All the other rookies girls were confirmed as safe after the first elimination so if it wasn't America or Blue I have to assume it's a DA format again.
Or, it's an SLA situation where the pairs can be mixed and match and this isn't the format we've speculated.
Rogan and Adrienne didn't left together
ohhh is it individual elims?
2nd out is awful i'm so sad
Damn reddit really be trying to take the spoiler teams jobs lmao
not necessarily
I'm wondering if there was a DQ...
Either last place goes into elim or nia, Olivia, derek, and Theo are getting jumped by bananas and his survivor angels
Konqueror will Cashapp you $25.
I think it was said when Rogan left it's pairs or at least hinted to be if not outright said
didn't gamer say it was pairs eliminations? Maybe Adrienne wasn't his partner, or they're doing some weird elimination setup?
So if it's pairs stil it should be
Rogan & Rookie Girl (It had to be America or Blue from what we know)
Adrienne & Vet Male (I think PR mentioned a vet male may be out after the second elimination but needed confirmation
Nia & Rookie Male
Unless it's an entirely different pairing format
Gamer said Rogan and America weren't partners
Are they voted/sent into eliminations in pairs? If so hopefully whichever sex wins the elimination gets to stay and partner with the other winner.
& blue isn't out
maybe it is a double agents esque theme?
All the other rookies girls were confirmed as safe after the first elimination so if it wasn't America or Blue I have to assume it's a DA format again.
Or, it's an SLA situation where the pairs can be mixed and match and this isn't the format we've speculated.
if adrienne didn't leave with rogan, i think it has to be individual elims? so that would be looking like:
ep 1 - rogan (tuesday february 18th)
ep 2 - adrienne (friday february 21st)
ep 3 - nia (tuesday february 25th / wednesday february 26th *due to nationwide power outages)
ep 4 - tbd (friday february 28th)
They better not let CT Platano or Cara rogue agent their way to another win
Bruh individual guys and girls days are lameeee especially when it's a pair format
I hope it's not individual and Nia is gone I wanted to blame her partner.
Leka the only one I want to take her out.
I like that if it's individual elims some of my faves won't get screwed by their partners but no we're gonna get 30 fhucking episodes
Nia eliminated by Blue
i was about to say, individual eliminations make sense because they love to drag out a season lmao
I would cashapp a person more than that... that's the whole point lmao. Everybody knows you can't do shit with $25.
PR posted and deleted that Rogan left by himself
it'll be funny if we get a cast reveal & elim all at once for any of the remaining 4 unannounced male vets
I remember they did that for Syrus on All-Stars 4 lol
if this is single elims, the first double elimination is prob tonight or next tuesday
america and blue not being the first two boots im proud of them