Karen filtering her cast photo on Instagram has me cracking up. Like everyone knows you don't look like that lol. She looks fine for nearly 60 so not sure why she even did that lol.
Did you cheat on your husband with MJ too or did you spend the weekend at Mark's house knowing he had a woman? Because either way you had it coming pookie. Beth knows what she's doing.
Legendary Queen, the OG of all OGs.
it's crazy how she's looked the same since 2005
Hating her daily for dragging down the queen.
Can't tell the difference between her and Ashley K.
She's looked 50 for 20 years
Is her pic edited?
The OG Karen. Always has been and always will be.
Freaking love Beth - cast members like her are what All Stars are all about! Glad she's back - one of the good casting choices for this season
I also can't wait to see the dynamic of her and Jonna playing together. Hope they go far!
Beth has looked old since real world la.
Beth knew if she started beef with Jennai she could get cast with a champ as a partner for a future rivals season. The visionary that she is.
Beth tried to ruin my life
an icon
Did you cheat on your husband with MJ too or did you spend the weekend at Mark's house knowing he had a woman? Because either way you had it coming pookie. Beth knows what she's doing.
Love her <3 she is one of the main reasons for me to watch this season (along with Katie & Veronica)
The fact that she's pushing 60 and still competing?????? LEGEND
Legend. Period.
I know it's prob all Botox but she looked good for pushing 60
She's always been in great shape
I think you're the only person to notice the filters lmao. I genuinely have never noticed but I also don't care.
Love Beth and what she's bought to the franchise. That being said...this should be the last one for you, Queen. It's time.
it was an attempted murder!
Bring her on every season.