Up in the Air

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Up in the Air
Saw this last night, and liked it quite a bit! When I left the theater...I was thinking that it definitely won't win Best Picture. And while mulling it around in my brain...I still don't think it'll win the biggie, but I liked it more than I did initially. George Clooney was great, as always. He's always pretty reliable for a good role/character. Vera Farmiga and Anna Kendrick were really quite amazing! If both were nominated for Supporting Actress, I think Farmiga would take it over Kendrick, but I also haven't seen many of the other potentials yet. I'm a fan of Reitman's too...I like his light, yet meaningful approach and style. I was a huge, huge fan of Juno, and really liked Thank You For Smoking too. It'd be cool for him to get another nod, but as for winning - meh, I'm not sure. Anyways - I totally recommend this movie! It was funny, dramatic, somewhat light, and had a few good plot twists to keep the viewer vested. Also - HOW IS THERE NOT AN AVATAR THREAD HERE!?!? Think I'm going to check that one out this week sometime!
Anonymous's picture
I saw Avatar on Christmas. It was a good movie. Although, I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it as much without the 3D...
Haven't seen this yet. I'm a Clooney fan, so I'll have to check it yet. Haven't seen Avatar yet too.
I'll definitely watch it as I'm a big Clooney fan as well and the reviews have been kind. I'm on the Avatar fence, just because I don't often get into that kind of fantasy film.
This movie is amazing. I absolutely loved it. I read a review about it in GQ Magazine and they loved it too. I never really thought Clooney was a solid actor until I saw this movie. I was just amazed at what a good movie it was. My line of work is very similiar to that of the character that George plays in the movie so I totally got it. After having time to reflect on it I realized that wasn't the only reason I liked the movie. The actors did a great job and the plot of the film was very strong. Go see it if you haven't.
This was a really solid film. It did make you laugh in the right places and yet kept the seriousness of what was going on in appropriate relation to the story while providing relevance to what has been going on in this country. Clooney has always been in good in this type of role. I've always enjoyed Vera Farmiga who first really stood out in The Departed before tackling some other roles. By many accounts both her and Anna Kendrick will be nominated for Best Supporting Actress with Clooney a shoo in for a Best Actor Nomination and he might even win. It will be tough for him though with Jeremy Renner's bomb tech role in The Hurt Locker being so outstanding.