I would love ObesCT as a winner. He needs to pass Bananas in wins, since Bananas cares about that.
or we could get a new winner. Especially a black or latino since we lack those. #JustMyOpinion
now you know someone who's 2 favorites are two white girls, 1 who called a black man a gorilla and another who used the n word, does not want a black winner.
that whole elimination was unfair and doesn't count because she only got eliminated because of that dusty old red man. nany was robbed that season.
I thought you had Izzy?
Okay I'm rooting for TOO many ppl. I need to cut it down to 4 men and 4 women. I'll update yall soon
(Michaela, Ashley, Justin, Izzy, Sydney, Turbo, Yeremi, Dee, Will, Cedric)
I am sad that Ayoleka was eliminated. I hope that my other faves, Michaela, Yeremi and Derek C can do well in this game.
I'll help. Throw away Jake, Turbo, Sydney, & Taylor
no theo
spot on except for turbo... who I like too.
kept turbo and Sydney
no since he's laying down the pipe for olivisaurus
Syndey over Jonna and Nany, tsk-tsk! Stop being influenced by Sportsmans and OS foolishness.
Sydney is an Amanda-archetype! She's not weak and can actually go far (no shade to Amanda)
I love jonna and nany but they'll be back for S42. While some of the rookies I have may not
Izzy is gonna have a Killa Kam rookie season mark my words!
Luckily Dee, Ashley, Michaela and Nany are my faves - or DAMN.
If they leave I will be rooting for Turbo, Izzy, Taylor and Sydney.
The olivia clique comment is kinda funny tho bc she's replacing the RoD girls. Izzy - Nurice, Taylor - Moriah
MC TINY JAW STD (Michaela, Cedric, Turbo, Izzy, Nany, Yeremi, Jonna, Ashley, Will, Sydney, Taylor, Dee,)
Damn, I can't even vent about my favs in peace lol...Kevin, you're clearly trying to bait me, but sir I'm not OS.
Yeah, we're never gonna get rid of Olivia atp. Tori needs to count her days because she's taking her face of the show spot soon
what the hell
Will and Izzy are hooking up #TeamSwirl
Derrick K is ripping a pole out of Cedric's hands as you read this
I would love ObesCT as a winner. He needs to pass Bananas in wins, since Bananas cares about that.
or we could get a new winner. Especially a black or latino since we lack those. #JustMyOpinion
1) it's not an elimination day 2) all cedric has to do is kick derrick in that unhealed knee and he's done for
Cedric was in the MARINES. What have yall done?
now you know someone who's 2 favorites are two white girls, 1 who called a black man a gorilla and another who used the n word, does not want a black winner.