LMAOOOOOOO. the only reason i think she's safe is her IG caption today was weird & not the way she typically types. it felt like it was written by a man - so prob still her fiancee on her account
lowkey kinda shocked amber accepted to be on so quickly after the baby and leaving chauncey at home.. i honestly thought she was gonna be another jenna~
lowkey kinda shocked amber accepted to be on so quickly after the baby and leaving chauncey at home.. i honestly thought she was gonna be another jenna~
This is just the beginning for Jenna. She's a young woman and she'll be back and when she does she's gonna eat up all your favs like she did when she was on the show.
I'm gonna save the rest of my Katie drags tomorrow but can her spot go to someone else that's a OG ? When's the last time she made it to the half way mark ? She doesn't like getting in drama and she just has no place on this franchise anymore please give her spot to someone else worthy
Not gonna lie when nany purposely hit aneesa's hurt knee to win the final elimination and the beluga wailed as she fell forever made me a nany lover no matter what!
I'm gonna save the rest of my Katie drags tomorrow but can her spot go to someone else that's a OG ? When's the last time she made it to the half way mark ? She doesn't like getting in drama and she just has no place on this franchise anymore please give her spot to someone else worthy
didn't she win with a group of 10 ppl or something idk like I'm not gagging
Congratulations on surviving another elimination. You have been growing so much and I'm so inspired watching you win like this. You really are the little engine that could. I just know whenever a decision needs to be made the entire house looks at you. You really are a boss.
Just because your era 1 doesn't automatically make you an allstar... well at least not anymore as these old girls are not providing like they used to especially if they leaving episode 1-3 like they always do now lol
Era One girls are definitely needed on this spin-off but not Katie which is my point her spot could go to someone who actually has a chance to bring something exciting because Katie hasn't been exciting television since the Bill Clinton administration 24 years ago
they will don't worry
LMAOOOOOOO. the only reason i think she's safe is her IG caption today was weird & not the way she typically types. it felt like it was written by a man - so prob still her fiancee on her account
well this boot order is predictable. At least my faves are good tho!
Skkkye is editing it all out so don't hoot and holler too much.
I wonder if amber has been yelled at already lol
What else is new? Lol
lowkey kinda shocked amber accepted to be on so quickly after the baby and leaving chauncey at home.. i honestly thought she was gonna be another jenna~
Congratulations Nany!!! You survived again!! You're gonna win and you're gonna last longer than that smelly blond girl on this cast!! Hehehehehhe
Nany is beautiful but thats all
This is just the beginning for Jenna. She's a young woman and she'll be back and when she does she's gonna eat up all your favs like she did when she was on the show.

I sadly don't disagree
she kinda ate on RoD, no?
(except for throwing Amber into elimination)
She's smart and she's super athletic.. What can I say?? She's the total package and the winner of AS 5. *giggles*
If amber doesn't bark up to one of the million girls on this cast this season I think vevmo should be DONE with her no?
She ate everyone up. 3 elimination wins! Tossed the whale back into the ocean and ended those 2 other girls.
I'm gonna save the rest of my Katie drags tomorrow but can her spot go to someone else that's a OG ? When's the last time she made it to the half way mark ? She doesn't like getting in drama and she just has no place on this franchise anymore please give her spot to someone else worthy
Not gonna lie when nany purposely hit aneesa's hurt knee to win the final elimination and the beluga wailed as she fell forever made me a nany lover no matter what!
well at least we know queen nany is still in and running the house
didn't she win with a group of 10 ppl or something idk like I'm not gagging
It's all over queenjenna we should all be wishing Nany congratulations at this point and just lock this thread until the results are official. ♥️
Dear Nany
Congratulations on surviving another elimination. You have been growing so much and I'm so inspired watching you win like this. You really are the little engine that could. I just know whenever a decision needs to be made the entire house looks at you. You really are a boss.
Congratulations and lots of love, vevmo
i still cant believe nurys was DROPPED... what were they thinking like ashley k, big t, sam and slyvia and many others over her lmaooooo
gonna be honest i love amber but nurys coulda taken her spot too and i wouldn't have been that MAD *quickly hides*
Katie was iconic on the inferno 20 years ago. No shade but all the era 1 cast members were not needed.
Nany if you see this please throw that old blond hag Ashley K into an elimination!!!!
Who the f*** are you? This is All-Stars ONLY the Era 1 girls were NEEDED on this. Go get dòñķey punched you idiot.
Just because your era 1 doesn't automatically make you an allstar... well at least not anymore as these old girls are not providing like they used to especially if they leaving episode 1-3 like they always do now lol
I think Katie is a cutie pie when her eyed aren't so spaced apart on the sides of her head

Era One girls are definitely needed on this spin-off but not Katie which is my point her spot could go to someone who actually has a chance to bring something exciting because Katie hasn't been exciting television since the Bill Clinton administration 24 years ago