I honestly feel like they don't know how to edit amber as a character bc she's so unique
This is kinda true though. Amber's so sweet and bubbly they don't know what to do with her. She's not an airhead either so they can't give her the "dumb blonde" edit. Or particularly funny like Jenny. Damn, maybe Amber doesn't fit any themes.
I honestly feel like they don't know how to edit amber as a character bc she's so unique
This is kinda true though. Amber's so sweet and bubbly they don't know what to do with her. She's not an airhead either so they can't give her the "dumb blonde" edit. Or particularly funny like Jenny. Damn, maybe Amber doesn't fit any themes.
She also doesn't excel at none of the big 3 which are physical, social and strategic elements to the show. She seems like a really sweet genuine person on and off the show which is why some people called her fake bc they can't imagine someone being actually that nice really lol... Is she desperately needed no but im glad she's there.
...Is she desperately needed no but im glad she's there.
Same. She's a breathe of fresh air. It's also funny watching people be pressed about Amber just for existing. I do wish she would be messy or slap a b^itch once.
...Is she desperately needed no but im glad she's there.
Same. She's a breathe of fresh air. It's also funny watching people be pressed about Amber just for existing. I do wish she would be messy or slap a b^itch once.
I wish she would but that would be out of character for her as she's never been that way. Kinda refreshing she's not a lot of them who would fake stuff for more cameratime.
And they showed WAY TOO MUCH devin it was gross
I honestly feel like they don't know how to edit amber as a character bc she's so unique
This is kinda true though. Amber's so sweet and bubbly they don't know what to do with her. She's not an airhead either so they can't give her the "dumb blonde" edit. Or particularly funny like Jenny. Damn, maybe Amber doesn't fit any themes.
She also doesn't excel at none of the big 3 which are physical, social and strategic elements to the show. She seems like a really sweet genuine person on and off the show which is why some people called her fake bc they can't imagine someone being actually that nice really lol... Is she desperately needed no but im glad she's there.
Same. She's a breathe of fresh air. It's also funny watching people be pressed about Amber just for existing. I do wish she would be messy or slap a b^itch once.
I wish she would but that would be out of character for her as she's never been that way. Kinda refreshing she's not a lot of them who would fake stuff for more cameratime.
There needs to be someone who can PUSH Amber's buttons. Why do I feel like it'll be Adam or dario hmmm
Daily Ashley K love <3
Slow queen
I think she's just warming up to the cameras konquerer! Her breakout episode is coming in the 2nd episode TRUST!
We gon see ! I'm rooting for Amber this time.
Autistic mother <3
Amber if you're reading this don't listen to these retards. You're amazing
Need her more than I need air
Daily Amber love <3
Is the queen B ever going to FLOP?!
Daily Amber love <3
Dario was there?
Autistic queen <3
BORING *** *****!
you literally starve yourself to decrease your BMI index. Shut it fatty!
You spewing bullshit because you know the ***** is a BORE and that wont ever change *****!
YOU need to start spewing some vomit so you drop a few pounds flopneesa
Who's more obsessed killakashhh or pinkrose with the queen b?
Daily Amber love