That's all you have lol. DEFLECT. I'm great. Today was such an easy day at work. Eating my fav pizza tonight while watching the Traitors finale! Twist the narrative but I'm fine.
unblock me
i did for a sec and u blocked me just bc i blocked you first lmaooo
That's all you have lol. DEFLECT. I'm great. Today was such an easy day at work. Eating my fav pizza tonight while watching the Traitors finale! Twist the narrative but I'm fine.
That's all you have lol. DEFLECT. I'm great. Today was such an easy day at work. Eating my fav pizza tonight while watching the Traitors finale! Twist the narrative but I'm fine.
unblock me
i did for a sec and u blocked me just bc i blocked you first lmaooo
oh yeah i was in my feelings. We good now. I support the triplets.
That's all you have lol. DEFLECT. I'm great. Today was such an easy day at work. Eating my fav pizza tonight while watching the Traitors finale! Twist the narrative but I'm fine.
unblock me
i did for a sec and u blocked me just bc i blocked you first lmaooo
oh yeah i was in my feelings. We good now. I support the triplets.
That's all you have lol. DEFLECT. I'm great. Today was such an easy day at work. Eating my fav pizza tonight while watching the Traitors finale! Twist the narrative but I'm fine.
girl who the hell was talking to you?
@Killakashhh Everything about you is fake and performative. It's sad you used to be so likeable and fun. Now you are such a boring weird pathetic chump. The highlight of your week is rigging a draft to give yourself Ben. I just have to laugh.
But let's be real most of the ppl we stan isn't because they're great at the game it's bc they're either attractive, entertaining, and/or completely unhinged
But let's be real most of the ppl we stan isn't because they're great at the game it's bc they're either attractive, entertaining, and/or completely unhinged
But are they delusional and act like they're the goat when they've spent 10 years flopping through multiple eras and spin-offs?
Rosita please tell the tea on Will. Did he win any elims? Is he an underdog? Is he winning a lot of dailies and dominating? PLEASE I will send you $50 dollars!
jk about the last part #WillsWarriors are NEVER that desperate
i did for a sec and u blocked me just bc i blocked you first lmaooo
girl who the hell was talking to you?
oh yeah i was in my feelings. We good now. I support the triplets.
he DOES...not
@Killakashhh Everything about you is fake and performative. It's sad you used to be so likeable and fun. Now you are such a boring weird pathetic chump. The highlight of your week is rigging a draft to give yourself Ben. I just have to laugh.
But let's be real most of the ppl we stan isn't because they're great at the game it's bc they're either attractive, entertaining, and/or completely unhinged
Lmaooo are you referencing OS' tantrum yesterday in our chat bc I was NOT paying attention to that
But are they delusional and act like they're the goat when they've spent 10 years flopping through multiple eras and spin-offs?
delusional falls in the unhinged category
Surprised anyone wants a title which we know can change
Rosita please tell the tea on Will. Did he win any elims? Is he an underdog? Is he winning a lot of dailies and dominating? PLEASE I will send you $50 dollars!
jk about the last part #WillsWarriors are NEVER that desperate
@ me next time cowardly bítćh (in jest)
Prayers for the safety of MJ DAILY SCAT tonight.
and if one of them leaves tonight bc you jinxed them with your ugly acronym you're getting burnt at the stake <3
Well hopefully if I did hopefully it's Aviv or Jonna.
sending positive vibes to ashley michaela and dee
soooo happy we are on the same page this spoiler season
Wow he looks 1000x better. Imagine intentionally looking so ugly for years.
Oh Brad can come back next season if that's how he's looking
Why do I see Dee getting eliminated by Nany in the near future
Turbo's turn
nightmare nany has these girls spooked
Brad's best look IMHO.
Hair hanging on by a string but this was the best he ever looked.
No comment on that current look because who did those eyebrows
Brad I'm open if you're willing to explore and experiment