The Challenge: 41-WAY Too Early Pointless Speculation Thread

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Hurry up and film 41....

your boy is being problematic again


If you could cast 1 male and 1 female from each era plus 1 male and 1 female rookie who are you casting?

1.  Coral & Landon (but there's about 20 women Irulan Coral Mallory Lori Susie Julie Cara Z etc that need to be on)

2.  Pete Connolly & Brittini Sherrod (this era kind of sucks...probably should be Wes/John with Paula/Emily/Jenn)

3 Frank S & Jonna (probably should be Jordan & Tori)

4 dont care

Rookies for me are RW/RR that should have been on.   

Ashlee Feldman & Patrick Maloney...need competitors

OMG a reliable source I keep in contact with on Reddit spoiled potential names for 41. Trust when I say that we're gonna eat GOOD Smile

The only way I would want the season to be longer than 12-14 episodes is if there is a twist similar to the Life Shield/Pardon.

OMG a reliable source I keep in contact with on Reddit spoiled potential names for 41. Trust when I say that we're gonna eat GOOD

Is it one of our faves?

Peacecreeper22 has to be loving the current state of this show. Boring and gay, his 2 fav combos.

Were there any new BB people?

One of the names I heard is from survivor and he was entertaining on his season Wink

OMG a reliable source I keep in contact with on Reddit spoiled potential names for 41. Trust when I say that we're gonna eat GOOD

Reliable source on Reddit  lmao

Were there any new BB people?

Not you believing his trolling lol.


Were there any new BB people?

Not you believing his trolling lol.

I am not.

Reliable source on Reddit  lmao

Peacecreeper22 has to be loving the current state of this show. Boring and gay, his 2 fav combos.

Not really. My favorite era is Era 1.

Quintavius Burdette is a name that I've been hearing.

I heard makensy and katurah got calls for 41

It's okay peacekeeper, "OS Kajun" calls my fav boring when that's the furthest from the truth. Don't listen to him Smile

reddit is saying kaycee and laurel are no's

Girl katurah pmo she could've won 45 if she voted out Dee but oh well

I heard that Jasmee Toor, Paige Dumars, Wanni Danbaki and Handi Danbaki have received calls.

It's okay peacekeeper, "OS Kajun" calls my fav boring when that's the furthest from the truth. Don't listen to him

Thank you for your being understanding. It is sad when your faves are underestimated.

It's okay peacekeeper, "OS Kajun" calls my fav boring when that's the furthest from the truth. Don't listen to him

Killahtrolll your fav is boring. Laurel isn't though.

The only era 1 and era 2 girlies coming back are aneesa and cara 

OS rank my 6 female faves: Amber, Laurel, Kam, Amanda, Ashley, Michaela

reddit is saying kaycee and laurel are no's

what thread sis? Smile

Nany will win season 41. I feel it in my bones!

OS rank my 6 female faves: Amber, Laurel, Kam, Amanda, Ashley, Michaela

  1. Amanda: The last of her kind. 10/10
  2. Michaela: Reality TV gold. 10/10
  3. Ashley: Always entertaining and messy. 10/10
  4. Laurel: Always entertains but I need her to seek a little therapy and learn when to back down 9/10
  5. Kam: Love Kam, but mainly it's production who edits her poorly and doesn't utilize her properly. 8/10
  6. Amber: I'll give her 2 points for being pretty, but she has zero personality and charisma. I hate a habitual victim. 2/10.


Nany will win season 41. I feel it in my bones!

It must really suck being a diehard fan for people like Nany, Aneesa, or Cory tbh. People that consider themselves amazing competitors but will likely never win.  

Nany is gonna win S41 and there is nothing you or anyone can do to stop her!

reddit is saying kaycee and laurel are no's

To be fair...I'm rarely here any more and I could have said that and been relatively confident. 

Aneesa is a beast. She should've won The Gauntlet 2, The Inferno 3, Spies, Lies, & Allies, and Ride or Dies. I'm sure there are more, but just off the top of my head those are FOUR seasons that she should've won. Ride or Dies I especially believe that she should've won, she absolutely would've won if she didn't twist her ankle. Cory should've won Total Madness as well. As for Leroy and Nany, neither of them have seasons they "should've won," but that doesn't automatically mean that they suck (Nany does suck, though). 

Fhuk you. Nany should have won Ride Or Dies that final was rigged!


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