The Challenge : Season 41 (Pointless Pre-Departure speculation)

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like nia should be at the very least phyiscally intimidating but she cant even do that 

we need more of the michaelas and less of the nias no shade

and ppl like to clown her but chanelle was a beast too

Chanelle 1000% deserves another shot. She stood 10 toes in the sand against Josh for Desi and then got snaked by Michele and Tiffany. And it's not like they have a deep bench of AA Queens. Bring her back!!!

I'm shocked at michele, kyland and nurys not being on 

And I know Big T isn't shaking shit but I honestly think she's improved .

Like I don't think she's getting demolished completely with some of these names that are likely.

I will give Big T the credit. She could be 0-8 or 1-7 in eliminations and she's a respectable 3-5.

But I just think she's just an early boot on most every season to be honest.

Seeing Desi chanelle and Michaela dominate USA 2 and make the final was so refreshing 

I'm shocked at michele, kyland and nurys not being on 

Are we 1000% on Kyland?

Michele was starting to go insane, she needs a break.

Hopefully Nurys apologizes and she's top billing on 42.

Seeing Desi chanelle and Michaela dominate USA 2 and make the final was so refreshing 

Chris + those Queens dominating the endgame made USA2 a Top 10 season and I will stand on that opinion!!!

I will reiterate if LT's been working on his cardio, I want him on this. I'd love to watch him ragdoll Bananas in a pole wrestle!

Nurice's loud mouth is too prideful to apologize so her challenge career is over 


Seeing Desi chanelle and Michaela dominate USA 2 and make the final was so refreshing 

Chris + those Queens dominating the endgame made USA2 a Top 10 season and I will stand on that opinion!!!

they embarrassed skyetard's pets so that's why she canceled the USA installment Smile


Jay is no please

half the cast is maga derek would be a r^etard to not work with any of them especially being that he's already a flop as is 

half the cast is maga derek would be a r^etard to not work with any of them especially being that he's already a flop as is 

he's lucky Cory is dumb or he wouldn't have TOUCHED that final Smile

Amanda celebrated her son's birthday a week and a half early. She always does that before leaving. On one departure, she did his Easter celebration two weeks early since she was going to be away.

Oh godmanda please don't flop again 

Can they give her a puzzle elimination 

Can they give her a puzzle elimination 

If they can do it for Michele with those 3 eliminations in 40 then they can do it for her 

Amanda celebrated her son's birthday a week and a half early. She always does that before leaving. On one departure, she did his Easter celebration two weeks early since she was going to be away.

Damn good news!

Seattlegirl's sleuthing is A+.


Why is Bananas so annoying on twitter the last few days??? Jesus...

ashley has not stopped dragging fatnessa online, i can't help but stan her now <3 

ashley has not stopped dragging fatnessa online, i can't help but stan her now <3 

Aneesa better go home first. Her getting "fit" and bowing out round 1 would be hilarious.


Can they give her a puzzle elimination 

If they can do it for Michele with those 3 eliminations in 40 then they can do it for her 

it's really shocking the way Amanda is a production fave the way they set her up with these physical elims

ashley has not stopped dragging fatnessa online, i can't help but stan her now <3 

need her to drag maga maria next!

Why is Bananas so annoying on twitter the last few days??? Jesus...

Maybe he isn't cast this season lol


Why is Bananas so annoying on twitter the last few days??? Jesus...

Maybe he isn't cast this season lol

It's like the GOAT land mine they set in his brain from the reunion finally went off. He's all about his legacy and impact and how much this show and him mean to reality tv. Like dude this show's bringing in 350k a night lately with you on every season. Like calm down lol...

My guess is he's trying to guarantee storylines for himself with the CBS rookies that are on 41

So platano will be on every season going forward? He'll make finals but won't win lmao

Amanda celebrated her son's birthday a week and a half early. She always does that before leaving. On one departure, she did his Easter celebration two weeks early since she was going to be away.

Damn nice catch

Michaela hasn't posted any stories lately (trying to be sleuthy like you guys) Smile
