The Challenge: All Stars 5- Spoilers Discussion

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We got Nany yelling at Turbo, Ashley screaming multiple times, huge fight with KellyAnne and Sylvia, Jonna saying "Beth tried to ruin my life"

did we get any melissa



I love the way they did the star with the split faces

that looks horrible

Cool idea, but flop on the execution.

Finally a challenge season with some DRAMA and not no **** *** karma points encouraging the cast play camp rock  

I don't like the poster either lmaoooo I get what they were trying to do but I don't like it 

Ashley and Aneesa's elimination:

my only complaint from the trailer is not enough da'vonne and not enough of melissa flinging veronica and katie

Oh mother Da'Vonne

Millionaire Mitchell eating her one episode? I'm seated!

do we know anything about the format of this season besides stars?

amber getting into peoples faces wow she wasn't lying when she said she was gonna bring it the next time she returns Smile

Episode 1 Daily: Collect mud without using your hands and transfer it to your station (Beth and Jonna seen)

Episode 2 Daily: Jump off building tethered to your partner and grab a star (KellyAnne and Sylvia seen)

Episode 3 Daily: One player pushes their partner off the truck to grab a ring (Ashley M and Aneesa seen)

Episode 4 Daily: Teams have to collect their colored balls (Leroy and Devin seen)

Last daily: running and building some puzzle (only 5 stations and the colors match up with the final 5)

Other dailies that are in the middle:

Driving ATV off the cliff

Slide off a platform with colored soap/mud

Something involving a tube and soap/bubbles

I think this is from the final because you can kind of see beds (and only finalists can be seen)

I'm bummed Jennai and Beth didn't last longer tbh.

The Leroy/Devin, Corey/Big T, and Amber/Fessy boots back to back are so iconic tho

Sam in the back watching Nicole like "wtf"

amber getting into peoples faces wow she wasn't lying when she said she was gonna bring it the next time she returns

This is why they need a good mix of people on the main show and not a bunch of duds. If cast good enough the duds cast will bring it.

The Leroy/Devin, Corey/Big T, and Amber/Fessy boots back to back are so iconic tho

I'm seated for an Amber and Dario rivalry 

I'm seated for an Amber and Dario rivalry 

I don't know if I can handle my 2 favorites (besides Katie, obviously) going at it!

It just hit me i'm about to get a full season of Da'Vonne, Melissa, and

Was it ever mentioned who possibly took out Devin/leroy?

     wasnt it said Dario and Leroy had a falling out? Maybe that explains Devin and Dario getting in each others faces. Also in the trailer, does anyone recognize the voice saying "they broke up for a reason" when showing Dario and Ashley 

OMG I'm so happy that they're still friends! I was so sad when I heard the rumor that they had a falling out! 

Who do you guys want to have taken out devin & Leroy. Personally I hope it was an all girl team

Who do you guys want to have taken out devin & Leroy. Personally I hope it was an all girl team

Hopefully Day and Shane since production rigged her out of FR in that elimination against him and Cory, so it would be good karma lol

Who do you guys want to have taken out devin & Leroy. Personally I hope it was an all girl team

V & Katie

It just hit me i'm about to get a full season of Da'Vonne, Melissa, and

AND STEVE. like wow


Who do you guys want to have taken out devin & Leroy. Personally I hope it was an all girl team

V & Katie

I think V & Katie set Lee & Devin up for elimination. I'm hoping it was Shane & Da'Vonne tho

if da'vonne did eliminate devin you'd never hear the end from me. that would make my world
