The Challenge All Stars Rivals: Ring Around the Rival

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Todays episode was kinda boring no shade 

Better than last weeks but only because of Katie. Otherwise yes, another snooze.

I hope production finally stops doing these damn mixed pairs. F/F pairs are always at a disadvantage and get voted in because they're perceived much weaker especially compared to M/M teams. It's insane to me they continue to do this. 

Can Amber do a season with cara and throw her into elimination next please! Smile

Can Amber do a season with cara and throw her into elimination next please!

She'd have to make a game move for that to happen

I need a link please!

Y'all how can I watch because I missed it yesterday Fool

Still needing a link. 


star of the episode <3

So, is this going to the Veronica/Katie season of just them dominating confessionals?

it's all I wanted out of this season once seeing the cast so I'm loving it 

Oh look, another fake fight with devin ::rolls eyes::

I am sooooooo sick of this man 

Devin is a horrible actor - I'm not looking forward to this cringy moment

Couldve seen more dynamic gameplay if they allowed elim winners to steal-gift stars to someone regardless if they have a star already or not.

this is an excellent idea and missed opportunity 

Katie saved this episode.  Fessy is still an idiot - one of the worst casting choices in franchise history imo.  we have now lost three amazing teams - Veronica and Katie are now holding down the rest of this season. 

Sorry for spamming this with like 25 million posts, but I just realized after these three episodes it's been all females that have went home and now it's an equal number of male and females in the house. so dumb 

Someone create the new episode thread kthx.

Someone create the new episode thread kthx.

Not me. We lost Jonna, Beth, Kellyanne, and Ashley back-to-back. The poor quality, weirdly filtered confessional annoy me. The editing sucks. I'm done supporting this season unless it gets good.
