, hands-on, and ready to take on anything that comes his way.
Dan graduated last December with a degree in Tourism Management. He enjoys bar hopping, sports and all things funny. Dan also loves to travel and hopes to use his extensive global travel knowledge and expertise to get a leg up on the competition.
These two say they can talk their way in or out of anything by cracking jokes and keeping the mood light, and they promise to bring more to the Race than any other Team. Look for them to always keep things entertaining in their own special way.
[SIZE=5]Aja and Ty[/SIZE]
This long-distance couple is looking for an opportunity to be together for an extended period of time. They’ve been dating long distance for nine months, living in two separate states and the longest time they’ve spent together was last Christmas for two weeks. They feel that the Race will help them determine if they can truly handle living together on a daily basis.
Having met each other four years ago at the University of Michigan, they quickly became friends, although Aja was dating someone else. When things turned sour, Aja realized Ty was the one for her – the only problem was she was living in Los Angeles and Ty was in Detroit.
Aja is an aspiring actress who also works as a makeup artist. She describes herself as energetic, insightful and compassionate. When asked what her biggest pet peeve about her teammate was, Aja said that Ty is known to have a poor estimation of time.
Ty is no stranger to the gym and he describes himself as ultra-competitive and hates the thought of losing. Currently, he works as a banker out of Detroit. He has not had the opportunity to travel much outside of the United States and looks forward to the Race as a chance to explore other cultures and compete against the game's best. He hopes they are as hungry to win as he is. Ty believes that Aja’s biggest weakness is she is easily upset.
[SIZE=5]Mark and Bill[/SIZE]
These comic book aficionados are determined to be the most strategic team ever to compete in the Race. Mark and Bill, friends for over 23 years, first met at a science fiction club and have been bonding over their love for comics and games ever since. Mark says that he “wears geek like a badge of honor.”
Mark describes himself as outgoing, funny and smart. He is willing to go anywhere and isn’t afraid of adventure. His last vacation was to Vanuatu in the South Pacific where he climbed a volcano.
Bill is the opposite of Mark -- he describes himself as cautious, easygoing, goofy, yet competitive. When asked how the Race could change their friendship, Bill says that the Race might present them with some bad situations, but in the end, they’ll finish with a deeper respect for one another.
These masterminds are ready to see what they are made of and are convinced that they can be one step ahead of the competition if they play their cards right.
[SIZE=5]Toni and Dallas[/SIZE]
Toni and Dallas have always been there for each other and will let nothing come between them. They are hoping the Race will provide them with some quality family time they’ve been missing out on since Dallas has been away at college - and maybe even a million dollars.
As a single mother, Toni sacrificed quite a bit to give Dallas a great childhood. Now Dallas is in college and living on his own.
Dallas can be very persuasive and enjoys getting people to do what he wants. His pet peeve about his Teammate is that she tells very long-winded stories. He describes himself as outgoing, persistent and passionate.
Toni considers herself a leader, but knows that she’ll need to lean on her son a bit more by relying on Dallas’s strengths rather than telling him what to do. Her biggest accomplishment has been raising her son. She currently works for herself as a corporate accounting consultant.
With Dallas’s constant flirting and sarcasm and Toni’s laughter and personality, they are sure to be one of the most entertaining Teams on the Race.
[SIZE=5]Nick and Starr[/SIZE]
This brother/sister team will stop at nothing to win the Race. Both are extremely driven and competitive, especially with one another. They admit to being over-zealous when a prize is involved – even if it’s only bragging rights. They’re excited to use this to their advantage on the Race.
Nick and Starr could practically be twins, and consider each other best friends, even though they rarely see each other due to distance. They hope to strengthen their relationship on this adventure, but do worry that since they haven’t spent much time together in several years that they could get on one another’s nerves. After all, in high-school they were bitter enemies.
Nick claims that the biggest difference between them is that Starr can be a bit reckless – she leaps into a situation without thinking about the repercussions - while Nick thinks everything through before acting. Starr claims that she is simply more spontaneous and figures everything will work out in the end.
Nick and Starr have both accomplished their life-long dreams. Nick performs on the New York stage in an Off-Broadway musical called The Fantasticks, while Starr was a cheerleader for the Dallas Cowboys for the past three seasons.
