Agreed. Her whole storyline was being obsessed with John and Laurel. Literally just bíțćhes about them in confessionals. She brings such a negative energy to the show. Why are we casting her? So her 18 stans will watch just to threaten and attack castmembers against Cara? She isn't female empowerment. She literally slept with a man in a relationship while wearing the girls panties. Then dates the man for years while he cheats on her and manipulates her non-stop. Keep this weak ***** off tv.
Cara fans go mute when she posts these dumb *** political takes
Cara doesn't really have fans--she has people that think it's cool to like her. Her politics are the least of her problems. Paulie's where her problems start and that's not because of his politics.
Cara started talking about politics the moment she started dating & adopted his personality
Agreed. Her whole storyline was being obsessed with John and Laurel. Literally just bíțćhes about them in confessionals. She brings such a negative energy to the show. Why are we casting her? So her 18 stans will watch just to threaten and attack castmembers against Cara? She isn't female empowerment. She literally slept with a man in a relationship while wearing the girls panties. Then dates the man for years while he cheats on her and manipulates her non-stop. Keep this weak ***** off tv.
even the 'cara cult' online isn't as strong as it used to be. her fans used to be a lot more rabid but i think they've toned down, probably because most of them graduated high school and their brains developed a bit more.
Cara was likeable on only one season to me and that's Free Agents. She had the ******* underdog edit. But she's miserable whenever she gets power. She's miserable when she gets bullied like both rivals. She's miserable
Cara fans go mute when she posts these dumb *** political takes
Cara doesn't really have fans--she has people that think it's cool to like her. Her politics are the least of her problems. Paulie's where her problems start and that's not because of his politics.
Cara started talking about politics the moment she started dating & adopted his personality
Why is she so vocal about it when he's not?
Because he is smarter than her on that expect at a point during pandemic he was also posting a lot about it & hanging out with a white supremacist that killed someone. But he also the backlash and stopped while she hasn't
Because Paulie is a true MAGA, proud boy. They like to hid it for mainstream appeal. Whereas Cara at her core isn't a bad person, she's just a dummy who genuinely believes any fake news she sees online.
She stopped being friends with Camila not because of what happened on Dirty 30, but because Camila didn't share the money they had agreed to split if one of them won. Camila ghosted her, which is pretty funny.
honestly the more challengers chime in whacking her, as fun as it would be, would only feed her victim complex more. they should just leave her alone on social media and save the energy for actually targeting her on 41
honestly the more challengers chime in whacking her, as fun as it would be, would only feed her victim complex more. they should just leave her alone on social media and save the energy for actually targeting her on 41
lol there's theories on reddit that paulie's encouraging cara to make more dumb political posts cause he would get a narcissistic kick out of it to watch her get dragged and lose friends, kind of as a way to keep her isolated more. or some people are saying it's so that he can have a safer way of dumping her with less potential backlash.
lol there's theories on reddit that paulie's encouraging cara to make more dumb political posts cause he would get a narcissistic kick out of it to watch her get dragged and lose friends, kind of as a way to keep her isolated more. or some people are saying it's so that he can have a safer way of dumping her with less potential backlash.
lol there's theories on reddit that paulie's encouraging cara to make more dumb political posts cause he would get a narcissistic kick out of it to watch her get dragged and lose friends, kind of as a way to keep her isolated more. or some people are saying it's so that he can have a safer way of dumping her with less potential backlash.
People are way too caught up on this to make up theories...hobbies are needed.
lol there's theories on reddit that paulie's encouraging cara to make more dumb political posts cause he would get a narcissistic kick out of it to watch her get dragged and lose friends, kind of as a way to keep her isolated more. or some people are saying it's so that he can have a safer way of dumping her with less potential backlash.
People are way too caught up on this to make up theories...hobbies are needed.
it doesn't take too long or too much energy to think of that as a probability, considering it's paulie lmao. i do think however that it's moreso just cara not being the sharpest tool in the shed
Idc what that white ***** says. She's so phoney. She would always post about Beyoncé and her last mention was July 2020 the same month Beyonce really dove into her BLACKNESS with Black is King. She realized Beyonce doesn't cater to raggedy white women and suddenly she became a swiftie to the point where it's the freak's personality trait she tweets about that lady every week. But she wants to date a black man? Good luck with that.
Agreed. Her whole storyline was being obsessed with John and Laurel. Literally just bíțćhes about them in confessionals. She brings such a negative energy to the show. Why are we casting her? So her 18 stans will watch just to threaten and attack castmembers against Cara? She isn't female empowerment. She literally slept with a man in a relationship while wearing the girls panties. Then dates the man for years while he cheats on her and manipulates her non-stop. Keep this weak ***** off tv.
Why is she so vocal about it when he's not?
even the 'cara cult' online isn't as strong as it used to be. her fans used to be a lot more rabid but i think they've toned down, probably because most of them graduated high school and their brains developed a bit more.
I'll give it a week before Cara calls immigrants "criminals and ra^pists"
Cara was likeable on only one season to me and that's Free Agents. She had the ******* underdog edit. But she's miserable whenever she gets power. She's miserable when she gets bullied like both rivals. She's miserable
Allegedly she's friends with Camila on the dl
Because he is smarter than her on that expect at a point during pandemic he was also posting a lot about it & hanging out with a white supremacist that killed someone. But he also the backlash and stopped while she hasn't
Because Paulie is a true MAGA, proud boy. They like to hid it for mainstream appeal. Whereas Cara at her core isn't a bad person, she's just a dummy who genuinely believes any fake news she sees online.
Well that's a slap in the face to Kam, Lee, and Da'Vonne but to each their own
She stopped being friends with Camila not because of what happened on Dirty 30, but because Camila didn't share the money they had agreed to split if one of them won. Camila ghosted her, which is pretty funny.
Jemmye actually looks good there. I'm ready for the Challenge MAGA vs. Liberals with Jemmye, Ashley, Frank, Devin vs. Cara, Olivia, Zach, Paulie.
Nází Maria would've had better luck storming the capitol with Abram than with whimpy bitćh Pauletta.
finally jemmye eats for once. using her clout chaser abilites towards someone who actually deserves it
I need Laurel to get a word in too!
Jimmy is so gross.
honestly the more challengers chime in whacking her, as fun as it would be, would only feed her victim complex more. they should just leave her alone on social media and save the energy for actually targeting her on 41
Jemmye chewed her *** up. Cara does need her *** beat
I hope ashley and amanda get her a^ss!
I wish Nurys was sane since I liked her on S39
I mean I like Jemmye--can't stand Cara--but Cara got exactly what she wanted with that response---attention
lol there's theories on reddit that paulie's encouraging cara to make more dumb political posts cause he would get a narcissistic kick out of it to watch her get dragged and lose friends, kind of as a way to keep her isolated more. or some people are saying it's so that he can have a safer way of dumping her with less potential backlash.
That can be true and Cara still is a dumbasz.
People are way too caught up on this to make up theories...hobbies are needed.
it doesn't take too long or too much energy to think of that as a probability, considering it's paulie lmao. i do think however that it's moreso just cara not being the sharpest tool in the shed
this made me weak lmaooo
Idc what that white ***** says. She's so phoney. She would always post about Beyoncé and her last mention was July 2020 the same month Beyonce really dove into her BLACKNESS with Black is King. She realized Beyonce doesn't cater to raggedy white women and suddenly she became a swiftie to the point where it's the freak's personality trait she tweets about that lady every week. But she wants to date a black man? Good luck with that.
She agrees she's just quiet about it. Why do y'all forget Ashley exposed Laurel and all the champs on invasion of the champs.