The Challenge: Sweden (Season 1)

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Rooting for Elvira, Olivia, and Cruise because asthetically they look like Challengers.

19 episode season with a cast of 17 or 18 or are we missing more? Even if it's 24, that shit is gonna drag exactly like BFANC did.

Was this filmed and then just not used for World Championship? 

Was this filmed and then just not used for World Championship? 

it filmed right before wc aired apparently...

Was this filmed and then just not used for World Championship? 

this filmed while the World Championship was airing. maybe they had plans to do a WC2 but the WC ratings werent great and scrapped other versions. i can't imagine this will get a second season after it took 15 months to air

I looked up the farm just because I was curious and apparently they live on a farm and take care of animals then to eliminate people they do elimination rounds. 

They even have a variation of pole wrestle lol

the official cast of The Challenge: Sweden


does anyone know what The Farm is about?

also, love that someone is LITERALLY named Elvira

this gives me hope we'll get other regional versions. The Challenge Canada when?!

(although with BBCan not being renewed... I understand this might be delulu)

Swedish guy on reddit did a cast breakdown:

"Thoughts on The Challenge Sweden cast, from an actual Swede

Hello! I'm not an avid Reddit poster, nor am I a watcher of The Challenge, but I am a huge fan of both Robinson and Farmen, the two shows that make up most of the cast of The Challenge Sweden, so my Challenge-loving friend said I should post my thoughts on the cast in here, and maybe explain a bit to everyone who these people are. I should note that I have not seen The Bachelor(ette), so I'll have to skip mentioning those four cast members.


Before I begin, I should also just say that this cast is crazy. A lot of the people are extremely unlikable (to me), but they're all incredibly entertaining, to the point where I only like a handful of these people, but probably will watch the season anyway just due to how insane most of these people are. If you're unsure whether to watch the season or not due to language barriers, I'd give a preliminary "go for it" based on the cast alone.




Jens was a huge character on his season of Farmen, and very likable at that. He was essentially the main character up to the final week, where he was eliminated immediately and his closest ally took home the win instead. Jens was a hard worker and straight-forward person, though opposite to what his appearance might suggest, he also did a lot of strategizing and essentially ran his season. Personality-wise, he's one of the most subdued and least crazy people in the cast, but I do expect him to do very well due to him being very strong in challenges, being a very good strategist and also being a really likable person.




The second person in a row to have had their closest ally win over them, Joanna was a fairly major character in her Robinson season, but most of her focus was tied to her relationship with Dennis (the winner). Like Jens, she's a rather laidback person in terms of personality, but she's extremely strong in challenges, to the point where she and Dennis carried their team singlehandedly through basically their entire Robinson season. She's not a favourite of mine, but she's fairly likable, and I think she could shine on a season like this, where her entire storyline wouldn't be tied to Dennis.




Jennifer, sadly, was not a very memorable person in her season. In just Farmen, she very early and ended up in the spinoff Torpet, where she lasted until the final duel, where she lost and thus didn't get to return to the game. In fairness, her entire season was rather forgettable overall, with only a couple of standout characters. In all honesty, I don't remember a ton about Jennifer; her personality was a it bland (or at least it didn't get a chance to shine through), but I do remember finding her slightly annoying most of the time. Still, I hope she gets to really shine here, because unlike most others in the cast, she didn't really get a chance her first time around.




Okay, so this is a big one. Aside from literal criminals like a certain person from Survivor IotI, Viktor is by far my least favourite reality show contestant ever. His very first week in the game he love-bombed this girl who clearly liked him but firmly said she didn't want to pursue anything until after the game, but he constantly wore her down until he got her to \[redacted\] with him - all the while mocking her behind her back with his friends about how she was stupid and dumb for thinking he'd actually ever like her, as well as planning to get her out of the game immediately (which he did) just so he could do the same thing next week to another girl that he *actually* thought was hot (who stood her ground, fortunately, and didn't allow him to get that far). But yeah, that was just the first week, and Viktor was essentially that bad throughout the entire season. That said, he's an incredibly funny and charismatic person, and it's very easy to understand why basically everyone in his season adored him. He's not that great at challenges, but he's not awful either. He had a lot of entertaining storylines throughout his season, and even though I absolutely cannot stand him whatsoever, even I have to admit that he is a very entertaining person who probably will thrive in this cast socially.




Olivia played in the same season as Joanna (the only season to take place in Sweden, due to COVID - and yes, COVID's coming back later this post). She was a pretty big character, and was essentially the main narrator for her team throughout most of the game. She was not liked at all though, and came across as annoying to a lot of viewers as well. I found her annoying at times too, but liked her more than most, she had a very interesting role in her season as this pseudo-outcast. She was absolutely terrible in challenges though (she's one of the aforementioned people Dennis and Joanna carried), so it'll be interesting to see how she does here. I don't expect her to last long at all, but you never know.




