The Challenge: All Stars 5- Spoilers Discussion

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One of my favs on here...come on Cara 

Is CT fat or in shape. 

Who hates their kid more. Him or Jonna? 


Melissa is gonna bring drama and Nany is gonna bring nostalgia. I actually don't mind Nany since this is her first all stars season but she keeps voting Amber in every season they do together so I'm keeping my eye on Nany

Literally all the times Amber got eliminated it was when Nany voted her Amber needs to get her lick back idk?

oh I'm glad you peeped too Nany is a OPP honey 

Is CT fat or in shape. 

Who hates their kid more. Him or Jonna? 

Didn't Pinky say he was big again 


Is CT fat or in shape. 

Who hates their kid more. Him or Jonna? 

Didn't Pinky say he was big again 

He done lost all that weight again

How is this not season 41?!?! This cast makes no sense at all.

I've always loved Nany, but if I got her on all stars I wanted to see her interact with the people from when she first got in the show and before - not the crowd she literally did a bunch of seasons with recently. all stars 1-4 were such fun days when the cast was dropped on here - this is just miserable and keeps feeling like one giant slap in the face after another 

Oh never mind he's taking this season looks like he got even stronger 
If we get a repeat of Double Agents I'll scream 

Cozempic Tamburello didn't need to do two back to back seasons. 

Pictures can be deceiving 

And Sadness also. Shes miserable all the time, just moody and sad constantly. Shes lost all the spark

Waiting for the Jonna & Kellyanne reveal Smile

Naneigh, Big T, Melissa, Corey, Leroy, and Fessy are gonna run this season sigh

welp i was gonna say leroy has a great chance to win just for ct to pop up too.... rip forever a loser Sad

I'm excited to see Nany. She's up there with Cara as one of the main female faces of the Challenge. I wouldn't mind rooting for her to win if Nany is actually coming to work hard and doesn't expect Leroy to literally carry her on his back to the final. 

all of the listed people so far seem like they're gonna be in one large alliance

Jordan is very likely not on but doesnt matter that male title will be rotated to either ct or bananas like it has been for the past 15 years lmao and these guys will play dumb like always lol.

Is CT fat or in shape. 

Who hates their kid more. Him or Jonna? 

I think it's a tie.

**** OFF CT


This is not an All Stars cast... smh

I probably won't be watching this season, but I can imagine it's a way for production to show us that these main show cast members are "actually" fun people with personality since AS has that old school, fun vibe to it still. Then again, if they want to cast all these folks who are on the main show, I imagine the season might take the more "serious" approach that the main show has had for far too long. 

The Challenge is not a "sport," it's a reality show. Imagine if the NFL or NBA just had its teams playing on moving semis or suspended over water... that shit wouldn't be considered sports at that point.

They better let them have unlimited alcohol and let them have more fun than season 40

all of the listed people so far seem like they're gonna be in one large alliance

it all depends on what this format looking like 

They better let them have unlimited alcohol and let them have more fun than season 40

who is that man in your profile picture for research purposes Smile

Omg what if they try to pair camila with leroy 

Only reason Leroy keep accepting these calls is because he's using that appearance check to help fund that wedding I understand his decision but i wish it was Kam instead of him fighting for the family 

nvm CT winning lol

Only reason Leroy keep accepting these calls is because he's using that appearance check to help fund that wedding I understand his decision but i wish it was Kam instead of him fighting for the family 


she not gone be on no time soon

so CT is with Big T? lol

CT - Tula

Corey - Melissa

Faysal - Amber 

Nany ? Leroy ? 
