I can see Faysal and Ashley K ******* for some reason lol
Of course. She's right up his ally and he's right up hers. They'll ****.. they'll date for 1 month posr show.. she'll fall in love he wont because men like him are not capable of love, and she'll rant that all she wants is love and he played her, and his ugly SpongeBob looking *** will be fhuksing the next stupid bimbo that walks on 2 legs while he says he feels bad. How does this man not have some crazy std by now????? And how is anyone even taking the chance of not acquiring one by him?.. hard p***. Ugly freak go back to that fat hog who you lured with a whopper. My biggest question is why people think he's good looking? He's honestly ugly ugly UGLY and looks like he gains water weight in one portion of his body. Doofy looking mutant troll.
Your avatar should be content warning, that is one scary ugly *** big teeth chain smoking *** *****.
Yours should be a content warning! Your girl looks old now and Nany doesn't!! your girl's ***** probably stinks like sesame chicken.
Your girls stank like a tomb with her skeletor looking ***.
I can see Faysal and Ashley K ******* for some reason lol
Of course. She's right up his ally and he's right up hers. They'll ****.. they'll date for 1 month post show cause he will be obligated.. she'll fall in love he wont because men like him are not capable of love, and she'll rant that all she wants is love and he played her, and his ugly SpongeBob looking *** will be fhuksing the next stupid bimbo that walks on 2 legs while he says he feels bad. How does this man not have some crazy std by now????? And how is anyone even taking the chance of not acquiring one by him?.. hard pa ss. Ugly freak go back to that fat hog who you lured with a whopper. My biggest question is why people think he's good looking? He's honestly ugly ugly UGLY and looks like he gains water weight in one portion of his body. Doofy looking mutant troll.
I can see Faysal and Ashley K ******* for some reason lol
Of course. She's right up his ally and he's right up hers. They'll ****.. they'll date for 1 month posr show.. she'll fall in love he wont because men like him are not capable of love, and she'll rant that all she wants is love and he played her, and his ugly SpongeBob looking *** will be fhuksing the next stupid bimbo that walks on 2 legs while he says he feels bad. How does this man not have some crazy std by now????? And how is anyone even taking the chance of not acquiring one by him?.. hard p***. Ugly freak go back to that fat hog who you lured with a whopper. My biggest question is why people think he's good looking? He's honestly ugly ugly UGLY and looks like he gains water weight in one portion of his body. Doofy looking mutant troll.
Your avatar should be content warning, that is one scary ugly *** big teeth chain smoking *** *****.
Yours should be a content warning! Your girl looks old now and Nany doesn't!! your girl's ***** probably stinks like sesame chicken.
Your girls stank like a tomb with her skeletor looking ***.
Your girl is about to stink forever when she fhuks that ugly freak and smells like a bag of rotten carrots in her future contaminated birth canal.
I can see Faysal and Ashley K ******* for some reason lol
Of course. She's right up his ally and he's right up hers. They'll ****.. they'll date for 1 month post show cause he will be obligated.. she'll fall in love he wont because men like him are not capable of love, and she'll rant that all she wants is love and he played her, and his ugly SpongeBob looking *** will be fhuksing the next stupid bimbo that walks on 2 legs while he says he feels bad. How does this man not have some crazy std by now????? And how is anyone even taking the chance of not acquiring one by him?.. hard pa ss. Ugly freak go back to that fat hog who you lured with a whopper. My biggest question is why people think he's good looking? He's honestly ugly ugly UGLY and looks like he gains water weight in one portion of his body. Doofy looking mutant troll.
Babe are you okay? Lmao. Sounds a little personal?
I can see Faysal and Ashley K ******* for some reason lol
Of course. She's right up his ally and he's right up hers. They'll ****.. they'll date for 1 month post show cause he will be obligated.. she'll fall in love he wont because men like him are not capable of love, and she'll rant that all she wants is love and he played her, and his ugly SpongeBob looking *** will be fhuksing the next stupid bimbo that walks on 2 legs while he says he feels bad. How does this man not have some crazy std by now????? And how is anyone even taking the chance of not acquiring one by him?.. hard pa ss. Ugly freak go back to that fat hog who you lured with a whopper. My biggest question is why people think he's good looking? He's honestly ugly ugly UGLY and looks like he gains water weight in one portion of his body. Doofy looking mutant troll.
the issue with this is, with 8 trios, that would be like... 7 episodes max. unless they stretch it out but that seems really boring.
3vs3 eliminations. The losing trio has to vote out a member of their team on the spot. Poor Da'vonne but if she out competes Ashley Shane may save her. Or girls alliance.
Even better the losing trio stands in front of the house in the sand pit. Each remaining INDIVIDUAL stands behind the person they want to save. The person with the LEAST votes is eliminated.
i'd even go as far to say that being subscribed to anyone's onlyfans is pathetic. stand up and stop giving a stranger money cause yr lonely and *****. losers
Format idea and feel free to send this to your higher-ups Rosita: It is played in trios based on rivals (this is rumored.) The losing trio of a daily challenge will have to vote one person from their team into elimination. The winning trio will vote another person in from another trio. All eliminations are non gendered so it can be a girl vs a guy in an equalizer of something.
Your girls stank like a tomb with her skeletor looking ***.
Lol yo that is exactly how i thought of Amber situation when i heard Chauncey age.
Lmao are u ok ? This is kinda crazy ?
Your girl is about to stink forever when she fhuks that ugly freak and smells like a bag of rotten carrots in her future contaminated birth canal.
Lol I'm fine baby
why wouldn't I be? 
3vs3 eliminations. The losing trio has to vote out a member of their team on the spot. Poor Da'vonne but if she out competes Ashley Shane may save her. Or girls alliance.
Even better the losing trio stands in front of the house in the sand pit. Each remaining INDIVIDUAL stands behind the person they want to save. The person with the LEAST votes is eliminated.
It's giving BOTS and The Island with Rivals theme. WHEW
8 men??? Lmaooo
Omg Hagneesa is gonna drag Amber & Fessy down if it's actually trios--
I promise you no one is trying to see that, take it down please Miss Pinkrose.
Ashley K and Sam <3
the fact that hoards of gays are subscribed to shit like that makes me so ashamed of my community.
i'd even go as far to say that being subscribed to anyone's onlyfans is pathetic. stand up and stop giving a stranger money cause yr lonely and *****. losers
edit: except you laita <3
my source has informed me ashley k just beat nany in the first elimination
@pinkrose stop posting nudes on your alt, I don't anyone of us wants to see them. Please and thank you.
possible they could have RW ppl who have never done a challenge? Then we can get ppl like Bronne, Greg from Hollywood, Jenny/Brian from explosion
this is The Challenge All Stars.
Hauserman's profile picture should not be allowed
Right like that's not Amber...
So strange that kaycee, tori and cara aren't there but that weasel devin is.. hell even ct dropped why is that man still on
Yall think leroy finally wins if this is the final cast and no more mens are added?
Lmaooo no bc Fessy is winning
Also streets are saying that if it's trios he'll be with Veronica and Beth and that's....lol
Format idea and feel free to send this to your higher-ups Rosita: It is played in trios based on rivals (this is rumored.) The losing trio of a daily challenge will have to vote one person from their team into elimination. The winning trio will vote another person in from another trio. All eliminations are non gendered so it can be a girl vs a guy in an equalizer of something.