Actually keep Jay at home bc his game moves never make sense. The only smart move he made was getting Horacio and Kyland out but outside of that he targets ppl who would shake sh^it up bc why would he pregame to target Da'Vonne for? Lmaooo
And what did Averey do in the rest of the episodes of 40 she was in? And what did she do if in AS4 (apart for being coward)?
What did Olivia do? What about Aviv? Aneesa?
Your argument falls apart once you look at the rubric that way.
Im havent said Aviv or Anessa should be casted. Thats a problem on it's own.
But you talk like casting Averey fixes that problem, and it doesnt. It only adds to that.
Averey IS in improvement on those three. That much is clear. Sure, there are bigger improvements: Ravyn, Nurys, Cassidy, etc. But if you want to argue that Olivia/Aneesa/Aviv had anything close to a statement episode in the past three/five/ten years like Averey did on 40, you're taking crazy pills.
I will argue for my favorites, you're arguing for strawmen. If you think Averey sucks, that's your opinion, whatever. But if you think she's sucks worse than Olivia/Aneesa/Aviv, I will call you factually wrong.
I don't want to watch Aneesa move fatly around dailies or lie on a couch, or watch Aviv play footsies with Bananas, or hear Olivia talk about Alaska.
No, she doesn't. You're delusional.
Averey's impact in season40 was minimal. She shined in one episode, and was a non-factor in all the rest. She didn't do anything in AS4. She isn't a household name. And Tony isn't in S41 so their feud is irrelevant.
There's no storylines she carries to this season, she doesn't have a fanbase, she isn't a super strong competitive or argumentative, not the best narrator and for a non-super fan she has the relevancy of a rookie. Is completely logical to have Olivia or Aneesa are before her in a season with limited vet spots cause at least a casual fan would know who they are.
Actually keep Jay at home bc his game moves never make sense. The only smart move he made was getting Horacio and Kyland out but outside of that he targets ppl who would shake sh^it up bc why would he pregame to target Da'Vonne for? Lmaooo
I have no idea what you're talking about genuinely. Da'vonne and Jay have never done a season together. Why would he do that?
Actually keep Jay at home bc his game moves never make sense. The only smart move he made was getting Horacio and Kyland out but outside of that he targets ppl who would shake sh^it up bc why would he pregame to target Da'Vonne for? Lmaooo
I have no idea what you're talking about genuinely. They've never done a season together. Does Jay even know Da'vonne?
Actually keep Jay at home bc his game moves never make sense. The only smart move he made was getting Horacio and Kyland out but outside of that he targets ppl who would shake sh^it up bc why would he pregame to target Da'Vonne for? Lmaooo
I have no idea what you're talking about genuinely. Da'vonne and Jay have never done a season together. Why would he do that?
He felt some type of way about what she been saying about him on the challenge podcast. But his partner would've been Nurys who wasn't gonna let him do that lol
Averey's impact in season40 was minimal. She shined in one episode, and was a non-factor in all the rest. She didn't do anything in AS4. She isn't a household name. And Tony isn't in S41 so their feud is irrelevant.
There's no storylines she carries to this season, she doesn't have a fanbase, she isn't a super strong competitive or argumentative, not the best narrator and for a non-super fan she has the relevancy of a rookie. Is completely logical to have Olivia or Aneesa are before her in a season with limited vet spots cause at least a casual fan would know who they are.
Ok, this is ridiculous, my last two points on Averey:
When you're on a 40 person cast and your name is not Cara/Bananas/Laurel, the only way to get screentime is to go into an elimination or get power. Averey had power in Episode 3 and shined. Olivia had power in Episode 5 and I bet you can't remember one moment from it because she did nothing. And Olivia actually lasted until there was 13 people left and STILL had no storylines outside of being besties with Michele.
My whole point has been that Tony and Averey should've been cast to continue basically the only bad blood that came from 40 that wasn't pre-rehearsed (Bananas/Tori).
And for your last point:
There's no storylines she carries to this season, she doesn't have a fanbase, she isn't a super strong competitive or argumentative, not the best narrator and for a non-super fan she has the relevancy of a rookie.
This is Olivia too. To a T. You wanna argue that you have ten better names than Averey, I'll debate them and you'll probably be right on some of them. But Olivia/Aviv/Aneesa are not three of them.
Is completely logical to have Olivia or Aneesa are before her in a season with limited vet spots cause at least a casual fan would know who they are.
NO NO NO NO NO. THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY SHOULD BE DOING. You don't see "limited vet spots" and put three/four/five duds on the cast because the casuals are familiar with their names and faces. This is the worst way to cast. Aneesa's been on 200+ episodes of The Challenge. She doesn't have a single fan. YOU CAST FOR POTENTIAL.
