@Pink...girl....can we lock this person from spamming unhinged paragraphs for a few weeks in here or the entire forum. Someone missed their medication today.
Here's what confuses me about you... you can't commit to either side of the coin, so you get the worst of both worlds. What I mean by this is that you're a *****, but you can't relish in it because you play the victim after. But you can't relish in being a sweet little victim either because you're a *****.
Also, if we're gonna be handing out bans, then let's hand out a ban to YOU for being a disgusting ******* bigot. You've been banned before for being your weird, disgusting self, so that makes you feel entitled to demand for others to be banned when really I have never been a ******* bigot (nor would I ever because that's weird *** ******* behavior!).
Also also, you have a borderline creepy obsession with my age, but also take offense to me being an educated human being that's able to use my words... which one is it LOSERRRRRR! Don't be mad that you're too stupid to explain your already stupid thoughts, LOL!
Also also also, you literally spam threads. And it's worse than my spam, too, because you're just quoting the same posts over and over again.
Hauserbigot gives me a lot to call it out on on a silver platter but then whines and plays the victim when I call it out... Who would've thought that somebody who was so stupid that they thought that being a bigot was okay would be too stupid to figure out how to be consistent?
*cml spazzes out with 10 posts writing a diatribe dedicated to me*
I wonder who is obsessed.
I know you're a ******* moron, so this doesn't register in that giant pile of mush you call a brain, but responding to someone talking shit about you for no reason isn't the same thing as finding it worth it to be your miserable bigot self instead of keeping that shit on the inside and contained in preparation for your much needed exorcism.
...also, me being able to type out my thoughts is something to be proud of, which is why I acknowledge it as such. And yes, you are obsessed with me. You say something, I respond. It's not significant to you, it's who I am. You remembering random shit I said MONTHS ago IS significant to me because you're a ******* moron with no brain that therefore doesn't have the greatest memory. LOLLL.
...also, since Hauserbigot responded, I can cancel my alarms. It's too bad, I was excited to do that, so if I was gonna have to cancel it, I wish it was for something good... not this fraudulent victim playing nonsense that that pushing 40 stupid *** ******* bigot is weirdly fixated on.
I remember when War of the Worlds aired, there was that unhinged Cara Maria fan account that was beefing with Da'vonne. And then da'vonne clapped back and was like 'Dude Cara doesn't even like you and talks shit on you all the time in the house for being creepy and weird.' That's why you would should never pop a blood vessel and writing 8 pages and shit defending someone you don't even know in real life.. the cast themselves don't even really fw us LOL. And rightfully so, they're just there for a check. Anyways. CML, I think yr cool and all but just chill with all the rambling and shit or you'll end up mentally ill like that twitter guy. Parsocial relationships are notttt the hill you wanna die on
Run for your life, after you done clocked them for the screenshot hard drive comment you ain't safe either.
You're not even safe from yourself- and no, there are no hard drives present. So you're wrong, as usual. Also, in honor of you being pressed by my screenshots, here is your own special episode in my series: this was the same energy I was keeping with ChampionDarrell when we used to go at it, and you said it was your "favorite thing to read," so which one is it *****? Lmaooooo. The only thing consistent about you is that you're inconsistent, but that's inherent when it comes to a ***** who cries constant victim tears.
@null thank you for the genuine feedback! Here are a couple things to go over:
This isn't about Cara sweetie, lol
I like writing, in fact my dad even told me that I could be a writer (I'm still not gonna do that, though)
I prefer clapping back because if I just sit with something on my chest, then it'll bother me more. I'm not like Hauserbigot who cries victim tears and pretends to be a certain thing that they're not.
I think it could be useful to educate Hauserbigot on the fact that you're not even coming for me, because that loser keeps dickriding you and it's hard to watch. ...and I say that as someone who despises it; I can't imagine how hard to watch Hauserbigot's dickriding would be if I had even a shred of respect for that ******* bigot
Yeah because when people post funny things, I'm gonna acknowledge it. I still acknowledge OS when he posts funny things. I know that's probably too much for you to comprehend tho. Thanks for continuing to prove Null was right about you having a hard drive with screenshots. Legit the weirdest thing I've seen in Vevmo in my time here.
