The Challenge: Battle of the Eras- Cara Maria Sorbello

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All she had to do was be a silent MAGA like the rest of them... she completely did it to herself just like when she got herself suspended for 5 years for demanding things from production



She won yall LOST yet again lmao... You won't change her mind so i dunno why yall so mad in trying. Leave her alone and focus on paying yall rent this month lol

Tell that to your fave who just blacklisted herself for good. Alienated half her fans who won't be paying for her lil gay boyfriends OF anymore. Where will she make money? 

I hope she's blacklisted now but I doubt it.   

I knew I wanted to kiss on you. 

Julie from Bgc 

Kinda sus how vocal Cara is yet paulie is remaining obscure lol

Trumpies are kinda hilarious if you think about it 

Not her getting validated by AI. I am dead. What an idiot. Amber better send this girl a card, flowers, and dollar tree red hair dye cause this clown just stole all the heat from Amber's stupidity.

"I have a past that was lesbian" is hilarious honestly 

Not her getting validated by AI. I am dead. What an idiot. Amber better send this girl a card, flowers, and dollar tree red hair dye cause this clown just stole all the heat from Amber's stupidity.

ntm on Amber she was just a lil scared she never had this much power before Smile

The AI is so crazy. She's actually crazy. No like the definition. Not the word we casually use when we think someone is a bit off. 

mentally deranged, especially as manifested in a wild or aggressive way.

Don't @ me but this started with all her black friends turning on her and gaslighting her on Allstars 4. She's plotted her revenge ever since. 

Derek unfollowed her. After that video and tweet he made that took way too long than it should

How did Cara treat Katelynn and Ammo when she played with them? I swear she was hyping up Ammo

I know it was abusive near the end but this is still the girl who CHOSE to date Abram for a long time

Don't @ me but this started with all her black friends turning on her and gaslighting her on Allstars 4. She's plotted her revenge ever since. 

so kam turned her into a trump supporter lmaooo??

Jenn won't like Cara, Mattie is an alcoholic, and Chet is weak pleaseee Cara is in trouble


Now why was I scrolling the comments of a challenge fan IG post about this and OS was catching heat?! Lmaooo

also shocked by the comments who werent aware of how she is? Somebody said the show needs to Dee her



She won yall LOST yet again lmao... You won't change her mind so i dunno why yall so mad in trying. Leave her alone and focus on paying yall rent this month lol

you're weird btw


libertarians are basically just conservates who like weed and degeneracy. i can see wes being one

I am a libertarian who believes in science and data and freedom and the constitution. I voted against Trump every time he ran, because he is an authoritarian and a tyrant. I did not vote for the libertarian candidates, because I think Trump is too much a danger to our freedom and constitution, which he has certainly proven was correct when he pushed for Pence to not certify the election. Also because he was pushing conservatives who were pro-life and pro-business and not ones who consider personal freedom fundamental to the constitution. The US is not a free nation any longer. It is a nation run by oligarchs who use their wealth to suppress the masses and force birth so they have cheap, uneducated labor who will also vote for them.

This.  So much this.  Partisans are being played.

Over 70% of the US supports this...

good morning what else did maga maria get herself into as I slept peacefully lol Smile

I don't think she's a bad person but i think she's not well informed and should speak through her heart and personal experiences and not what others have said that she's copying!

Cara has lost me. I didn't know about a lot of this until now because I don't even follow Challenge people on social media, but I just heard about her "LGB" crap and it's a no no.

I do agree that I think with Cara a lot of it is ignorance, but in 2025 ignorance is not a valid excuse.

I do think the issue of trans women competing in sports is a nuanced issue and that we need to be able to have a nuanced, complex conversation instead of each side digging in their heels.

I feel like we glossed past her i can be Carl, i can be gay part. What does that even mean? 

Yall have to stop engaging with that man. It doesn't get us anywhere. I'm practicing what I'm preaching too. He's wrong, he won't ever be right, and we cannot convince him he is.

Loud, ignorant and proud; that's the worst combo possible.

I do think the issue of trans women competing in sports is a nuanced issue and that we need to be able to have a nuanced, complex conversation instead of each side digging in their heels.

This. The issue of transgender people in sports can definitely be a discussion (albeit I feel like it happens so rarely it's really a non-issue). But the people who bring it up most often aren't otherwise supporters of transgender people. They just use it as something to be anti-trans. You have to first not be a bigot before we can even have a nuanced conversation. 

Yall have to stop engaging with that man. It doesn't get us anywhere. I'm practicing what I'm preaching too. He's wrong, he won't ever be right, and we cannot convince him he is.

yep. The moment you see the name and avi, just instantly scroll.

I feel like we glossed past her i can be Carl, i can be gay part. What does that even mean? 

I read that and said "huh?"

Yall have to stop engaging with that man. It doesn't get us anywhere. I'm practicing what I'm preaching too. He's wrong, he won't ever be right, and we cannot convince him he is.
