The Challenge: New Threats and Vets (Season 41) - Eliminations spoilers discussions

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Any guesses who Rogan's partner was?

Any guesses who Rogan's partner was?

adrienne or Susan.


Any guesses who Rogan's partner was?

adrienne or Susan.

Who's Susan?


Any guesses who Rogan's partner was?

adrienne or Susan.

I'm not ready for Susan to leave yet.



Any guesses who Rogan's partner was?

adrienne or Susan.

Who's Susan?

I was listening to Whitney Houston's song - My Name is Not Susan...,



Any guesses who Rogan's partner was?

adrienne or Susan.

I'm not ready for Susan to leave yet.

Susan is good for the gander.



Any guesses who Rogan's partner was?

adrienne or Susan.

I'm not ready for Susan to leave yet.

Susan is my no. 1 girl!! I know a queen when I see one

killah do you still want amber on this szn even after these bad decisions she's making on AS5? girl is making it hard for us to stan... 

killah do you still want amber on this szn even after these bad decisions she's making on AS5? girl is making it hard for us to stan... 

Of course he does. Amber is anti-women and would exterminate all the ladies leaving nothing but a house of shirtless dudes and one pretty light-skinned girl crying about something in a corner. That is Killah's ultimate dream.

Not enough mfs out on elimination yet for me.


Keep forgetting Avivi is here

She's sitting on the couch, in the corner, not talking. Occasionally rubbing toes with Johnny Plaintains.

I love how mad people are that she plays the game.  Same as she did on FM.  Strong social game as a good athlete...

Not enough mfs  on cast thread yet for me.

Not enough fine *** mfs for entrepreneur to obsess over on cast thread yet for me.

That too.



Keep forgetting Avivi is here

She's sitting on the couch, in the corner, not talking. Occasionally rubbing toes with Johnny Plaintains.

I love how mad people are that she plays the game.  Same as she did on FM.  Strong social game as a good athlete...

She's now done two seasons where she hasn't had a fight, argument, hell barely a disagreement. She's not entertaining in the least bit. She wasn't at 22, she's not at 42. I was fine with her taking up a rando spot on 40 until she became a Bananas footie minion.

She basically got accused of cheating on her husband and still stayed mute. That energy isn't needed.

For them to choose aviv to have one of the very limited 8 female vet spots was a CHOICE like what were they thinking?! She was a cute surprise on 40 but she should have been a one and done right after

She basically got accused of cheating on her husband and still stayed mute. That energy isn't needed.

Even more egregious for me was staying silent when Darrell called her out for elimination. That was as pure of a gameplay betrayal as you can get and she was a mime.

For them to choose aviv, aneesa, and olivia to have 3 of the very limited 8 female vet spots was a CHOICE 




Any guesses who Rogan's partner was?

adrienne or Susan.

Who's Susan?

I was listening to Whitney Houston's song - My Name is Not Susan...,

pleeease ijbol

Even amber provides more than avizzz

killah do you still want amber on this szn even after these bad decisions she's making on AS5? girl is making it hard for us to stan... 

Amber was never in a position of power before so I'm not gonna be too hard on her plus it's just as much as fessy's decision as it was hers but everyone is getting on Amber Sad

Aviv was cast for the purpose of protecting platano. No other reason.

Aviv and Sydney are both Israeli. They are protecting each other so I'm fine with Aviv.

I have a strange feeling that Michaela is working with Platano. Idk if that's a good thing or not.

Aviv and Sydney are both Israeli. They are protecting each other so I'm fine with Aviv.

I think Sydney is half Jewish/half Italian.

I'm all for whacking CBS stans but this is so incredibly stupid

I really think Aviv was only cast cause Amanda dropped out last minute and she's one of the few people they knew would drop everything to come with only a couple days notice 

"Earn your stripes" is a made-up thing so that the entitled vets have an excuse to not go into elimination.




Keep forgetting Avivi is here

She's sitting on the couch, in the corner, not talking. Occasionally rubbing toes with Johnny Plaintains.

I love how mad people are that she plays the game.  Same as she did on FM.  Strong social game as a good athlete...

She's now done two seasons where she hasn't had a fight, argument, hell barely a disagreement. She's not entertaining in the least bit. She wasn't at 22, she's not at 42. I was fine with her taking up a rando spot on 40 until she became a Bananas footie minion.

She's not here to fake drama like your favorites. She's here to compete and play the game which naturally creates drama. 

This all goes to you don't like she was smart and aligned with John

"Earn your stripes" is a made-up thing so that the entitled vets have an excuse to not go into elimination.

It's like that in everything in life.  Respect is earned not given.  Win stuff and avoid elimination. Many rookies have. 
