The Challenge: Battle Of The Eras- Theo Campbell

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Theo chose the wrong sport for sure. Getting as low as he did to successfully hit a guy almost a foot shorter than him, Theo would have a promising college career as a defensiveback. 

Not in the UK he wouldn't lol

good point. but even then i'd think he would get more traction at football than Track. especially considering he never been able to get into the Olympics. 

Theo belongs on the challenge 

I want a Theo and Tina interaction.

Theo chose the wrong sport for sure. Getting as low as he did to successfully hit a guy almost a foot shorter than him, Theo would have a promising college career as a defensiveback. 

Isn't Theo 6'6" or something.   WR would make way more sense.  I think the tallest CB ever is 6'3".   Most CBs are 5'10" to 6 foot

what about safety? and yeah he's around the 6'5"-6'6" range. 

Still too big--he'd be a WR or if he put on weight a TE

KVM what position did you play in football growing up?


Theo chose the wrong sport for sure. Getting as low as he did to successfully hit a guy almost a foot shorter than him, Theo would have a promising college career as a defensiveback. 

Isn't Theo 6'6" or something.   WR would make way more sense.  I think the tallest CB ever is 6'3".   Most CBs are 5'10" to 6 foot

what about safety? and yeah he's around the 6'5"-6'6" range. 

Still too big--he'd be a WR or if he put on weight a TE

interesting. there are a few safeties who were 6'5" but I'll take your word for it. 

KVM what position did you play in football growing up?

OldSchooler, let's praise Theo Campbell.

OldSchooler, let's praise Theo Campbell.

Theo Campbell is the best casting since Road Rules ended and probably the only good male casting since then at all.


OldSchooler, let's praise Theo Campbell.

Theo Campbell is the best casting since Road Rules ended and probably the only good male casting since then at all.

damn skippy... now you can go back to asking kvm about his glory days.

damn skippy... now you can go back to asking kvm about his glory days.

KVM obviously read it and chose not to respond and he ALWAYS responds to his name being mentioned. I guess he didn't make the team and was bullied by the football players. So we can keep praising Theo!

The king has returned for season 40.

Theo Campbell is the best casting since Road Rules ended


damn skippy... now you can go back to asking kvm about his glory days.

KVM obviously read it and chose not to respond and he ALWAYS responds to his name being mentioned. I guess he didn't make the team and was bullied by the football players. So we can keep praising Theo!

Lol you jumping to conclusions again.  I played hockey not football at a high level.  You can keep praising Theo though.  Not sure why you're desperate for attention currently.  Has CML become too stupid to engage?

Lol you jumping to conclusions again.  I played hockey not football at a high level.  You can keep praising Theo though.  Not sure why you're desperate for attention currently.  Has CML become too stupid to engage?

I wasn't stupid enough to not be able to see how in love you are with Tori- or that your claims that you're a married father are absolute bullshit LOL! Do you need your reading glasses old man? 

Lol you jumping to conclusions again.  I played hockey not football at a high level.  You can keep praising Theo though.  Not sure why you're desperate for attention currently.  Has CML become too stupid to engage?

I wasn't stupid enough to not be able to see how in love you are with Tori- or that your claims that you're a married father are absolute bullshit LOL! Do you need your reading glasses old man? 

Thanks for making my point for me

Thanks for making my point for me

Shut the **** up you dumb *** ******* *****. Maybe if you were less focused on being "right" and traded that focus with focus on being a decent human, then you wouldn't be the subhuman, scum of the Earth piece of shit ***** that you are at this current moment. 

...also, your obsession with being "right" is ironic because you're never even right LOL?!?!?! Pick a struggle loser. 

Thanks for making my point for me

Shut the **** up you dumb *** ******* *****. Maybe if you were less focused on being "right" and traded that focus with focus on being a decent human, then you wouldn't be the subhuman, scum of the Earth piece of shit ***** that you are at this current moment. 

...also, your obsession with being "right" is ironic because you're never even right LOL?!?!?! Pick a struggle loser. 

Again--thanks for proving me right

If it is any consolation, I am 36 and will still be a virgin like Steve Carrell in that film where Kelly Clarkson is overrated.

Again--thanks for proving me right

It's literally impossible for you to be "right" because it's your opinion you dumb *** ******* ***** LOL. However, if it takes me telling you that you're right for you to give your made-up wife and kids some attention, then I would perform what I would consider to be a great sacrifice and tell you that you are right because those poor kids deserve better than you... so if there's something I can do to get you to give them some attention, then you best believe that I will do it in a heartbeat. 

Does Theo have a strong alliance coming into this season? 

Does Theo have a strong alliance coming into this season? 

Coming into the season I would so no. On WoW2 and World Champs he was aligned with Johnny. And I think he and Jenny will bond over being from the U.K. He also always feels a little loyalty to Cara. But none of those are strong. Olivia will probably be his main alliance this season. 

Cara literally went after Theo and his alliance on WOTW so i'm not sure why there'd be any loyalty there.  If so, he needs to get over that because she doesn't care about him

Ct punked his ***** *** LMAOOOOO

He could pick on 5 foot 5 paulie but was SPOOKED and NERVOUS when CT stepped to him. I lost respect for him what a *****! Smile

*But ill give him some points back for saying producers rig these elims and that there's more to come lol

It was kind of funny when CT said Paulie would tear Theo to pieces when the exact opposite happened. 

Still like Theo. Idc

Theo is fine. Just not a main character anymore. That is fine. We need secondary characters.

Was he ever really a main character? Maybe his rookie season WoW1. He's still better than 99% of the main characters and secondary characters we're getting.

why they playing with him this season with his edit he is INVISIBLE even with a showmance yikes
