The Official Vevmo Off Topic Discussion: For Challenge Fans

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Facebook is not just old people. Lots of young people are on there. Young millennials like me and even Gen Z. Them Facebook groups be lit AF; that's where most of the action takes place. Y'all are bored cuz all y'all have are your aunts and tíos as your main FB friends. But I guess u can't expect much from lame *** no-friend-having *** mfs from Vevmo.

I said considered for older people... I am a millennial thats on there. Its gen Z I hear saying its for old people. Just funny how it used to be for colleges to being considered "for the old." 

that said, myspace was always superior. I was the first person I knew who got a fb but hated how you couldnt code it. So I kept using myspace and didnt put anybody onto fb.Tom abandoned us and then it was over

does anyone remember xanga/live journal? Also what were those personal webpages everyone had called? I referenced these to my boss whos 42 and she had no idea what I was talking about. 

Geocities or AIM profiles come to mind.

omg lol, CosmicDiva and I used to play ORG's where we used AIM as our method of communication. Their screen name and mine had our first names in them, times have really changed. We don't share our first names anymore to strangers on the internet, lol.

lemme guess Online Survivor OLS?

I wasn't on dat. We started on imdb messageboards, then speakreality, then several spin off messageboaards (including one I had created). They were always Challenge/RW/RR focused. Everything else was secondary and minimal.

I never really ****** with Survivor like that. I only watched a couple of seasons when the show went ghetto and divided everybody by race (Cook Island, then bits of Fiji). It coincided with the time I became involved on imdb messageboards. I was like 12-13 yrs old at most lmao 

The good ole days, when people didn't have phones that let you get online like that. I played like 1 game in SR. But Cosmic had their own forum and hosted some really good Challenge based ORG's. I think I hosted 1 or 2, idr.

disgusting bloated puffer fish *** sucking sociopathic goblin. 

Are you talking about The Hog?


oldschooler were you a sk8r scene king back in 2006

As in did I skateboard back in the day lol? No. Never lol.

Tell me more about yourself. Smile

Now you know damn well OS was not a skater kid. He's way to judgemental of drugs and people with tattoos. OS was either a church kid, or the kid who did some boring club in hs like yearbook while wishing he was the jock but settled for being playfully picked on by them. 

You read me like a Dr Suess book in the first part. However, I wasn't on Yearbook in high school. I did in middle school cause I was in love with the teacher running it. I was surprisingly never bullied but I had Napolean Complex in high school so I was kind of a dòúćhe...regrettably. 







Facebook is not just old people. Lots of young people are on there. Young millennials like me and even Gen Z. Them Facebook groups be lit AF; that's where most of the action takes place. Y'all are bored cuz all y'all have are your aunts and tíos as your main FB friends. But I guess u can't expect much from lame *** no-friend-having *** mfs from Vevmo.

I said considered for older people... I am a millennial thats on there. Its gen Z I hear saying its for old people. Just funny how it used to be for colleges to being considered "for the old." 

that said, myspace was always superior. I was the first person I knew who got a fb but hated how you couldnt code it. So I kept using myspace and didnt put anybody onto fb.Tom abandoned us and then it was over

does anyone remember xanga/live journal? Also what were those personal webpages everyone had called? I referenced these to my boss whos 42 and she had no idea what I was talking about. 

Geocities or AIM profiles come to mind.

omg lol, CosmicDiva and I used to play ORG's where we used AIM as our method of communication. Their screen name and mine had our first names in them, times have really changed. We don't share our first names anymore to strangers on the internet, lol.

lemme guess Online Survivor OLS?

I wasn't on dat. We started on imdb messageboards, then speakreality, then several spin off messageboaards (including one I had created). They were always Challenge/RW/RR focused. Everything else was secondary and minimal.

I never really ****** with Survivor like that. I only watched a couple of seasons when the show went ghetto and divided everybody by race (Cook Island, then bits of Fiji). It coincided with the time I became involved on imdb messageboards. I was like 12-13 yrs old at most lmao 

The good ole days, when people didn't have phones that let you get online like that. I played like 1 game in SR. But Cosmic had their own forum and hosted some really good Challenge based ORG's. I think I hosted 1 or 2, idr.

You did! And they were lit af <3


Now you know damn well OS was not a skater kid. He's way to judgemental of drugs and people with tattoos. OS was either a church kid, or the kid who did some boring club in hs like yearbook while wishing he was the jock but settled for being playfully picked on by them. 

You read me like a Dr Suess book in the first part. However, I wasn't on Yearbook in high school. I did in middle school cause I was in love with the teacher running it. I was surprisingly never bullied but I had Napolean Complex in high school so I was kind of a dòúćhe...regrettably. 

First part not correct, never seen you be judgemental over drugs or people with drug problems. Now the tattoo part is true, never seen anyone so bothered by tattoos until I read your posts here.

Do those the Challenge message boards still exist? I made an account on one I don't think I commented much though. I want to revisit the past like I did with yahoo answers before it was shut down Sad

First part not correct, never seen you be judgemental over drugs or people with drug problems. Now the tattoo part is true, never seen anyone so bothered by tattoos until I read your posts here.

Oh. I thought they meant in high school lol. Now, no I am not judgemental of addiction or recreational safe drug use. I don't indulge, but don't judge eithers. I'm very judgey of tattoos lol. Well I only look down on face and neck tattoos, but judgey of all tattoos like I don't have 2 really bad ones myself lol. A playful judgey, never a mean judgey though.

