The Challenge: New Threats and Vets (Season 41) - Eliminations spoilers discussions

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America must be providing something if Trump renamed an entire gulf after her.

america providing all the entertainment this season and outlasting your faves when yall thought she would be an early boot lmao yall******* are MAD *giggles*

Yall MORONS are always saying where's the drama but are hating on america for giving it to yall. Yall******* don't know what yall want... sorry that your faves ain't doing shit lol Smile

Don't worry Big Mama Stucky will indeed be back and take her rightfully place at the top where she belongs 

challenge 42 won't air on tv until like summer of 2026 so you will be waiting a LONGGG time... and that's even if that BAN gets lifted by then *giggles*

Where did we get that she's brining drama? We were told she didn't fit in, cries alone, and got rejected by CT. She has the potential for storylines maybe, but I don't see any of it being tons of "drama". Most if not all of that will be edited out too.

Most of it won't make the cut. Yawn.

She would sometimes do it right in front of him too. But her stans swore up and down he was harassing her.

america providing all the entertainment this season and outlasting your faves when yall thought she would be an early boot lmao yall******* are MAD *giggles*

you find getting rejected entertaining? Yikes!

rumor has it on reddit that it's paulie giving info to pr/gamer regrading america's 'cheating' based on what cara told him.

fueled by cory calling out cara on twitter before departure, possibly cara and america maybe not getting along in the house, cause someone else said that america said that she previously wouldn't want to work with cara on her patreon

someone noted that they posted cara being out on the 4th, and then started insinuating cheating rumors on the 6th,  which hints possibly cara leaking info.

so many redditors, probably america stans, trying to pick apart gamer's past tweets, catching them in contradictions and lies to make a case for america in fact not cheating.

i don't really even care if it's all true cause this whole 'drama' is more entertaining than what the season will actually be

spoilers basically seem to be one big game of telephone from a mix of both challenge cast members and people who work in or are tied to production, so it wouldn't suprise me if it's false or exaggerated info. and gamer makes things worse with his vagueposting knowing how mentally unstable BB fans are

but i feel like cbs stans are once again overreacting and sucking the fun out of everything. the people harrassing cory online due to gamer's tweets aren't challenge fans, it's big brother fans themselves who hate cory and are running with it as an excuse to make his time miserable. the actual challenge fandom knows to not take these rumors that seriously and know to just wait till it airs.

Why did they lose grants number...or why troy needs to come back....or they never even had aj again. Ugh this show.

Wait America vs cara? Team USA Smile

Mind you cara gets cheated on a walked over several times and does nothing about it so she has no room to talk. What a worthless woman lol

Mind you cara gets cheated on a walked over several times and does nothing about it so she has no room to talk. What a worthless woman lol

I think those shelves need stocking, get to work. 

Tori posting "today was a struggle" for Aneesa while she's filming LMAO 

Tori posting "today was a struggle" for Aneesa while she's filming LMAO 

Aneesa talkin bout her bowel movement on IG lol...

rumor has it on reddit that it's paulie giving info to pr/gamer regrading america's 'cheating' based on what cara told him.

fueled by cory calling out cara on twitter before departure, possibly cara and america maybe not getting along in the house, cause someone else said that america said that she previously wouldn't want to work with cara on her patreon

someone noted that they posted cara being out on the 4th, and then started insinuating cheating rumors on the 6th,  which hints possibly cara leaking info.

so many redditors, probably america stans, trying to pick apart gamer's past tweets, catching them in contradictions and lies to make a case for america in fact not cheating.

i don't really even care if it's all true cause this whole 'drama' is more entertaining than what the season will actually be

I have never talked to puffy face privately and the night of the rookies getting drunk happened after Nia/Cara left. I think Jonna was already there or arriving the day after.

Why did they lose grants number...or why troy needs to come back....or they never even had aj again. Ugh this show.

Who is AJ?

I will provide an update once I receive confirmation. I'm overvthis this season already; they need to speed up filming time for flagship seasons, it is unnecessarily long.

Okay so you really can't tell us what happened with Laurel & Darrell?? I thought u didn't owe anybody loyalty and wasn't tryna save face. We would all like to hear what happened with that situation, or is it going to continue to be silence of the lambs?

Okay so you really can't tell us what happened with Laurel & Darrell?? I thought u didn't owe anybody loyalty and wasn't tryna save face. We would all like to hear what happened with that situation, or is it going to continue to be silence of the lambs?

Okay so you really can't tell us what happened with Laurel & Darrell?? I thought u didn't owe anybody loyalty and wasn't tryna save face. We would all like to hear what happened with that situation, or is it going to continue to be silence of the lambs?

I'm assuming she doesn't know what happened and was just told something like "Laurel said something really nasty to Darrell." If she wanted to protect someone and/or didn't want it to get out, then she wouldn't have said anything about it at all. 

Personally, I know Laurel got benched for a year (maybe more) so that's all I need to know to get a good night's sleep. Wink Kiss 2


Okay so you really can't tell us what happened with Laurel & Darrell?? I thought u didn't owe anybody loyalty and wasn't tryna save face. We would all like to hear what happened with that situation, or is it going to continue to be silence of the lambs?

I'm assuming she doesn't know what happened and was just told something like "Laurel said something really nasty to Darrell." If she wanted to protect someone and/or didn't want it to get out, then she wouldn't have said anything about it at all. 

You don't get paid to **** ride. Pinkrose is more than capable of answering for themselves. 

You don't get paid to **** ride. Pinkrose is more than capable of answering for themselves. 

Definitely wasn't trying to **** ride lol 

Okay so you really can't tell us what happened with Laurel & Darrell?? I thought u didn't owe anybody loyalty and wasn't tryna save face. We would all like to hear what happened with that situation, or is it going to continue to be silence of the lambs?

Just as a pregnancy or family emergency, I choose not to discuss that situation. Since both parties have shared different versions of the story, the truth is likely somewhere in between. It’s up to them to address it on their own, and it doesn’t pertain to season 41.

An update will be made today or tomorrow 

rookie or vet 

hoping it's today so we can move on from the ridiculous america discourse. her fans are so irritating i cant.


Why did they lose grants number...or why troy needs to come back....or they never even had aj again. Ugh this show.

Who is AJ?

Zara's bf who got with him while he had a gf
