The Challenge: All Stars 5- Spoilers Discussion

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I'm more worried about Ashley than I am the Queen since Jay M isn't on anymore 

I feel like Ashley K was dropped.. Sad

I'm more worried about Ashley than I am the Queen since Jay M isn't on anymore 

i'm not worried ab her. her sister has been hyping her up on twitter so i think she's there

No Wes, Hunter, Jay, Jozea, Tony , Josh, Cory, Zach, MJ, Yes, Ben , Danny, Tyler, Danny R, Tyrie, TY, Marlon,Robb, Callum, Abram, Syrus, Dustin, Thomas, Vince 

It feels like we're playing scavenger hunt trying to find these names which I presume are men we're looking for 

I feel like Ashley K was dropped..

They may pair up Nany and Frank and drop Sam. Ashley K has Dario so i rlly highly doubt it

Keeping an eye to removed 1 girl & 1 guy maybe 2. Other than that everyone on the lock thread is on.

Hopefully its sam

Sam is on 

I feel like Ashley K was dropped..

She is on

You guys are jumping to the conclusion this is pairs 

Keeping an eye to removed 1 girl & 1 guy maybe 2. Other than that everyone on the lock thread is on.

hoping not Da'Vonne since gamer said she's confirmed there


Oh lord if Adam gets dropped Cara stans on twitter will be like "KARMA MARIA" uh I can just see it

He is on

Bye Leroy

Keeping an eye to removed 1 girl & 1 guy maybe 2. Other than that everyone on the lock thread is on.

Hopefully its sam

Sam is on 

Figures they'd keep the worst choice

must be nicole or sylvia then

90% about this guy if I get confirmation by tomorrow I will add him

Do you guys prefer they do FR style pairs or vendetta style where it's individual? #QuestionsWithKilla

Could be CT. Wasn't it said there was mixed things about him?

90% about this guy if I get confirmation by tomorrow I will add him

what era is he from queen? Smile

must be nicole or sylvia then

better be nicole. 

90% about this guy if I get confirmation by tomorrow I will add him


pink didn't respond with no whenever i said it's nicole or sylvia? seems like i clocked it Smile

Kellyanne only being 2 years older than Amber & Day is crazy

Do you guys prefer they do FR style pairs or vendetta style where it's individual? #QuestionsWithKilla

Vendettas style is not relevant. All it did was have people say the word vendetta a lot

Once they said someone is coming in late I immediately thought Jordan LOL 

maybe one of the guys is Trey

Do you guys prefer they do FR style pairs or vendetta style where it's individual? #QuestionsWithKilla

Vendettas style is not relevant. All it did was have people say the word vendetta a lot

You guys are jumping to the conclusion this is pairs 

oh I won I prefer individual format more than anything 

but gamer said something about revealing pairs soon so no clue what's going on in Vietnam 

maybe one of the guys is Trey

Finally someone with a bigger napoleon complex than paulie.

Ashley Marie Kelsey <3

Beth and Veronica would have been way more entertaining on The Traitors together than this tbh. Flora & Tina or 2 other quality OGs should have had their spot.

So it sounds like there's gonna be more women than men? Interesting
