The Challenge: All Stars 6 - Preseason Useless Speculation Thread

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The Challenge: All Stars 6 - Preseason Useless Speculation Thread

Hey guys, wanted to throw this up in order to discuss All Stars 6, which, if everything tracks the same schedule as 40 and AS5, (and given the stable MTV ratings), should mean AS6 is filming in late April/early May.

Which should mean they are sending out availability calls and starting casting in the next few weeks!

Mark is already gauging interest in an Exes season which is half of what AS5 was, so I'm a little confused.

What cast and themes are you looking for? Personally I want two teams Ruins style: Champion vs Contenders!

Open to any and all discussions about the next season of All Stars!!!


I hope Amanda decides to do this, it's be better for her regarding the filming time and probably less people that hate her

Blue Kim for All Stars! Smile

My assumption is AS6 might just be The Challenge: All Stars Exes or Rivals 2 

No. They need to cancel this because they have lost the plot, sooner or later the entire cast is gonna be filled with people we already see on the main show.

All Stars: CBS vs MTV

No. They need to cancel this because they have lost the plot, sooner or later the entire cast is gonna be filled with people we already see on the main show.

I think it's great that they're finally expanding on who qualifies as an all star! What do yall think? Smile

Yall kill me with this. 

No. They need to cancel this because they have lost the plot, sooner or later the entire cast is gonna be filled with people we already see on the main show.

And I'll still take seeing the Veronica/Katie pairing even though they wasted spots with Corey Big T Melissa Fessy Amber etc.  

What I'm hoping for:

14 Episode Season.

Standard Episode Runtime extended from 42-44 minutes to 48-52 minutes (you can start Ridiculousness at 10:10 for ***** sake!). So we can get the politics/strategic game back!

90 minute Premiere and Finale.

Team vs Team (really hoping for Champs vs Contenders) format for the first ~2/3rds of the season.

Personal Bank Accounts to Incentivize elimination wins!

A fairly athletic cast. 80% could conceivably win a final is what we should shoot for.

Reunion Show!

Lock this thread we don't want to see more repeat conversations from the last allstars threads that pointlessly go on for ages.  

Let me guess, bring back Sophia/Elka/Other randoms we will never see again and have no interest in this washed up series.  

No more Jonna/Anyone under 40

See you on departure day when discussion actually matters!


Honestly I don't even care that we are 6 months too early for this thread. The fact Corey, Tula, Devun, & Melissa were on an All-Stars will never excite me for another one again. There were no new OG names besides Shane that we haven't seen in that last 5 years. And even Shane was pretty recent on the show. When the only "surprises" are 3 RW: SD2 people and an AYTO's time to cancel it. The plot is lost.

I will ONLY sing on for the Exes idea if it means team Kefla and Roni, and ONLY then. 

Sean Duffy taking time off as the SOT for this! 

Sean Duffy taking time off as the SOT for this! 

Good. Hopefully makes it to the end so we can have 6 weeks without plane crashes.

Mark hyping a Coral return only for Emy to be the surprise return. Emanuel, Logan, Kayzzz and her brother Kevin, Moriah, and James will all be on too.

We get hyped for Exes expecting Irulan and Alton but this is the cast:

  • Josh & Nia
  • Moriah & James
  • Devun & Jessica
  • Tori & Emanuel
  • James & Moriah
  • Johnny & Nany
  • Michele & Callum
  • Beth & Nehemiah
  • Katie & Derrick
  • Wes & Kellyanne
  • Jimmy & Leroy
  • Jonna & Jay
  • No. They need to cancel this because they have lost the plot, sooner or later the entire cast is gonna be filled with people we already see on the main show.

    This all could be avoided if they just shorten the flagship filming time but until then we'll be seeing the melissa's and the kam's (and I'm fine with that)

    i say this with love but this thread is necessary for sportsman to post his speculation essays and potential cast member profile cases or else he'll start to spontaneously combust

    Mark hyping a Coral return only for Emy to be the surprise return. Emanuel, Logan, Kayzzz and her brother Kevin, Moriah, and James will all be on too.

    I think that Kenny Clark is done with The Challenge. I feel like it was an enjoyable one-time thing for him, but he would rather dedicate his time to work and family.

    Yall are so bored loll

    Honestly I don't even care that we are 6 months too early for this thread. The fact Corey, Tula, Devun, & Melissa were on an All-Stars will never excite me for another one again. There were no new OG names besides Shane that we haven't seen in that last 5 years. And even Shane was pretty recent on the show. When the only "surprises" are 3 RW: SD2 people and an AYTO's time to cancel it. The plot is lost.

    Lock this thread we don't want to see more repeat conversations from the last allstars threads that pointlessly go on for ages.  

    like fr I don't see the point of this thread. 

    We are not six months too early for this thread lol. They most likely will film back to back to save costs. So we're around 60-70 days away from AS6...

    This thread is not needed at all... yall already are as annoying as is with the season 41 thread but at least that one is currently filming.

    We are not six months too early for this thread lol. They most likely will film back to back to save costs. So we're around 60-70 days away from AS6...

    There is literally zero evidence of that. I don't recall the spoiler team revealing that before they retired.

    This thread is not needed at all... yall already are as annoying as is with the season 41 thread but at least that one is currently filming.

    No one is requiring you and Timster to read and post in here. this thread a joke? we still don't know the full cast of the season that's LITERALLY FILMING RIGHT NOW

    Tony and Madison pairing plz. 
