The Challenge: Season 41 - Eliminations spoilers discussions

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Why was Cara DQ?

either 1) her mom is ill and had to leave to take care of her or 2) she couldn't take the heat with the cast jumping her from her controversies a week before departure. I'm more inclined to say option 2

Sigh not Bi Daddy Sad

Wait so is it confirmed that Cara was the one that was DQd? Or are we just putting two and two together?


Why was Cara DQ?

either 1) her mom is ill and had to leave to take care of her or 2) she couldn't take the heat with the cast jumping her from her controversies a week before departure. I'm more inclined to say option 2

Ashley probably dragged her raggedy ***

Wait so is it confirmed that Cara was the one that was DQd? Or are we just putting two and two together?

Nothing's been confirmed I don't think, but I think both Cara and Aneesa left outside of an elimination either DQ'ing or quit. Cause I don't see them bringing in a replacement for just one person when they could've just skipped a girls day. 

can you find anything on Will? Thx Smile

CT is fat and old as hell for this cast yet he will have the most airtime by the end of the season... production will never learn

cara aneesa and ben were all episode 5

@PinkRose can you confirm if Tucker from Big Brother 26 was called for this?

We know now that they were willing to cast from BB26, and he said in his exit interviews for BB26 that he really wanted to do The Challenge, so I don't see any reason for him to not be on????? Unless they just didn't call him, which would be so ******* stupid of them. 

I love Cedric, but if they chose him over Tucker... just WOW lol. 

The Challenge is always going to be there for Tucker. He doesn't need it now.

He's the biggest name from last season, he's probably going to be on the Big Brother TAR season or in the next BB season or something. They are not going to let him go easily

Tucker also didn't fit what casting was going for this season, no rookie is in their 30s this season 

He's the biggest name from last season, he's probably going to be on the Big Brother TAR season or in the next BB season or something.

Ooooooo Tucker going on The Amazing Race and/or returning on BB27 and then becoming a seasoned veteran on The Challenge? I would like to see it! 


cara aneesa and ben were all episode 5

They were?

Jonna possibly entering episode 7 after 5-6 elims is more unfair than Ashley and Hunter coming in episode 7 with only 3 elims before



cara aneesa and ben were all episode 5

They were?

i think his thought was Ben left in Tuesday elimination so it would be the 5th round? 


cara aneesa and ben were all episode 5

Y'all always spitting things like fact, when you don't know lol.

CT is fat and old as hell for this cast yet he will have the most airtime by the end of the season... production will never learn

Casuals will be thrilled.  Not sure what you want them to learn.  They don't care about you



cara aneesa and ben were all episode 5

Y'all always spitting things like fact, when you don't know lol.

well after bananas' elimination we were told we were up to date lol. and then cara/aneesa/ben all were gone by tuesday night. 1 + 1 = 2

Jonna possibly entering episode 7 after 5-6 elims is more unfair than Ashley and Hunter coming in episode 7 with only 3 elims before

Jonna has been there for over a week


Jonna possibly entering episode 7 after 5-6 elims is more unfair than Ashley and Hunter coming in episode 7 with only 3 elims before

Jonna has been there for over a week

oh so cara/aneesa have been gone for a while?


Jonna possibly entering episode 7 after 5-6 elims is more unfair than Ashley and Hunter coming in episode 7 with only 3 elims before

Jonna has been there for over a week

oh so right after Nia left?

so maybe something like 

1: Rogan

2: Blue

3: Nia

-Jonna joins-

4: Bananas

5: Ben

so at some point between ep 2/3 Cara and/or Aneesa left

I'm going to be that ****** and say that Cara was the one crying all the time. I'm going to guess that Paulie was stepping out AGAIN and that is why Pink said that these are real people with real feelings. Hopefully after this she is completely donezo with him, and she might emerge from the red pill cloud. Hope her Mom is okay. She never talks about her Mom, but does talk about her Dad, so there might be something from her childhood there. I just hope she is finally free of his cheating, disgusting self.

Justin not being the first rookie guy gone shocks me. Maybe he's more athletic than he seems 

Justin not being the first rookie guy gone shocks me. Maybe he's more athletic than he seems 

those Navarro Cheerleaders are ripped asf. they would do intense workouts all day long - obviously he's a few years post college, but seems he still works out / keeps in shape

The second CT is in trouble they're gonna give him Pole Wrestle/Hall Brawl over and over again. It's gonna be twink armageddon.

The second CT is in trouble they're gonna give him Pole Wrestle/Hall Brawl over and over again. It's gonna be twink armageddon.

Unless they are sending the vets against eachother

Nia/Jonna were in the house at the same time?
