The Challenge: Battle of the Eras- Cara Maria Sorbello

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THE FEMALE FACE OF THE CHALLENGE RETURNS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

THE FEMALE FACE OF THE CHALLENGE RETURNS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Tori never left...

Tori never left...

Just because she's your girlfriend doesn't mean you have to mindlessly defend her. In fact, some (including myself) would say that you're a bad boyfriend because of it! 


Tori never left...

Just because she's your girlfriend doesn't mean you have to mindlessly defend her. In fact, some (including myself) would say that you're a bad boyfriend because of it! 

Just pointing out reality.  Cara was never the face of the shoe.  John was during her entire tenure unfortunately.   If I had my way it would still be Coral but let's deal with what is even when we dislike people 

Cara was never the face of the shoe. 

Lol, you can hate Cara, criticize Cara, whatever. But she was definitely the face of the show for a good while.


Cara was never the face of the shoe. 

Lol, you can hate Cara, criticize Cara, whatever. But she was definitely the face of the show for a good while.


Cara was never the face of the shoe. 

what shoe are we talking about now?

Cara was never the face of the shoe. 

what shoe are we talking about now?

Autocorrect--but she was never the face of the show--sadly no woman was from the time JEK joined (aside Coral's return) until John left.   It was Evan-Kenny-John-CT-Wes--which sucks because this show is better when it's about the women.  Cara was the supporting cast either as a friend or a rival of someone relevant.

Just pointing out reality.  Cara was never the face of the shoe.  John was during her entire tenure unfortunately.   If I had my way it would still be Coral but let's deal with what is even when we dislike people 

  • How can she possibly be the face of a shoe when she's a human being, lol? I guess her face could be put on a shoe. 
  • I specifically said FEMALE face. Even then, you like to pretend that it's your girlfriend, but I'm just "pointing out reality" that that's what I said. 
  • I despise Bananas and would never deny that he's a face/staple/legend of this show, so it's not about my personal feelings of these people. 


    Cara was never the face of the shoe. 

    Lol, you can hate Cara, criticize Cara, whatever. But she was definitely the face of the show for a good while.



    Are you sure it's unfortunate? Because the last time there were consecutive seasons of the main show that were GOOD (FR/WOTW/WOTW2), they not only featured Cara, but they revolved around her. Coincidence? I think NOT! Smile

    I guess what you meant is that you hate to see her be such an icon because you're jealous! ...but you love talking about her even during seasons that she's not on, so what difference does it to make to you if she's the face or not LMAO? 

    Cara was the supporting cast either as a friend or a rival of someone relevant.

    Funny, because that's exactly how I'd descrive your queen; in fact, there's a non-0% chance that you were talking about her when you said this. Evidence: 

  • you're always thinking of her 
  • she could've been fresh on your mind after you were just getting your monthly subscription's worth in on her OnlyFans 

    THE FEMALE FACE OF THE CHALLENGE RETURNS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

    Tori never left...

    This is why geriatrics should be banned from Vevmo, always talking nonsense. Tori left after Cutthroat to start a family with Brad. While he returned as mid-life crisis cokehead, she's still at home being a rich and stable mother.

    This is why geriatrics should be banned from Vevmo, always talking nonsense. Tori left after Cutthroat to start a family with Brad. While he returned as mid-life crisis cokehead, she's still at home being a rich and stable mother.

    Tori Hall is worse than Tori Deal LOL. This is why I find your taste to be so inconsistent... because she's someone that I'd be so sure that you'd HATE- 

    I don't hate authentic entertainers. You don't know my taste. Really you don't know much of anything besides grammar. Guess when you have no friends on the playground though that gives you plenty of time to read the grammar books.

    I don't hate authentic entertainers. You don't know my taste. Really you don't know much of anything besides grammar. Guess when you have no friends on the playground though that gives you plenty of time to read the grammar books.

    Grammar books? Ummmmm hello moron, knowing your/you're + to/too/two doesn't require spending an extended period of time reading books. You're absolutely right, I don't know your taste. Lastly, that first sentence was a big ******* lie 

    Daily Cara Maria love <3 

    THE LEGEND RETURNS TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile I'm catching up on these promo videos that they posted for this season and, in one of them, Jenny said she was inspired by Cara! JENNY! 


    Laurel grinning lol? Oh mother knew she was about to gag cara 

    Laurel grinning lol? Oh mother knew she was about to gag cara 

    The only person Laurel has ever "gagged" was herself when she got herself eliminated on WOTW2 LOL. 

    Daily Cara Maria love <3 

    even she said she only has 2 wins on the episode LOL

    even she said she only has 2 wins on the episode LOL

    Poor little dumb dumb, allow me to educate you. She won 2 seasons of the main show. She also won 1 season of Champs vs. Pros. If you aren't dumb enough to not know what 2 + 1 is, then you'll know be able to know why the Queen stays Queen. 

    Kyland is a superfan of these shows, I bet he was so excited to meet the Queen. If I was a superfan of a show and then went on to get cast on it, then I'd be thrilled to meet its queen. 

    Kyland said that Laurel is the female GOAT Smile

    Kyland said that Laurel is the female GOAT of cheating herself out of elimination rounds 

    Kyland said that Laurel is the female GOAT

    If Kyland really did say that, then I hope PR's alleged "tea" about him leads to him being CANCELLED. 

    Remember during departure day of All Stars 4 when Laurel blocked Gamer because she was jealous that Cara's announcement was getting the most attention? Because I do! #QueenStaysQueen 