If Nonja wants to scream at me that Ravyn Collier or Cassidy Clark has a brighter future on The Challenge than Averey Tressler, I would respectfully listen and discuss. Defending this current vet cast (especially the duds at the bottom) is unforgivable.
Defending this current vet cast (especially the duds at the bottom) is unforgivable.
Do you know how to read? Cause I am not defending them. I'm constantly saying that they are equally as bad.
And you can ********** to Averey's bikini photos all the times you like, but no twisting of reality or 11 line essays would change the fact that Averey's episode in S40 has had less impact than Olivia's Rod and BFANC appearences or the Ashley and Aneesa fight in AS5. You are probably the only person that remembers that.
And that's enough time spent talking about Averey. Let's go back to topic and talk about the S41 cast and it's all-finalist veterans, not the girl that can't make it past episode 8.
She's back at the khia asylum where she belongs and she's not going to get out of there for a while.
Why do they never cast Michaela AND Jay it's always one or the other
Actually keep Jay at home bc his game moves never make sense. The only smart move he made was getting Horacio and Kyland out but outside of that he targets ppl who would shake sh^it up bc why would he pregame to target Da'Vonne for? Lmaooo
No, she doesn't. You're delusional.
Averey's impact in season40 was minimal. She shined in one episode, and was a non-factor in all the rest. She didn't do anything in AS4. She isn't a household name. And Tony isn't in S41 so their feud is irrelevant.
There's no storylines she carries to this season, she doesn't have a fanbase, she isn't a super strong competitive or argumentative, not the best narrator and for a non-super fan she has the relevancy of a rookie. Is completely logical to have Olivia or Aneesa are before her in a season with limited vet spots cause at least a casual fan would know who they are.
Berna deserved the call more than Averey
I have no idea what you're talking about genuinely. Da'vonne and Jay have never done a season together. Why would he do that?
For AS5? Oh weird. Jay is messy. Bring him.
Jay can come for a cute 3 episodes then he can get eliminated
ntm on berna she almost punched nurice and would so she's always welcome
Berna was an absolute nightmare on 39. I never want to see her again. She made my brain hurt with her whining and codependency.
He felt some type of way about what she been saying about him on the challenge podcast. But his partner would've been Nurys who wasn't gonna let him do that lol
Da'Vonne said she was told it's cause he was bitter about something she said on the podcast lol. Crazy reason to target someone
Lol, he should've went on the podcast instead of ghosting them. Apparently he declined Zach's podcast too.
I mean, we know for sure after 39, Jay IS a weirdo.
Jay is such a childish weirdo. Him and nurice deserve each other
Ok, this is ridiculous, my last two points on Averey:
When you're on a 40 person cast and your name is not Cara/Bananas/Laurel, the only way to get screentime is to go into an elimination or get power. Averey had power in Episode 3 and shined. Olivia had power in Episode 5 and I bet you can't remember one moment from it because she did nothing. And Olivia actually lasted until there was 13 people left and STILL had no storylines outside of being besties with Michele.
My whole point has been that Tony and Averey should've been cast to continue basically the only bad blood that came from 40 that wasn't pre-rehearsed (Bananas/Tori).
And for your last point:
This is Olivia too. To a T. You wanna argue that you have ten better names than Averey, I'll debate them and you'll probably be right on some of them. But Olivia/Aviv/Aneesa are not three of them.
NO NO NO NO NO. THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY SHOULD BE DOING. You don't see "limited vet spots" and put three/four/five duds on the cast because the casuals are familiar with their names and faces. This is the worst way to cast. Aneesa's been on 200+ episodes of The Challenge. She doesn't have a single fan. YOU CAST FOR POTENTIAL.
Not sportsman coming with the receipts. Love it!
If Nonja wants to scream at me that Ravyn Collier or Cassidy Clark has a brighter future on The Challenge than Averey Tressler, I would respectfully listen and discuss. Defending this current vet cast (especially the duds at the bottom) is unforgivable.
gamer doesn't follow him on insta so I don't think so
Chile let me stalk gamer's following.
well would you cast him?
yes bc he's hot
He's hot, British, has an athletic background, and has shown to be a good villain.
Do you know how to read? Cause I am not defending them. I'm constantly saying that they are equally as bad.
And you can ********** to Averey's bikini photos all the times you like, but no twisting of reality or 11 line essays would change the fact that Averey's episode in S40 has had less impact than Olivia's Rod and BFANC appearences or the Ashley and Aneesa fight in AS5. You are probably the only person that remembers that.
And that's enough time spent talking about Averey. Let's go back to topic and talk about the S41 cast and it's all-finalist veterans, not the girl that can't make it past episode 8.
She's back at the khia asylum where she belongs and she's not going to get out of there for a while.