The Challenge: Season 41 - Eliminations spoilers discussions

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If I'm being honest, I'm fearful for Sydney. She might be too strong of a personality and not enough of a kiss àśś for the vets. Our only hope is if the maga alliance protects her.

Sydney is MAGA?

ProblematicRose replying to my tweet but doesn't wanna become moots oh fhuk her! (Just kidding queenrose <3) Smile


If I'm being honest, I'm fearful for Sydney. She might be too strong of a personality and not enough of a kiss àśś for the vets. Our only hope is if the maga alliance protects her.

Sydney is MAGA?

Yup lol.

No wonder you like her. 

Well Sydney looks like she showers at least unlike ku klux kara

No wonder you like her. 

Someone's political party has zero reasoning why I like them or dislike them. Ashley is an outspoken lib and I love her. I hate Maga Maria. 

Not me ratio-ing ProblematicRose with ease on Twitter. Looks like you have to come back to vevmo and give us some love again Smile

Not me ratio-ing ProblematicRose with ease on Twitter. Looks like you have to come back to vevmo and give us some love again

send me your twitter so I can follow you, for research purposes

Oh my god

womp womp

Tony and Madison getting arrested just days apart ... soul ties.

Hope he becomes a prison bitxh

it's crazy he still looks hot while also being an alcoholic, usually chronic drinking starts to make yr face and body puff up and prematurely age you relatively fast

Tony and Madison getting arrested just days apart ... soul ties.

Madison locked up too?

I better wake up to an update tomorrow punkrose!


lmao jk take your time I appreciate what you do for us <3 Smile

If we waited a whole week just for adrienne to be the other eliminated person yall can keep it and just update us in a month when it gets JUICY! Smile


Cara Maria Bananad CT Aviv and Derrick are the type of person who thinks this guy is guilty


Okay so one of them is out and why do I think it's Michaela :/

This just pmo for two reasons...1 because you made that tweet and 2 for Pink's cryptic reply.

I'm gonna blame you Killa if Michaela and Dee get jinxed Smile


it's crazy he still looks hot while also being an alcoholic, usually chronic drinking starts to make yr face and body puff up and prematurely age you relatively fast

mind you he's also old as hell. He was 27 on real world which is pushing max age for that show and that season aired several years ago. 

Manifesting an update to the lock thread this beautiful monday morning

Manifesting an update to the lock thread this beautiful monday morning

Who is you

chile I tried to investigate who got eliminated but literally everyone's following count changed unless there was a mass purging 

Killah why do you always have your username in your profile pic?

Who is that in your pfp?

Killah why do you always have your username in your profile pic?

bc it's cu^nty and chic. You wouldn't get it.

Who is that in your pfp?

Chad Mitchell

Killah why do you always have your username in your profile pic?

That's kinda ghetto ngl


Killah why do you always have your username in your profile pic?

bc it's cu^nty and chic. You wouldn't get it.

Correct. I do not lol.
