Is production broke or something because these rookies scream who is the cheapest person we could cast from these shows, I think they have potential though
So I actually did watch a bit of that AUS season. Taylor and her sister were pretty awful honestly lmao
awful in a boring way? cause i can handle if someone is awful in like a *****y rude way
YES in a boring way sadly, otherwise I wouldn't think she's awful. She only won because the other two in the final 3 played more cutthroat/aggressive games and Australia voted for the winner
is big brother australia a flop cause i ain't finding anything about this girl from google
Found the rookie Aneesa will hate on.
Yes the new format wasn't popular so they are going back to the public voting to evict/save format.
6 women on the cast whose name begins with "A". Sorry but that's too many.
Lieneesa will accuse Taylor of being racist and get her sent home
Maybe we will finally get Rob from Survivor SA.
the womens rookie list is pretty cute actually. i feel for them if they get paired with these male vets
I actually feel good about the 8 rookie girls, hopefully they don't disappoint
LOL the big brother wiki already updated taylor's page
"Tay is rumored to be competing on The Challenge 41 alongside Big Brother 25 (US) contestants America Lopez and Blue Kim."
these fans work quick
She is bad?
shes gonna give what Zara was supposed to give
we got five more guy rookies. 1 american that looks like Coye apparently and 4 internationals
I never had Cheer on Netflix, Ayto season 9 forgot that season existed and Married at first sight UK on my radar
Olivia would fit right in with these U.K. looking girls.
But congrats to her for the weight loss/health journey! She looks good.
So I actually did watch a bit of that AUS season. Taylor and her sister were pretty awful honestly lmao
leka and taylor will get into it is my blind prediction
Who's the girl under Izzy?
and leka will end her
awful in a boring way? cause i can handle if someone is awful in like a *****y rude way
Is production broke or something because these rookies scream who is the cheapest person we could cast from these shows, I think they have potential though
YES in a boring way sadly, otherwise I wouldn't think she's awful. She only won because the other two in the final 3 played more cutthroat/aggressive games and Australia voted for the winner
Awful how?
yes her and her funky *** sister suck i couldn't believe when they won. minee who made the finale that season would've been a 400x better pick
I didn't watch BBAUS but the common theme from people I know that did is that she's very annoying
I mean, at worst she's attractive. She'll probably be dumb and hook up with John
dee she won survivor 45
which means she'll get banned 2 seasons later...