The Challenge: Season 41 - Eliminations spoilers discussions

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 Ain't seeing theos competition.

If you had to name your kids after icons what would they be? I would name my daughters Jennai & Amber B

 Ain't seeing theos competition.

still fine asf

Happy to see Jonna! Would have loved Michele

Happy to see Jonna! Would have loved Michele

Michele is spreading her legs for funk funk. She can stay home


Happy to see Jonna! Would have loved Michele

Michele is spreading her legs for funk funk. She can stay home

I am happy that Jonna has joined the cast. I love the Real World: Cancun cast.

 Ain't seeing theos competition.

he didn't look bad when he shaved his face he just decided to take a pic with a shit angle for some reason


 Ain't seeing theos competition.

he didn't look bad when he shaved his face he just decided to take a pic with a shit angle for some reason

he did look bad. Ain't no angle. That beard is his makeup.

Cory looks good regardless. Why are we pretending otherwise? Smile

Michele is spreading her legs for funk funk. She can stay home


Michele would NEVER! She should SUE for defamation!

All three inches of funk funk at that 

Should've stuck with Big D Fessy

 Ain't seeing theos competition.

Theres some spooky stuff out there ...

All three inches of funk funk at that 

Tasting like cheese probably


All three inches of funk funk at that 

Tasting like cheese probably



 Ain't seeing theos competition.

Theres some spooky stuff out there ...

yup he trash and he ugly

 yup he trash and he ugly

okay I think Theo is trash and you think cory is trash. Lets just end this <3


 yup he trash and he ugly

okay I think Theo is trash and you think cory is trash. Lets just end this <3

actually I see how Cory is very attractive for a lot of ppl. I like Theo, but I'm happy for any attractive males and females being on tv. I'm sorry for getting outta character killakashhh, you're still one of my faves. 


All three inches of funk funk at that 

Tasting like cheese probably


Love ya entrepreneur <3

Love ya entrepreneur <3

An update has been made 

Well at least it wasn't Will or Cedric Smile

noooo get rid of the vetssss

i guess that karma maria got ben asap *giggles*

He'll be back Wink

goodbye to him 