I didn't mean he's not sympathetic to people with drug addictions. Just that he wouldn't partake in any.

I didn't mean he's not sympathetic to people with drug addictions. Just that he wouldn't partake in any.


Anyone from SpeakReality?

I had different usernames like Eternal Kali, enkigilbert21, and I think I knew of a female user who changed her username to svelte.  Only person I didn't get along with a guy named Campbell Baller.

Anyone from SpeakReality?

I had different usernames like Eternal Kali, enkigilbert21, and I think I knew of a female user who changed her username to svelte.  Only person I didn't get along with a guy named Campbell Baller.

Me lol.


Anyone from SpeakReality?

I had different usernames like Eternal Kali, enkigilbert21, and I think I knew of a female user who changed her username to svelte.  Only person I didn't get along with a guy named Campbell Baller.

Me lol.

Also back when IMDB was for free, my only name I used was BiohazardAmigaVirus and in the beginning of me putting up with some guy with the chick handle GingaRed76 he would bully me and when the director of a certain movie called Wrong Turn 2 had to also put up with Ginga.  But me and Ginga made peace and he went to SpeakReality too though IDK if he still used the same name or a different one.


Anyone from SpeakReality?

I had different usernames like Eternal Kali, enkigilbert21, and I think I knew of a female user who changed her username to svelte.  Only person I didn't get along with a guy named Campbell Baller.

Me lol.

Were you svelte or Campbell?  I had the impression that the Campbell guy liked basketball and if it was svelte I think she wanted to live in New York.

The VMAs are terrible. It's like 2 hours in and they literally only announced 2 categories. Way too many performances.

Also in SpeakReality, I formed a trio with Ginga and someone else called the Power Rangers Alliance since we were all fans of the show.  I feel like with every post I publish that I am proving I am really gay.  That and I repeat watching Jeff Stryker scenes in gay ****.  My favorite NSync member is Lance Bass.  Brokeback Mountain is probably my favorite movie.


First part not correct, never seen you be judgemental over drugs or people with drug problems. Now the tattoo part is true, never seen anyone so bothered by tattoos until I read your posts here.

Oh. I thought they meant in high school lol. Now, no I am not judgemental of addiction or recreational safe drug use. I don't indulge, but don't judge eithers. I'm very judgey of tattoos lol. Well I only look down on face and neck tattoos, but judgey of all tattoos like I don't have 2 really bad ones myself lol. A playful judgey, never a mean judgey though.

I'll be honest and say they don't come across as playful IMO.

I'll be honest and say they don't come across as playful IMO.

Well I'm used to my playfullness being misunderstood so nothing new there.

So happy to see the Diddler aka Pee Demon finally getting his karma, its about damn time! May he rot in prison, and then in hell :) 

I want to stay in contact with my hot coworkers that quit but they always do that fake stay in touch thing where they get your number but you don't get theirs and they never text you and then you lose contact forever. 

I want to stay in contact with my hot coworkers that quit but they always do that fake stay in touch thing where they get your number but you don't get theirs and they never text you and then you lose contact forever. 

you seem sexually repressed. You've got to let it out.

So happy to see the Diddler aka Pee Demon finally getting his karma, its about damn time! May he rot in prison, and then in hell :) 

i just saw that viral audio recording on twitter.. bruh that man needs to be sent off to die in space

Mr. Beast getting fact checked about his own product. 

The audio of Meek Mills (allegedly) getting his cheeks clapped, jealous. 

The audio of Meek Mills (allegedly) getting his cheeks clapped, jealous. 

im pretty sure that was fake. It doesn't sit right with me that black twitter/right wingers keep trying to expose diddy as gay when everything that has officially went public involved women only. 


The audio of Meek Mills (allegedly) getting his cheeks clapped, jealous. 

im pretty sure that was fake. It doesn't sit right with me that black twitter/right wingers keep trying to expose diddy as gay when everything that has officially went public involved women only. 

It could be. Being gay or bi is the least of Diddy's problems right now though. Wasn't it from Cassie's lawsuit last year that started the Meek Mills and Diddy rumors?

Ehhhhhh I definitely think that man has been traumatizing both males and females (and I purposely dont say men and women because I am including minors).  People been talking about it since the 90s. Used to have aspiring rappers drop their drawers for a deal and then he would never put them on. Then theres the Usher/Justin Bieber of it all with them living in his house as minors and questionable things being said. 50 is the biggest troll but he has also been saying for years how diddy hits up these celeb dudes asking to party and take them shopping. Katt said guys in Hollywood giving up the cheeks to Diddy for 50k. In 2011 the feds were asking questions about if diddy was having sex with underage boys.I know these arent the best sources but its been out there.

I believe its a power dynamic thing. He has sex with them or films them having sex, so he can use them as needed and blackmail if necessary. That man has done so much evil, this is just the beginning of him being exposed.  


there's been many theories and even some small studies done to suggest a hypothesis that sociopaths are more likely to be bis4xual, or engage in bis4xual behavior. sociopaths tend to seek out new experiences way more easily, want to be in positions of power or control, and are equal oppurtunists. so it usually isn't about how they choose to identify, moreso it's what benefits them the most or what drives that perpetual empty boredom that people with ASPD tend to always experience due to chronic understimulation. kanika batra on youtube did a good video covering this.

this girl is also a diagnosed sociopath and i found this video really interesting if anyone is more curious about this guy

I had an awful nightmare last night where I was f u cking the Tulsa king...just really disgusted w myself idk I don't even watch the show
