as far as the rookies go i'm rooting for justin because he seems like an outlier that would be nice to see go far, and yeremi because he looks like a character from castlevania. and a little bit of cedric cause i'd like to see him make the final and be successful while tucker is at home
Will is literally Hunter 2.0 and Jake is Kyle without terrifying looking veneers
i have my own graphic where i'm keeping up with the cast and their two pics are next to eachother - muscular white guys with roundish faces and some facial hair. i didn't watch either of their shows so they only exist as pictures to me lol
edit 1: pics of will im seeing he actually looks similar to mark janson to me, especially when he smiles
edit 2: now that i'm seeing more pics of jake he looks much more bri'ish
I feel like he's being underestimated! As a former competitive cheerleader myself, there's a shit-ton of work that goes into it. I think he'll do better than people are expecting
I feel like he's being underestimated! As a former competitive cheerleader myself, there's a shit-ton of work that goes into it. I think he'll do better than people are expecting
he's so hot with or without the facial hair
I hope that Michaela, Ayoleka, Yeremi and Derek C are enjoying their stay in the Challenge house.
Brad looks like a 70s gay p^orn star with the facial hair I love it
will and jake are the same person to me
How is everyone feeling about Justin?
that twink alright with me
I always like when they pull people from very random unrelated shows/backgrounds and i'm also glad + shocked he wasn't porkchopped
Will is literally Hunter 2.0 and Jake is Kyle without terrifying looking veneers
as far as the rookies go i'm rooting for justin because he seems like an outlier that would be nice to see go far, and yeremi because he looks like a character from castlevania. and a little bit of cedric cause i'd like to see him make the final and be successful while tucker is at home
i have my own graphic where i'm keeping up with the cast and their two pics are next to eachother - muscular white guys with roundish faces and some facial hair. i didn't watch either of their shows so they only exist as pictures to me lol
edit 1: pics of will im seeing he actually looks similar to mark janson to me, especially when he smiles
edit 2: now that i'm seeing more pics of jake he looks much more bri'ish
I'm the only one that thinks that Derek and Justin are going to hook up?
I feel like he's being underestimated! As a former competitive cheerleader myself, there's a shit-ton of work that goes into it. I think he'll do better than people are expecting
I much rather have Justin on than Ryan KeBore. Team Justin!
A guy that's not will, Jake, turbo, Yeremi, or Justin better get eliminated bc why was there 2 female elims in a row!
It wasn't just you...when have I ever not called you on?
I think OS and entrepreneur were the only two weirdos that wanted the title (that could be changed) over a matchup
(in jest <3)
one physical elimination and he's out the door
my prediciton is a jake and nany hookup or alliance so they can try on eachother veneers.
nany always gets along with her fellow veneer'd castmembers, like kyle
I don't know why but I have a feeling we're about to get a rookie massacre like SLA... I just don't have a lot of faith in this cast to make moves.
i guess it all depends on the format, it could still be rookie vs vet teams where their numbers will start to dwindle relatively the same
Istg everyone just needs to gang up on CT fhuk this vet solidarity
Why he's out of shape and unlikely to win a final...
America's recent IG activity has me nervous
it's cory wurtenbooger
It's an old picture, Cory doesn't even have a mustache currently
Can we get CT and Olivia out before we head that route
I can't believe they let CT slide to the final UNTOUCHED during SLA. Especially the men like can we not be retartar this season
I'm more appalled Jordan went a entire season without being thrown in once
At least SLA has the excuse of being half rookies Jordan slid to a final untouched on a season full of VETS who know he's unbeatable in finals
Yeah that was pretty unforgivable. Especially considering Cory had an opportunity to throw him into the first elimination