The Challenge: All Stars 5 Rivals - Frank Sweeney

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He talked shit about Nany's sister only to end up looking like he was up there injecting with her.

He was nasty but he was messy and a very good competitor. That's what yall want right? 

"Your body's a mess."

I'll take Franks brand of nasty verses Bananas. 

He is the worst.....and he is crazy to think people should have a different opinion of him and his behavior on every show he was on

Frank is a vile piece of shit and I love him for that. I would love to see him and Bryton from Squid games get into an argument Smile

So excited to have him back! This might be the most exciting return out of anybody! 

I wasn't a fan of him when he was on the show, but I hope he makes a fan out of me this season (if I watch this garbage, but I think I will). 

Scaramouuuuche, Scaramouuuuche, will you do the fan dan go!


I've always been a Frank hater but I appreciate his messiness.

he just always delivers. Never knew he was afraid of heights tho.

Wow they really need to wise up before someone gets seriously injured/killed

Finally comes back and is immediately given a reason to not come back. Glad he's still there.

I like him more this season 

I love a snake that knows they're a snake 

Why couldn't it have been devin who fell through the floor?  And then been left there.

i have mixed feelings about him now...

gay men love bragging about how fake they are and parade it around as if they're a 6th grade girl. i will never get it

nonetheless he's great tv.. and still the best gay guy to ever do the challenge to date

this king...

gay men love bragging about how fake they are and parade it around as if they're a 6th grade girl. i will never get it

nonetheless he's great tv.. and still the best gay guy to ever do the challenge to date

Super homophobic statement.  

He sucks and is an idiot and terrible strategist.

Love Frank </3

He's good tv but god damn I forgot how annoying he can be.

He sucks and is an idiot and terrible strategist.

Let's take out all the teams I could beat in an elimination or a final! Brilliant!!!

He's good tv but god damn I forgot how annoying he can be.

I could never stand him, but he always brings something.

I do think his strategy is dumb, you should be forcing big teams out because you don't have a chance with Sam. Why can't you be a SMART villain?

He tries so bad to be Johhny/Kenny..... but he is just an *******.

I do think his strategy is dumb, you should be forcing big teams out because you don't have a chance with Sam. Why can't you be a SMART villain?

Frank clearly came into this season believing he was going to be welcomed back like a returning, conquering King and instead he got paired with Sam.

His strategy quickly shifted to, "I have a 0% chance to win this season, and if I go home first through fourth, I may never get a callback because they (production) clearly don't care about me. So, my new plan is to throw all the weak (F/F) teams under the bus because they're clearly gonna get picked off, stay as long as I can, ham it up for the cameras like I'm the ringleader, last six to eight episodes, and get the callback."


I do think his strategy is dumb, you should be forcing big teams out because you don't have a chance with Sam. Why can't you be a SMART villain?

Frank clearly came into this season believing he was going to be welcomed back like a returning, conquering King and instead he got paired with Sam.

His strategy quickly shifted to, "I have a 0% chance to win this season, and if I go home first through fourth, I may never get a callback because they (production) clearly don't care about me. So, my new plan is to throw all the weak (F/F) teams under the bus because they're clearly gonna get picked off, stay as long as I can, ham it up for the cameras like I'm the ringleader, last six to eight episodes, and get the callback."

I don't think he cares if he's asked back or not. The challenge wasn't his career when he was in his 20's and it certainly isnt now. He will always get a callback whether he leaves early or not.

Yeahhh, was Frank ever struggling to get call backs or was he just focusing on his real life? lmao either way I do agree that his gameplan changed the second him and Sam were partnered and she showed up THAT out of shape.
