Everyone keeps talking about how Amanda "screwed up" the finals in China. What happened out there? How did she totally lose it? EW won't stop referencing it.
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;11908]Everyone keeps talking about how Amanda "screwed up" the finals in China. What happened out there? How did she totally lose it? EW won't stop referencing it.[/quote]
She did the same thing she did here: Nothing.
She was quiet. Didn't defend her actions. Depended on her puppy dog eyes and lost.
Which is a total shame because she should have had it in the bag in China, considering she was up against Todd and Courtney.
She was the player behind Todd pulling all the strings, while he looked like the bad guy and she was sweet Amanda with the puppy dog eyes.
In the end when she tried to stand up and say, hey it was my plan, my brilliance etc. that got so and so on the jury! The jury got pissed at her because she used Todd to make herself look good and let him take the wrap.
For whatever reason, people take offense to how Amanda represents herself and they don't believe she is being genuine.
She just can't sell herself with confidence and assertiveness. She starts out trying but as soon as she gets negative feedback she cowers.
[QUOTE=Kathleen;11918]Which is a total shame because she should have had it in the bag in China, considering she was up against Todd and Courtney.
She was the player behind Todd pulling all the strings, while he looked like the bad guy and she was sweet Amanda with the puppy dog eyes.
In the end when she tried to stand up and say, hey it was my plan, my brilliance etc. that got so and so on the jury! The jury got pissed at her because she used Todd to make herself look good and let him take the wrap.
For whatever reason, people take offense to how Amanda represents herself and they don't believe she is being genuine.
She just can't sell herself with confidence and assertiveness. She starts out trying but as soon as she gets negative feedback she cowers.[/QUOTE]
Cool! Thanks for the background info =)
Yeah Amanda could've done more in the finals. Definitely.