I agree. I genuinely feel the only purpose of 39 was to see how people stood out without the regulars. Like it was their last callback to see if they'd be considered for 40
what would your realistic 39 cast have looked like?
Well I think they were trying to cast a new generation but only using names that had been cast before, so based on that criteria it would have looked like this:
The only way to fix 39 (which wasn't awful if you binge it) was to have people on like Shane Aneesa Beth Nany Kyle Cory Kam along with Nurys Olivia Michele Jay Ed Kyland Colleen Ravyn and Horacio. If they could have added Georgia that would be even better.
41 we'll see...the vet cast is meh...we know rookies rarely if ever are a focus so unless that changes this could be rough.
They also have to stop with the single eliminations. I hate that on the Duel back in the day...even worse now. It only works with an Inferno cast because its small...or the Gauntlets with the 30 minute episodes.
90 minutes to see one person leave is absurd and filming never ends
I think 39 should have been Battle For A New Champ starting with 3 teams of MTV OGs vs New School vs Rookies. Then they merged and did the second half just like they did it on 39. One female, one male winner.
oh yeah the Pritchard brothers... how were they on challenge uk? I never watched even though it was only 5 /6 episodes...
Vet named Derek
Aj made it to the final and got last. He beat his brother in elimination
I for one, am happy to see them meltdown over strangers they obsess over. It's funny and weird at the same time. Let them continue to melt down.
Team AJ. Cast him!
seems aj should've been on bfanc instead of James lock. Wonder if Chauncey would've lasted longer...
90% of 39 should have been cast differently tbh.
what would your realistic 39 cast have looked like?
Cast Elimineesa. Drop Olivia.
I agree. I genuinely feel the only purpose of 39 was to see how people stood out without the regulars. Like it was their last callback to see if they'd be considered for 40
Well I think they were trying to cast a new generation but only using names that had been cast before, so based on that criteria it would have looked like this:
The only way to fix 39 (which wasn't awful if you binge it) was to have people on like Shane Aneesa Beth Nany Kyle Cory Kam along with Nurys Olivia Michele Jay Ed Kyland Colleen Ravyn and Horacio. If they could have added Georgia that would be even better.
41 we'll see...the vet cast is meh...we know rookies rarely if ever are a focus so unless that changes this could be rough.
They also have to stop with the single eliminations. I hate that on the Duel back in the day...even worse now. It only works with an Inferno cast because its small...or the Gauntlets with the 30 minute episodes.
90 minutes to see one person leave is absurd and filming never ends
I think 39 should have been Battle For A New Champ starting with 3 teams of MTV OGs vs New School vs Rookies. Then they merged and did the second half just like they did it on 39. One female, one male winner.
When do the weekly 10 minute phone calls happen?
saturday typically
Who you tryna get ahold of?
They're one of America's stalkers.
Update whenever gamer is online at the same time as me. This week I am going to be busy, so don't expect much activity from me.
Give us some drama before you leave!
aneesa is skinny now so who is pinkrose trying to say is a walrus?
Update has been made
BACK to being a flop just like I said season 40 was a FLUKE
Didn't oldschooler say derek was gone dayssss ago lol
Good job OS.
Little snake boy must've ran out of female allies to throw under the bus! Back to an irrelevant early boot ya go!
Weird because the elimination was last night since it got delayed for a day