They’re anxious to bring a new approach to the game and are motivated to strengthen their relationship. They believe that their charisma, wit and relentless spirit will make for a dangerous combination.
[SIZE=5]Anita and Arthur[/SIZE]
Anita and Arthur can’t wait to make the Race their next big adventure. This energetic couple is open hearted and free spirited. They make and sell their own honey and recently purchased an organic blueberry farm. They have known each other for over 26 years and have been married for almost 14 years. Their blended family and children are the most important part of their lives.
However, don’t be fooled by their snowy white hair – they are no strangers to hard work. Living on a farm, they are responsible for maintaining their land, chopping wood and braving the hazardous conditions of beekeeping.
Anita describes herself as optimistic, enthusiastic and compassionate. She is running this Race in hopes of gaining insight to people and places from all corners of the world while traveling side by side with her husband. Her biggest pet peeve about her husband is that he sometimes over-analyzes situations…Anita believes simple can be so much better.
Arthur identifies himself as a problem fixer and hopes to gain a better understanding of himself and his partner. When asked how he and his teammate are most alike—Arthur says that he and his wife share a basic belief in the goodness of people.
This nature-loving couple is still young at heart, and they are ready to experience the world.
[SIZE=5]Kelly and Christy[/SIZE]
Kelly and Christy are best friends that will not settle for second best. These two go-getters have been through a lot in the last year and want to prove that they can overcome anything.
Kelly, having been a collegiate dancer, and Christy, a collegiate cheerleader, are physically fit and are up for the challenges the Race will bring. They have supported one another through their own marriages and the dissolution of both, have worked together at the same company, have both remodeled homes and have tackled life together for the last 10 years.
Kelly works as a sales representative for a pharmaceutical company. She describes their team as quick, resourceful and resilient. She admits that she has a tendency to become impatient, and that Christy can be temperamental, but realizes they will need to focus on controlling these traits if they are going to be successful on the road.
Christy, a business development representative for a title insurance company, is determined to be the first Amazing Race all-female team to take the $1 million prize. She believes she and Kelly can accomplish anything they set their minds to. Christy also believes that their sweet, Texas charm will prove to be a very resourceful asset throughout the Race. Christy describes their team as magnetic, energetic and kind-hearted.
Neither has traveled extensively outside of the U.S., but both are eager to change that. This team’s drive, experience and competitiveness may provide them with the opportunity to see all the world has to offer.
[SIZE=5]Ken and Tina[/SIZE]
This married couple is looking to be reconnected on the Race. They’ve been separated for nine months and living on different coasts and are ready to put their marriage back together.
Ken, an ex-NFL star who played for both the St. Louis Cardinals and the San Diego Chargers, was also a college football assistant coach and is currently a home builder. He is competitive, athletic and believes his problem solving skills will help them win the Race. He thinks Tina is too controlling and should relax a bit more, but anticipates the Race will help them learn to appreciate their differences. His poor choices and infidelity tore their marriage apart and he prays that the Race will help Tina to trust him again.
Tina is a business owner and a CEO. She enjoys meeting new people and experiencing new cultures and believes that everyone has an endearing unique quality about them. She is the brains while Ken is the brawn. She has worked as a Director of Strategic Planning and has launched two successful companies. Tina is also Chairman of the Board of The Children's Cancer Center in Tampa. Tina is driven, athletic and competitive. Both Tina & Ken are Christians and have refocused their lives on building their faithfulness.
Despite their differences, they are still in love and eager to fix their marriage. Both are well traveled and adventurous.
[SIZE=5]Anthony and Stephanie[/SIZE]
This competitive couple is hoping to be engaged by the end of the Race. Back together again after a year-long break-up, Anthony says he will propose to Stephanie if they make it through the Race.
Even though they’ve overcome many of their differences, their constant bickering would suggest otherwise.
Anthony, a mortgage broker, describes himself as adventurous and entertaining. He enjoys talking sports, hunting and poker. When asked what country he’d most like to visit – Anthony said Italy because he’s 100 percent Italian and has yet to visit.
Stephanie is a financial saleswoman. She loves meeting new people and learning different cultures. She describes herself as outgoing, funny and athletic, and loves competition.
Both of them are eager to Race around the world and put their relationship to the test and ultimately prove to everyone – including themselves – that they do belong together.