Dario and Ashley would make a cute spokescouple for Americans to marry thy neighborly immigrant. I'm shipping them for the sake of the future of America.
Queen Veronica & Katie owning this episode - she played all these newer people like a fiddle . They are showing why the Og's are the best!
So happy Corey is gone, him and Big T can be on the flagship but not all stars. Butttt I will say had Fessy & Amber or Turbo and Nany gone in they would have went home - having such a lopsided team in terms of weight was a severe disadvantage for this elimination. I'm hoping the Queens of the franchise can keep this up and somehow slide their way to a final.
and Katie's masteclasses are iconic and I'm loving them - more please!!!!
The next time they have the chance though the rest of the house really should send Fessy & Amber vs Nany & Turbo - it would help all of their games. leave Veronica & Katie and Nicole & Melissa Shane & Da'Vonne, and Frank & Sam alone - I don't want to sound rude but they're the weaker teams,
also if those four teams listed just worked together with Adam & Steve (some V&K and Shane are attached to them) they will have the majority the rest of the game.
Thank God MTV is actually airing reruns of the show for the informal and untimely mfs to watch. Enjoy,*******.
I think Dario is on the DL and that's why he ran out of Ashley house faster than Peter Pan *** ran tf away from Neverland.
They mananaged to give up one hour of ridiculousness and realized it's smart to get the survivor viewers. About time
Dario and Ashley would make a cute spokescouple for Americans to marry thy neighborly immigrant. I'm shipping them for the sake of the future of America.
Ashley K and Sam have been getting a lot of screen time in this episode <3
Veronica and Katie put in that work
Why was TJ trying to make Da'Vonne blow her game up but not the others? Dpmo.
I thought Dario cheated on Ashley with that girl he was with. Oh well
Loving the Kathleen Cooley & Dario show.
It breaks my heart how Amber is getting played by Veronica. Amber sees her as an older sister
So Veronica should have just been ok with going in?
Frank and Veronica need to be the next challenge reps for Traitors atp
Sam McGinn the star that you are.
She's won me over <3
Why did someone edit my posts and remove all the cursing lmao
That episode is why they can't cast Amber. She doesn't play the game
I actually feel awful for Ambore. Each episode just exposes how dumb (game related) she is.
Queen Veronica & Katie owning this episode - she played all these newer people like a fiddle . They are showing why the Og's are the best!
So happy Corey is gone, him and Big T can be on the flagship but not all stars. Butttt I will say had Fessy & Amber or Turbo and Nany gone in they would have went home - having such a lopsided team in terms of weight was a severe disadvantage for this elimination. I'm hoping the Queens of the franchise can keep this up and somehow slide their way to a final.
and Katie's masteclasses are iconic and I'm loving them - more please!!!!
The next time they have the chance though the rest of the house really should send Fessy & Amber vs Nany & Turbo - it would help all of their games. leave Veronica & Katie and Nicole & Melissa Shane & Da'Vonne, and Frank & Sam alone - I don't want to sound rude but they're the weaker teams,
also if those four teams listed just worked together with Adam & Steve (some V&K and Shane are attached to them) they will have the majority the rest of the game.
Also I miss Beth.