The same chapter that is missing from my book apparently. I don't know where it went from us playfully bantering and jestfully attacking eachother to him actually hating me lol.
The same chapter that is missing from my book apparently. I don't know where it went from us playfully bantering and jestfully attacking eachother to him actually hating me lol.
Sydney seems like she'll be fun to hate, unlike maga maria. She just can't win
Michaela, Izzy, and Jennai hold it down for the black girlies! Something racista is going on and I don't like it...
You love doing this shit.
Aneesa was representing yet you wanted to hate.
Izzy is literally black UKLover
Mind you if Kam was there she wouldn't have let all the black girlies (Blue, Nia, Aneesa, Leka) leave in a row
I actually just looked her up, she might be. I didn't think so from her photo on the spoiler thread.
she absolutely would've targeted Leka especially with her being a beast in those dailies
seems like vevmo always HATES the mixed girlies right killakashhh?
Kam only works with black girls she can beat
That guy is too skinny to be killa
literally. If you want proof, go look in Amber's All Stars thread!
Let's just shut up.
I legit forget Taylor is there
Not me! Izzy is part of team MJ DAILY SCAT!
Izzy is coming to finish what Kayleigh started!
Oh my God shut the **** up.
Did I miss a chapter from OS and CML's beef?
The same chapter that is missing from my book apparently. I don't know where it went from us playfully bantering and jestfully attacking eachother to him actually hating me lol.
This response is so predictable
With the full cast here is my highly anticipated preseason rankings:
My dislike list doesn't start till Derrick. That is amazing that I'm ok with 27/33 casting choices!
Blue at bottom 3 is strange. Even for you...
Why is Ben so low, lol?
Completely fake personalities and zero brains is not my favorite archetype.
He gives me Devun 2.0 vibes and Devun is my all-time least favorite.
I'm sorry but yall are dragging it with the blue hate. It's just di^ckriding atp