@null thank you for the genuine feedback! Here are a couple things to go over:
This isn't about Cara sweetie, lol
I like writing, in fact my dad even told me that I could be a writer (I'm still not gonna do that, though)
I prefer clapping back because if I just sit with something on my chest, then it'll bother me more. I'm not like Hauserbigot who cries victim tears and pretends to be a certain thing that they're not.
I think it could be useful to educate Hauserbigot on the fact that you're not even coming for me, because that loser keeps dickriding you and it's hard to watch. ...and I say that as someone who despises it; I can't imagine how hard to watch Hauserbigot's dickriding would be if I had even a shred of respect for that ******* bigot
Yeah but this all stems from you defending Cara and it branched out to this indirectly from all the ranting you did in her name. You wouldn't be writing all this if it ultimately wasn't for yr love for Cara. And Hauser isn't 'dickriding' me, we actually disagree about some things on here but again.. not that deep.. just a dead rotting early 2000's forum meant to just talk shit and banter about tv... nothing serious to set 15 alarms over.
Yeah because when people post funny things, I'm gonna acknowledge it. I still acknowledge OS when he posts funny things. I know that's probably too much for you to comprehend tho. Thanks for continuing to prove Null was right about you having a hard drive with screenshots. Legit the weirdest thing I've seen in Vevmo in my time here.
Hauserbigot talking about reading comprehension when the point flew over its head, lol. You're calling me out for my essays-that-aren't-essays, but that was the same exact thing that I was doing to CD when we had beef and you were eating it up. So you're just inconsistent. Also, if I had a "hard drive" of screenshots, then there would've been a different profile picture in the screenshot because you didn't have that profile picture at the time that you wrote that comment. I know words are hard for you, so I'll give you a minute to take it all in and even answer any questions that you might have (I'm sure you'll have a billion of them, even if you don't ask them).
Yeah but this all stems from you defending Cara and it branched out to this indirectly from all the ranting you did in her name. You wouldn't be writing all this if it ultimately wasn't for yr love for Cara. And Hauser isn't 'dickriding' me, we actually disagree about some things on here but again.. not that deep.. just a dead rotting early 2000's forum meant to just talk shit and banter about tv... nothing serious to set 15 alarms over.
It's still not about Cara, lol. And yes, Hauserbigot was absolutely dickriding you in this thread. Also, the alarms are cancelled because Hauserbigot cried its usual victim tears, lol!
Even weirder that you took time of your night to hunt down that post. Whew, the jokes keep writing themselves with you. More and more unhinged.
I literally just googled "vevmo CaraMariaLover ending CD consistently" and it popped up. The only thing I had to do was remember it, and it would make sense that it would be weird to you that I would remember anything at all no matter how long ago because, again, you're a ******* moron.
Imagine being so impactful that you get credit for a fight you didn't even start... unfortunately, I have to give more credit to Hauserbigot and its victim tears than I want to because they absolutely played a part in that.
Here's what confuses me about you... you can't commit to either side of the coin, so you get the worst of both worlds. What I mean by this is that you're a *****, but you can't relish in it because you play the victim after. But you can't relish in being a sweet little victim either because you're a *****.
Also, if we're gonna be handing out bans, then let's hand out a ban to YOU for being a disgusting ******* bigot. You've been banned before for being your weird, disgusting self, so that makes you feel entitled to demand for others to be banned when really I have never been a ******* bigot (nor would I ever because that's weird *** ******* behavior!).
Also also, you have a borderline creepy obsession with my age, but also take offense to me being an educated human being that's able to use my words... which one is it LOSERRRRRR! Don't be mad that you're too stupid to explain your already stupid thoughts, LOL!
Also also also, you literally spam threads. And it's worse than my spam, too, because you're just quoting the same posts over and over again.
Hauserbigot gives me a lot to call it out on on a silver platter but then whines and plays the victim when I call it out... Who would've thought that somebody who was so stupid that they thought that being a bigot was okay would be too stupid to figure out how to be consistent?
*posts one time saying a few lines*
*cml spazzes out with 10 posts writing a diatribe dedicated to me*
I wonder who is obsessed.
I know you're a ******* moron, so this doesn't register in that giant pile of mush you call a brain, but responding to someone talking shit about you for no reason isn't the same thing as finding it worth it to be your miserable bigot self instead of keeping that shit on the inside and contained in preparation for your much needed exorcism.
