The Challenge: All Stars 5- Spoilers

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The Challenge: All Stars 5- Spoilers

Departure Day: May 25th 

Location: Vietnam (not the same house as 40)

Host: TJ lavin



Amber Borzotra (Big Brother)

Aneesa Ferreira (The Real World: Chicago) Ashley Kelsey (The Real World: San Diego)Ashley Mitchell (The Real World: Explosion) Beth Stolarczyk (Th Real World: Los Angeles)Davonne Rogers (Big Brother)Jonna Mannion (The Real World: Cancun)Katie Cooley (Road Rules: The Quest)Kellyanne Judd (The Real World: Sydney) Melissa Reeves (Ex in the beach UK)Nany Gonzalez (The Real World: Las Vegas)Nicole Zannata (The Real World: Skeletons)Sam Mcgin (The Real World: San Diego) Sylvia Elsrode (The Real World: Skeletons) Tula "Big T" Fazakerley (shipwrecked UK)Veronica Portillo (Road Rules: Semester at sea)


Adam Larson (Road Rules: The Quest)

Corey Lay (12 dates of Christmas)Dario Medrano (Are You The One?) Devin Walker (Are You The One?) Faysal Shaffatt (Big Brother)Frank Sweeney (The Real World: San Diego) Leroy Garret (The Real World: Las Vegas)Shane Landrum (Road Rules: Campus Crawl) Steve Meinke (Road Rules: The Quest)Turabi "Turbo" Camkiran (Survivor Turkey)

Note: Note: I will be updating this thread as more information becomes available. Moving and removing people in case they are alternates or drop.

If you don't want to know any type of spoilers don't read below this post

Starting Pairs

Ashley K/Dario - Exes 

Nany/Turbo - Rivals

Davonne/Shane - Rivals 

Sam/Frank - Rivals

Amber/Faysal - Rivals

Big T/Corey Lay - Rivals


Katie/Veronica - Rivals 

Kellyanne/Sylvia - Rivals

Jonna/Beth - Rivals

Ashley/Aneesa - Rivals

Melissa/Nicole - Exes

Adam/Steve - Rivals

Leroy/Devin - Rivals

Elimination matchups

Jonna/Beth eliminated by Adam/Steve

Sylvia/Kellyanne Eliminated by Adam/Steve 

Ashley M/Aneesa eliminated by Adam/Steve

Amber/Faysal eliminated by Nany/Turbo

Ashley K/Dario eliminated by Nany/Turbo

Veronica/Katie Eliminated by Melissa/Nicole

Nany/Turbo Eliminated By Adam/Steve


People Eliminated or DQ

- Sylvia Elsrode

DISCLAIMER: This is not an official order of who has been sent home, merely an observation based on social network activity & spotting. THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS MORE INFORMATION BECOMES AVAILABLE

People Eliminated or DQ

- Sylvia Elsrode

- Beth Storlarczyk


DISCLAIMER: This is not an official order of who has been sent home, merely an observation based on social network activity & spotting. THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS MORE INFORMATION BECOMES AVAILABLE

People Eliminated or DQ

- Beth Storlarczyk

- Jonna Mannion

- Sylvia Elsrode

- Kellyanne Judd

DISCLAIMER: This is not an official order of who has been sent home, merely an observation based on social network activity & spotting. THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS MORE INFORMATION BECOMES AVAILABLE

People Eliminated or DQ

- Beth Storlarczyk & Jonna Mannion

- Sylvia Elsrode & Kellyanne Judd

- Ashley Mitchell & Aneesa Ferreira

DISCLAIMER: This is not an official order of who has been sent home, merely an observation based on social network activity & spotting. THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS MORE INFORMATION BECOMES AVAILABLE

People Eliminated or DQ

- Beth Storlarczyk & Jonna Mannion

- Sylvia Elsrode & Kellyanne Judd

- Ashley Mitchell & Aneesa Ferreira

- Devin Walker & Leroy Garret

DISCLAIMER: This is not an official order of who has been sent home, merely an observation based on social network activity & spotting. THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS MORE INFORMATION BECOMES AVAILABLE

People Eliminated or DQ

- Beth Storlarczyk & Jonna Mannion

- Sylvia Elsrode & Kellyanne Judd

- Ashley Mitchell & Aneesa Ferreira

- Devin Walker & Leroy Garret

- Corey Lay & Big T

DISCLAIMER: This is not an official order of who has been sent home, merely an observation based on social network activity & spotting. THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS MORE INFORMATION BECOMES AVAILABLE

People Eliminated or DQ

- Beth Storlarczyk & Jonna Mannion

- Sylvia Elsrode & Kellyanne Judd

- Ashley Mitchell & Aneesa Ferreira

- Devin Walker & Leroy Garret

- Corey Lay & Big T

- Faysal Shaffatt & Amber Borzotra

DISCLAIMER: This is not an official order of who has been sent home, merely an observation based on social network activity & spotting. THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS MORE INFORMATION BECOMES AVAILABLE

People Eliminated or DQ

- Beth Storlarczyk & Jonna Mannion

- Sylvia Elsrode & Kellyanne Judd

- Ashley Mitchell & Aneesa Ferreira

- Devin Walker & Leroy Garret

- Corey Lay & Big T

- Faysal Shaffatt & Amber Borzotra

- Dario Medrano & Ashley Kelsey

DISCLAIMER: This is not an official order of who has been sent home, merely an observation based on social network activity & spotting. THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS MORE INFORMATION BECOMES AVAILABLE

People Eliminated or DQ

- Beth Storlarczyk & Jonna Mannion

- Sylvia Elsrode & Kellyanne Judd

- Ashley Mitchell & Aneesa Ferreira

- Devin Walker & Leroy Garret

- Corey Lay & Big T

- Faysal Shaffatt & Amber Borzotra

- Dario Medrano & Ashley Kelsey

- Veronica Portillo & Katie Doyle

DISCLAIMER: This is not an official order of who has been sent home, merely an observation based on social network activity & spotting. THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS MORE INFORMATION BECOMES AVAILABLE 

People Eliminated or DQ

- Beth Storlarczyk & Jonna Mannion

- Sylvia Elsrode & Kellyanne Judd

- Ashley Mitchell & Aneesa Ferreira

- Devin Walker & Leroy Garret

- Corey Lay & Big T

- Faysal Shaffatt & Amber Borzotra

- Dario Medrano & Ashley Kelsey

- Veronica Portillo & Katie Doyle 

- Turbo Camkiran & Nany Gonzalez

DISCLAIMER: This is not an official order of who has been sent home, merely an observation based on social network activity & spotting. THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS MORE INFORMATION BECOMES AVAILABLE 

Winners- Steve Meinke & Adam Larson

2nd- Shane Landrum & Davonne Rogers

3rd- Frank Sweeney  & Sam McGinn

4th- Nicole Zanatta & Melissa Reeves

Topic locked