The Challenge: All Stars 5- Spoilers Discussion

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Queen Mother Da'Vonne is returning one last time to remind ya'll who the REALEST and BADDEST challenger to crossover from Big Brother is Smile

Queen Mother Da'Vonne is returning one last time to remind ya'll who the REALEST and BADDEST challenger to crossover from Big Brother is

does Amber B and Ashley like each other?

Finally the real show is about to begin because season 40 is...........dead and snoozy

there was one point amber was the most popular on vevmo i dunno what happened

Same thing that always happens if they keep doing shows

More like Nany the face of All Stars 5. Isn't she the elimination queen on this season too? Man her screen time about to be through the roof. 

does Amber B and Ashley like each other?


More like Nany the face of All Stars 5. Isn't she the elimination queen on this season too? Man her screen time about to be through the roof. 

She's not a particularly great confessionalist, there can only be so many confessionals of her saying "this is my time. I DESERVE to be a champion" until they air something else, just like how there can only be so many confessionals of her boring girlfriend explaining the rules of daily challenges until they air something else. 


does Amber B and Ashley like each other?


welp rip </3


More like Nany the face of All Stars 5. Isn't she the elimination queen on this season too? Man her screen time about to be through the roof. 

She's not a particularly great confessionalist, there can only be so many confessionals of her saying "this is my time. I DESERVE to be a champion" until they air something else, just like how there can only be so many confessionals of her boring girlfriend explaining the rules of daily challenges until they air something else. 

Yet she's been the face of many seasons including this one and likely was the highest paid soo none of your points really matter lol 

Yet she's been the face of many seasons including this one and likely was the highest paid soo none of your points really matter lol 

Oh I know my opinions don't affect this show because if they did then Emy Alupei would be on every season but instead she hasn't even returned ONCE. Sad

wow abuelita...


Cast photos are out but I can't find individual ones

Katie, Kellyanne, and Jonna ate those photos up!

Now why are they reusing cast pictures 

and where is my TRAILER I can't do nothing with a teaser 

Remembering who wins this just is EW

Day usually eats these up, but she looks like she has allergies

Melissa and Andy Dyck are like those lesbian couples that end up looking like each other

Da'Vonne and Jonna look so gooood

Omg I finally see the appeal in Dario when hes got a tan going on...


and frank looks like freddie mercury 

Bummed that its Gold again but hey excited nonetheless!

Lowkey ****** me off that the season they decide to air on MTV is majority nonOG based but lemme not start...

I am excited to see Ashley K and Sam's cast pictures.

Ashley looks rough. Did they reuse Katie and Veronica's old cast photos?

Ashley K and Sam <3