Cruise had a very interesting role in his season of Robinson. He was essentially a survival expert who'd lived several years in IIRC South Africa, but he and his teammates did not get along at all, so he was voted out pretty early on. He then came to Gränslandet, a "do or die" place where you either get eliminated or survive to potentially return to the game later. He and this guy Jonas (who got voted out for being the only guy on his team to not suck at challenges) spent a long time there and became very close, that season of Gränslandet was essentially defined by their relationship. Cruise left a decent bit before Jonas did, and his elimination was very memorable in that nobody had dared to challenge him in firemaking, but then this city-boy who'd never made fire before chose to make fire against him and won (largely due to Cruise making a huge fire very quickly, but not managing to figure out how to stop the wind from steering it away from the rope). Anyway, Cruise was a likable guy and quite memorable, as was his season overall. I'm excited to see how he'll do here.




Helené was a huge character on her season, and I also really, really did not like her. She was very annoying a lot of the time, mostly due to being a control freak, and seeing Cissi win over her in the final was a very happy moment. That said, she's also a very entertaining person. She's a huge control freak and perfectionist, the first week in Farmen she had a mental breakdown because a single thing didn't go the way she'd planned it to, and this was a common reoccurrence throughout the season. She's pretty competent as far as challenges go, and she's strong socially as well. I can actually see her doing really well this season, and even though she can be very, very, very annoying, she's also very entertaining.




ADHD. That's the one word to describe her. Bella's incredibly fun to watch, and she's the funniest person in this cast (according to me), both her seasons of Robinson she never failed to make me laugh constantly. Her first season she was one of the victims of the COVID-ening, which claimed everybody in her team except two people (well, three, but one guy quit during quarantine due to boredom), and one of those two people ended up winning that season. Before she left, Bella was a major character, and essentially the leader of her team. Her second time around, and made a return alongside fellow COVID victim Sandra (who we'll get to in a bit), and their dynamic is incredibly entertaining. They're both very fun individuals on their own, but together they bring out a lot of fun, which they got to show in their second season in particular. I have some issues with Sandra, but virtually none with Bella, she's super chill, very funny, and she's skilled enough at challenges that I expect her to make it quite far in this game; IIRC she's a former (maybe current?) hockey player.




Speaking of Sandra, here she is! Her first Robinson season, she joined the game late and was an immediate outcast on her team. She quickly swapped teams to a group where she jelled much better, but was another victim of the COVID-ening. Before she left, she was a major character, quite entertaining but also kind of annoying. Her second time around she was much better, perhaps because she spent most of the game with Bella and the two of them bring out the best in each other. Sandra has... Mood swings. A lot. She reminds me a ton of my sister, who's very similar in that regard, and while it can be fun to watch, it can also be incredibly draining and sometimes annoying, like when a tiny bad thing happens and she acts like it's the worst thing in the world. She's not as strong in challenges as Bella is, but she's no slouch either, so I can see her making it pretty deep. She did play some sport, don't remember which one, but it was in the basketball/volleyball kind of style.




Poor guy. Like Jennifer, he didn't last long in his Farmen season, but unlike her, he didn't even have a season of Torpet to rely on. The guy's most memorable for losing the first *and* the second duels, which is basically a record in being bad at challenges. He was likable enough, but we didn't get to see a ton of him. Really hope he gets to shine this season, though considering his track record, I can't say I have too high hopes. Still, it's great to see a guy like him get a second chance.




Valentino was the by far biggest pre-merge character in his Robinson season, and was one of the best villains Robinson has ever had - counting pre-merge-only villains, he easily takes the prize. He had a ton of storylines going on - his feud with Pelle, the leader of the other team (who had to quit right before the merge due to a family emergency, and then recently came back and won the best Robinson season in years), his frenemy-ship with Kristofer and hatred of LO (the latter of which ended up winning *that* season), his many attempts at villainy and sheer cockiness over being able to run his team, because he genuinely had a bunch of minions who gladly followed his word and just did what he wanted. His exit was also hilarious, 'cause he lost a challenge and then rage-quit by not even going to Gränslandet - and then his closest ally volunteered to be voted out next JUST so she could go to Gränslandet and be with him, only to find out he wasn't even there. His brother is a famous singer, and I can't stand Valentino as a person, but he is undeniably super entertaining and a stellar villain due to how unapologetically cocky and prideful he is. He's also really good in challenges most of the time, though he occasionally screws up majorly (IIRC, the challenge he lost was a memory game where he somehow lost in the very first round).




Fabian was not someone I liked, and he's probably my 2nd least favourite cast member after Viktor. He's not particularly entertaining either; he has a vey dry and mean-spirited sense of humour that others might like more, but it just didn't appeal to me. He was also very boring gameplay-wise, and his season had a ton of standout personalities, so he essentially just became the guy who made dry and sarcastic remarks while sticking to the majority. Now, he IS memorable, so he has that going for him, and I think he's pretty good in challenges too, but I'm just not sure how he'll do this time, it's been a long while since he last played after all. But yeah, in a cast with many strong personalities like this one, I don't see him standing out too much, but hey, I'm always glad to be proved wrong.




