Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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I'm torn. Cedric is nice to look at and I love his vibe, but I don't want a collective steamroll. Hopefully ruborina gets evicted

A Rubina eviction is the worst possible outcome of the 3? 

It's the best possible outcome!

Leah is my sister in a way because she claims that people copy her and I do the exact same thing 

It's the best possible outcome!

Oh please. If you had a crush on her, you'd be on every page talking about how bubbly, light-hearted, charismatic, likable, and fun she is. 

Angela is your mom. Leah is your sister. Quinn is your skinny twin. Is Thursdays twist a DNA twist reveal and they are bringing you in to reveal the family connection?

The best outcome of this game would be T'Kor or Chelsie winning Smile


It's the best possible outcome!

Oh please. If you had a crush on her, you'd be on every page talking about how bubbly, light-hearted, charismatic, likable, and fun she is. 

She was my preseason crush. That is why I drafted her first. She just has been a letdown. She's not going to win or do anything besides be a puppet for 2/3 least favorite hg. She'll help The Collective steamroll.


I'm torn. Cedric is nice to look at and I love his vibe, but I don't want a collective steamroll. Hopefully ruborina gets evicted

A Rubina eviction is the worst possible outcome of the 3? 


Me after I defeat my haters.

The best outcome of this game would be T'Kor or Chelsie winning

Flop'kor will be getting 6th place at best ijbol 

CML are you big into astrology? Those are the vibes you are giving me.

Angela is your mom. Leah is your sister. Quinn is your skinny twin. Is Thursdays twist a DNA twist reveal and they are bringing you in to reveal the family connection?

I like Quinn just like UKLover, but I know you mean that as an insult Sad what personality traits do I share with them? List them all NOWWWWWWW! 

CML are you big into astrology? Those are the vibes you are giving me.

First of all **** you (in case you mean that in a bad way). Anyways... nope. Not at all. The most exposure I've had to astrology was in high school when I asked the astrology girls what my sign is... they said I was a Gemini. I asked them if it was good or bad, and they said good, but I've always suspected that they were lying and were just trying to be nice 

Ofc CML likes Quinn lmaooo both are losers Smile

Ofc CML likes Quinn lmaooo both are losers

Quinn, Cochran, and CML are the holy trinity of being tryhard annoying nerds.

Quinn, Cochran, and CML are the holy trinity of being tryhard annoying nerds.

What the ****? I'm nothing like either of those freaks (I mean "freak" as a compliment to Quinn and as an insult to Cochran) 

T'kor and Kimo chickened out of the flip for now...I mean at least Cedric might stay 

I'm dead

I think I am starting to like Rubina and Cam.

I think I am starting to like Rubina and Cam.

The shtick is old.

T'kor and Kimo chickened out of the flip for now...I mean at least Cedric might stay 

If Tkor and Kimo aligned with Tucker and Angela then would you like them Smile ?


The flip on Cedric really may happen 

Now y'all have me worried. Who would flip on him?

Tucker, Joseph, Kimo, T'kor, Leah and MK would be the votes while Brooklyn, Chelsie, Cam would be votes against Rubina. This is only if it's Cedric vs Rubina I think if MK doesn't win she's out for sure. Brooklyn/Chelsie have been pushing to get Rubina out even if Cedric wins and I don't think T'kimo are liking that. Brooklyn/Chelsie are too comfy telling them how to vote and pushing for a house vote so Tucker doesn't get mad at them instead of having a conversation on what to do. 


T'kor and Kimo chickened out of the flip for now...I mean at least Cedric might stay 

If Tkor and Kimo aligned with Tucker and Angela then would you like them ?

no lmao 

Agree that Chelsie is getting a little too comfortable telling people what to do. But it wouldn't be smart for T'Kimo to flip on Cedric/Chelsie/Quinn. I still have no idea who Joseph is working with. 

Agree that Chelsie is getting a little too comfortable telling people what to do. But it wouldn't be smart for T'Kimo to flip on Cedric/Chelsie/Quinn. I still have no idea who Joseph is working with. 

Tbh I see the path both ways. The problem is the CCC+ Brooklyn don't even ask their allies what they think they just tell them the plan and T'kor doesn't like that. If they go with Tucker/Angela those two sides will keep going at eachother while T'Kimo could slide through. Joseph seems like he wants to side with Tucker but will just follow the numbers. 

Why couldn't cam volunteer? Now we're stuck with his boring a•ss and gotta hear Chelsie rant about him everyday 

Is it true they are turning on Ced?! OMG I need him to win AI!!!!!

It's comfirmed that it's a wall comp tonight 

I blame Brooklyn & Chelsie's cockiness for ced possibly going home Sad

Has the wall comp been interesting recently? I feel like endurance comps have lost their hype or at least to me thats how it feels. The last good one I remember was the BB17 one with the festival design holding their hand up.

Do y'all like "America impacting the game"? I don't. It seems pointless.
