Can we give a round of applause to Leroy for not flopping yet ❤️
This is how every season goes for him. No one targets him because they're not threatened by him. He won't play the game, allowing the strong competitors to stay and beat him in the final. Maybe win an elimination or two. Make the final. Lose. Rinse and repeat.
Can we give a round of applause to Leroy for not flopping yet ❤️
This MIGHT be his season but let me not
not with Big CT still in that house I don't care how huge that man is that demon is still a THREAT somebody please get big boy out that house then it's a open field for the men
Leroy also can't swim. Plus his performance against Tony on 40 was embarrassing. He's just not that bright of a person bc why would you ask cory to throw in Tony and not jordan who is skinner.
Leroy is overrated. He's a nice dude but he's never winning. He lacks the strategy and he got dog walked by Hunter and Tony in a physical elim so he can't even rely on that.
RoD was the season that made me REALLY confirm that the challenge has always been rigged bc why did Horacio and olivia save tori & devin for when they pulled the safe sword?
ily moreeeeee <3
I can see him making it to the final this season he'll lose unfortunately but I think he will break his flop streak this season
This is how every season goes for him. No one targets him because they're not threatened by him. He won't play the game, allowing the strong competitors to stay and beat him in the final. Maybe win an elimination or two. Make the final. Lose. Rinse and repeat.
Who from the trio of iconic flops (Aneesa, Leroy, and Nany) is most likely to get a win? I say Aneesa > Leroy > Nany.
This MIGHT be his season but let me not
oh hun you're a little late. But you know they sometimes change the name
Leroy > Nany > Aneesa
not with Big CT still in that house I don't care how huge that man is that demon is still a THREAT somebody please get big boy out that house then it's a open field for the men
Wasn't Bloody Hell the only name that changed?
Kam needs to tell Leroy in that phone call take big daddy out and then maybe Leroy can win some money this season
Aneesa and Leroy flopped on All stars while nany is still there btw
If your life was on the line and you had to pick someone to win a final between Aneesa Nany and Leroy you picking Nany ?
yea bc Leroy is stupid
Oh you'll be a dead brother
Leroy also can't swim. Plus his performance against Tony on 40 was embarrassing. He's just not that bright of a person bc why would you ask cory to throw in Tony and not jordan who is skinner.
I had a premonition that leroy will win this season. Mark floppy's words
Battle for Independence
seriously who can beat leroy in a final that's remaining i'll wait...
the fattest mf in the house rn and turbo
The only male vet left he'd beat is Kosinski, and that's only cause he's injured.
Depends on what kind of bojankity final we get.
Leroy is overrated. He's a nice dude but he's never winning. He lacks the strategy and he got dog walked by Hunter and Tony in a physical elim so he can't even rely on that.
turbo is injured and ct is snorlax.
i'm 95 percent certain leroy has this in the bag this season. All the guys are injured or will not have the experience in that final. I'm so HAPPY now
As for aneesa, she's just weak in anything outside of eliminations against smaller, skinnier women.
im still pissed sometimes how the entire crowd cheered like lunatics when aneesa won a weight based elimination against a 100 pound amber
RoD was the season that made me REALLY confirm that the challenge has always been rigged bc why did Horacio and olivia save tori & devin for when they pulled the safe sword?
especially that twink CML
Anyone if he has to swim, he's also not great at puzzles
If Leroy flops, they need to BLOCK his number and recruit some younger black dudes who can actually win and not be embarrassing