- Idk the setup but based on things I heard it wasn't something the cast expected Justin would win, similar to the upset Jonna/Jasmine did against Sarah/Katelynn on their rookie season. They actually voted him because they assumed he would be an easy win & wouldn't come back.
reddit and vevmo have this funny relationship where a redditor will be like 'someone on vevmo said that ___ is in/out' and vevmoians will be like 'someone on reddit said that ___ is in/out' meanwhile all of us are clearly just lying and making shit up and stalking eachother's threads
Love you Ashley and Jonna but I need y'all to get eliminated so we can get a new female champ. Y'all can stay until the end game so we can milk the cow for all its milk but eventually y'all are going to have to hit the door
PR why you gotta do this to us noooooooo
well this boot order had been unpredictable like i hoped for so that's good. aviv has been there way too long though
Not Reddit lying about Ashley being out-
is it the same reddit source that told you jemmye was coming in as a replacement..
If Michaela and Sydney get eliminated put CML on suicide watch
reddit and vevmo have this funny relationship where a redditor will be like 'someone on vevmo said that ___ is in/out' and vevmoians will be like 'someone on reddit said that ___ is in/out' meanwhile all of us are clearly just lying and making shit up and stalking eachother's threads
leka winning 1-2 of the first 5 dailies & being a dominating force.. oh we will see you on s42 queen
It was only you that said she was out
I'd pray for Micheala and Jonna if I still did that.
Omg how did you know???????
Aviv will make it to this final that lady always make it deep
They confirmed she won multiple dailies? I know they said dominant force, but I didn't remember any specifics.
people forget the value of kunty early boot rookies who make waves then get eliminated 1/3 of the way through. she'll be fine
Just the jinx we needed thank you.
Nia OUT, Cara OUT, Aneesa OUT, Michaela OUT, Sydney OUT, omg I would hate that season more than The Island.
Although I would still have Jonna.
* Nany
I pray I see a black and white picture of her next.
Love you Ashley and Jonna but I need y'all to get eliminated so we can get a new female champ. Y'all can stay until the end game so we can milk the cow for all its milk but eventually y'all are going to have to hit the door
Need Michaela to snatch that crown #Sawry
Adrienne making it further than leka was unexpected
I'm getting Michaela in SLA vibes with this Leka boot. That means that they were probably scared of her.
lmaooo not the jinxing before the reveal an hour later lol
the final 12 girls on the challenge 41
all my girls dee, michaela and america officially made it FAR!
Not you snatching my crown
Yall MAD america didnt FLOP and yall faves did lmaoooooooo