The Challenge: All Stars 5- Spoilers Discussion

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Ashley deserved better and had better options Sad

Ashley deserved better and had better options

Incorrect. This is exactly what she deserves and I hope they get a perfect shot of the facial expression she makes as the realization sets in that she has no shot to win a Challenge that she didn't even deserve to be cast on in the first place. 

I just realized that they're gonna play the clip of Katie cussing out Veronica on The Inferno when they announce their partnership. **** yesssssss. Watching that will never get old. Because of Katie, not Veronica... just to be clear. 

When is this gonna air. I want to watch it already before I lose my excitement for it like I did with AS4.

Ntm on Auntieneesa.

That's MY ride or die.

Oh Aneesa don't mother that hard!

Ntm on Auntieneesa.

I just realized that they're gonna play the clip of Katie cussing out Veronica on The Inferno when they announce their partnership. **** yesssssss. Watching that will never get old. Because of Katie, not Veronica... just to be clear. 

Iconic for both Katie screaming and a topless V going back at her lol

I'm still upset we didn't get Jenn G on this.

Same Sad

I'm still happy we didn't get Jenn G on this.


I'm still happy we didn't get Jenn G on this.

That photo is so triggering to me, WHY THE **** ARE HER PAWS ON HERRRRR- 

Rumors from the Challenge Mania event that All Stars 5 will air on MTV?

Rumors from the Challenge Mania event that All Stars 5 will air on MTV?

they've been trying to get it to air on MTV every season since All Stars 2. doubtful things will change this time 

Shane and V were not necessarily the best friends people were expecting on this.

Btw sorry guys for not being as active for the past week have been dealing with some serious personal stuff. 

Shane and V were not necessarily the best friends people were expecting on this.

Btw sorry guys for not being as active for the past week have been dealing with some serious personal stuff. 

She didn't trust him on Vendettas.  She thought he was the one writing the notes

Hope everything is ok with you

Oh no!!! Not Shane and V drama!

I hope everything is ok PR! 

Shane and V were not necessarily the best friends people were expecting on this.

Btw sorry guys for not being as active for the past week have been dealing with some serious personal stuff. 

Our thoughts are with you PR!

So this is really for 2025 isn't it

Are we expecting late 2025? 2026?

Some other bullshit?

All Stars 5 is getting a reunion



amber FLOPPED this season tho so she may not even be asked! Smile

Frank doesn't like Davonne and she doesn't like him. Sylvia hates Corey lmao

Hopefully these ppl don't act like besties by the time this airs because as of now it seems like a lot of them still don't like or even talk to each other.

Finally getting good, real drama. Not fake beefs with people who are hanging out and besties off the show. 

Frank doesn't like Davonne and she doesn't like him. Sylvia hates Corey lmao

Hopefully these ppl don't act like besties by the time this airs because as of now it seems like a lot of them still don't like or even talk to each other.

hope everything is okay with you

did da'vonne and melissa end off the season still not liking eachother or did they make up?

amanda da'vonne and melissa are literally my top 3 so if that's the case then idk what i'll do LOL

amber FLOPPED this season tho so she may not even be asked!

you're a very weird b•itch