Greta, the final cast member I'm going to talk about, was very well-liked during her season, both by other players and viewers. I found her really annoying though (which... I know I've said a ton here, but I promise, this cast just *really* got almost everyone that annoyed me, I do tend to like most people!). She came across as a sheltered person that still thought her opinions and thoughts were always superior to everyone else's, and while she did get better throughout the season, I dunno, she's just not for me I guess. That said, she was a huge narrator in her Robinson season, and was pretty entertaining too. I think she's a great fit for this cast, and I do expect her to do well here.

So that's the cast! This was really fun to do, and get to think back on old Farmen and Robinson seasons. I hope I provided some insight into the players for those of you who are interested, and even though most of these players aren't favourites of mine, I can't wait for the season, I'm certain it will be incredibly entertaining if nothing else. Personally, I'm rooting for Bella, but I'm excited to see how the Bachelor(ette) players will do as well. Thanks for reading, and have a great day!"

Sandra just looks annoying and unbearable...I imagine her to be worse than Tori. She may do well though..

So where's the Nigerian edition? Are they that scared of black folks? 

They dont even hide it anymore, its sad. Done touched damn near every contitent but refuse to include any African countries. 

I was gonna say maybe visas and cost because it's notoriously expensive asf to work in Africa when you aren't from there.

But i remember it's not even about that because it would be people and staff from there lol. They suck 

Will yall really watch this regardless of not knowing the language?

Will yall really watch this regardless of not knowing the language?

I will just check if wiki updates...

Will yall really watch this regardless of not knowing the language?

When it's on paramount like I did the argentina one. As long as I have Subtitles I'm good.

Will yall really watch this regardless of not knowing the language?

If there's subtitles I'd try to watch. I remember getting into the Israel version of Survivor over 10 years ago, they had subtitles and it was very good. Unfortunately they never finished subtitling them or there was some sound issues that turned me away, idr which. I have watched some of Koh Lanta (french survivor) since I speak French as well, but sometimes it was hard to keep up as its not my native language and I learned it when I was very young but never used it after learning it.


Will yall really watch this regardless of not knowing the language?

If there's subtitles I'd try to watch. I remember getting into the Israel version of Survivor over 10 years ago, they had subtitles and it was very good. Unfortunately they never finished subtitling them or there was some sound issues that turned me away, idr which. I have watched some of Koh Lanta (french survivor) since I speak French as well, but sometimes it was hard to keep up as its not my native language and I learned it when I was very young but never used it after learning it.

why were you as a Puerto Rican taught French? Unless you're coming out as yt



Will yall really watch this regardless of not knowing the language?

If there's subtitles I'd try to watch. I remember getting into the Israel version of Survivor over 10 years ago, they had subtitles and it was very good. Unfortunately they never finished subtitling them or there was some sound issues that turned me away, idr which. I have watched some of Koh Lanta (french survivor) since I speak French as well, but sometimes it was hard to keep up as its not my native language and I learned it when I was very young but never used it after learning it.

why were you as a Puerto Rican taught French? Unless you're coming out as yt

I speak multiple languages because I decided to learn them. I also speak Portuguese.




Will yall really watch this regardless of not knowing the language?

If there's subtitles I'd try to watch. I remember getting into the Israel version of Survivor over 10 years ago, they had subtitles and it was very good. Unfortunately they never finished subtitling them or there was some sound issues that turned me away, idr which. I have watched some of Koh Lanta (french survivor) since I speak French as well, but sometimes it was hard to keep up as its not my native language and I learned it when I was very young but never used it after learning it.

why were you as a Puerto Rican taught French? Unless you're coming out as yt

I speak multiple languages because I decided to learn them. I also speak Portuguese.

That means you get to watch Elite on Netflix without subtitles omg. I'm jealous lemme learn Portuguese real quick. Wait actually I think they speak Cantonese or however you spell it. Is that the same language? In Spain. 

The trailer for this was better than battle of the eras...

Has anyone watched this yet? I just remembered it existed 

I tried searching online to see where this was being played with no luck? Dont have paramount plus right now since all stars is over so cant searcht their stuff.

Ep 4 just aired

Where can you guys even watch this???

Where can you guys even watch this???

I saw the episodes description on Twitter 

Sounds like it is actually good lol





Will yall really watch this regardless of not knowing the language?

If there's subtitles I'd try to watch. I remember getting into the Israel version of Survivor over 10 years ago, they had subtitles and it was very good. Unfortunately they never finished subtitling them or there was some sound issues that turned me away, idr which. I have watched some of Koh Lanta (french survivor) since I speak French as well, but sometimes it was hard to keep up as its not my native language and I learned it when I was very young but never used it after learning it.

why were you as a Puerto Rican taught French? Unless you're coming out as yt

I speak multiple languages because I decided to learn them. I also speak Portuguese.

That means you get to watch Elite on Netflix without subtitles omg. I'm jealous lemme learn Portuguese real quick. Wait actually I think they speak Cantonese or however you spell it. Is that the same language? In Spain. 

I never saw Elite  but I believe its a Spanish show, so cannot be Cantonese, which is basically Chinese. What you are refering to would be Catalan, which is a language in Spain. And no, it is not the same as Portugese.

Wrong account 

Has anyone actually watched? I can't find it anywhere 
