The Challenge: Season 41 - Eliminations spoilers discussions

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The title is going to be: Battle for the New Era. We don't need to ask for that. Matchup please. Preferably who took out Rogan

i would love to know who's cameo or onlyfans i will support for taking out bananas!

Ben Davis took out Bananas then they sent him in against CT as a punishment.

Fhuk the title and matchup. Everyone wants to know how WILL is doing Smile

ct isn't a threat in a final he's the biggest hes ever been 

Naw, that's not true. Jordan, Zach, and Bananas have all said that CT comes in the house 300lbs then loses 60lbs in two months and is final ready. CT needs to go out early or he's there for the long haul.

Floproy better not let CT walk to another final Smile

CT needs to be thrown in. His elimination record is sorta weird, despite being on 20+ seasons he's only won 6 eliminations. He doesn't get sent in often cause he uses his reptutation to stay out of elimination, but when he's thrown in he's truly hit or miss. I mean during the 30's his only wins were against Josh and Asaf lol

I hope Nany and Leroy's multiple losses pushes them to end ObesCT Smile

Oh shucks, QAra had to go home to storm the Capitol. Anyway. 

Oh shucks, QAra had to go home to storm the Capitol. Anyway. 

Oh shucks, QAra had to go home to storm the Capitol. Anyway. 

The second CT is in trouble they're gonna give him Pole Wrestle/Hall Brawl over and over again. It's gonna be twink armageddon.

God save our twinks!

CT girlfriend is probably so lonely back at home making pies for him while he's away. He should quit like Cara and Aneesa to keep her company.

They should make a sequel to CT's wedding special with his new girl. Call it The Challenge: The Pie We Made Together

he's yesterday's news

Jenna4Eva needs to come back NOWWWWWWWWW. Sad

I think cory is jealous that he isn't on 41. He probably thinks the competition is easier Sad

Jenna4Eva needs to come back NOWWWWWWWWW.

What would you guy prefer to know a matchup or season name?

can we get something about nightmare nany Smile

I heard jenna4eva is facing some personal issues #iykyk Smile

Not Tori called her lawyers on jenna4eva Sad

PR how about first teams and first matchup?? Please!

PR how about first teams and first matchup?? Please!

Greedy áșș bítcħ.

 Greedy áșș bítcħ.

stop d^ickriding


 Greedy áșș bítcħ.

stop d^ickriding

Yall b^itches are still arguing over WHAT exactly Smile

Idk I'm just compelled to contradict anything OS says rn

Not Tori called her lawyers on jenna4eva

**** that HOG


Not Tori called her lawyers on jenna4eva

**** that HOG

That's all you have lol. DEFLECT. I'm great. Today was such an easy day at work. Eating my fav pizza tonight while watching the Traitors finale! Twist the narrative but I'm fine. 



Not Tori called her lawyers on jenna4eva

**** that HOG

That's all you have lol. DEFLECT. I'm great. Today was such an easy day at work. Eating my fav pizza tonight while watching the Traitors finale! Twist the narrative but I'm fine. 

unblock me Wink

Why Cory talking like HE knows game 