...also, me being able to type out my thoughts is something to be proud of, which is why I acknowledge it as such. And yes, you are obsessed with me. You say something, I respond. It's not significant to you, it's who I am. You remembering random shit I said MONTHS ago IS significant to me because you're a ******* moron with no brain that therefore doesn't have the greatest memory. LOLLL.
if hauser's workplace calls and tells him that their building is closed for the day due to a bomb threat we all know why
...also, since Hauserbigot responded, I can cancel my alarms. It's too bad, I was excited to do that, so if I was gonna have to cancel it, I wish it was for something good... not this fraudulent victim playing nonsense that that pushing 40 stupid *** ******* bigot is weirdly fixated on.
In before Hauserbigot's *** kissing self dickrides you over this joke as if it's not that... a JOKE...
Right, it's certainly something. Except I work from home, so how will this work.
let me stay out of this before my workplace gets a bomb threat too omg..
you know damn well he's got that IP address
I'm a fan of yours (most of the time), you're safe from my imaginary bomb threats
How'd I predict the future... ***** call me Raven Symone
Nope, that's an OldSchooler move
I'm in the tech field, negative.
Run for your life, after you done clocked them for the screenshot hard drive comment you ain't safe either.
I remember when War of the Worlds aired, there was that unhinged Cara Maria fan account that was beefing with Da'vonne. And then da'vonne clapped back and was like 'Dude Cara doesn't even like you and talks shit on you all the time in the house for being creepy and weird.' That's why you would should never pop a blood vessel and writing 8 pages and shit defending someone you don't even know in real life.. the cast themselves don't even really fw us LOL. And rightfully so, they're just there for a check. Anyways. CML, I think yr cool and all but just chill with all the rambling and shit or you'll end up mentally ill like that twitter guy. Parsocial relationships are notttt the hill you wanna die on
Like these cast members just wake up and eat cereal in the morning like the rest of us I promise it's never that deep
@null thank you for the genuine feedback! Here are a couple things to go over:
Yeah because when people post funny things, I'm gonna acknowledge it. I still acknowledge OS when he posts funny things. I know that's probably too much for you to comprehend tho. Thanks for continuing to prove Null was right about you having a hard drive with screenshots. Legit the weirdest thing I've seen in Vevmo in my time here.
Yeah but this all stems from you defending Cara and it branched out to this indirectly from all the ranting you did in her name. You wouldn't be writing all this if it ultimately wasn't for yr love for Cara. And Hauser isn't 'dickriding' me, we actually disagree about some things on here but again.. not that deep.. just a dead rotting early 2000's forum meant to just talk shit and banter about tv... nothing serious to set 15 alarms over.
Hauserbigot talking about reading comprehension when the point flew over its head, lol. You're calling me out for my essays-that-aren't-essays, but that was the same exact thing that I was doing to CD when we had beef and you were eating it up. So you're just inconsistent. Also, if I had a "hard drive" of screenshots, then there would've been a different profile picture in the screenshot because you didn't have that profile picture at the time that you wrote that comment. I know words are hard for you, so I'll give you a minute to take it all in and even answer any questions that you might have (I'm sure you'll have a billion of them, even if you don't ask them).
It's still not about Cara, lol. And yes, Hauserbigot was absolutely dickriding you in this thread. Also, the alarms are cancelled because Hauserbigot cried its usual victim tears, lol!
Even weirder that you took time of your night to hunt down that post. Whew, the jokes keep writing themselves with you. More and more unhinged.
I literally just googled "vevmo CaraMariaLover ending CD consistently" and it popped up. The only thing I had to do was remember it, and it would make sense that it would be weird to you that I would remember anything at all no matter how long ago because, again, you're a ******* moron.
well... I tried. see yall in the psych ward. i'm calling it a night
You didn't try hard enough to flatter me. I thought it was a lazy attempt. No shade though!
I don't try to flatter anyone, ho
I'm sorry though, maybe an Abilify injection and 10 mg Lexapro will do the trick for you better than me.
Imagine being so impactful that you get credit for a fight you didn't even start... unfortunately, I have to give more credit to Hauserbigot and its victim tears than I want to because they absolutely played a part in that.